Nightcrawler (2014)


Molten Core Raider
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Nightcrawler (2014)

Tagline: The city shines brightest at night

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director: Dan Gilroy

Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, Bill Paxton, Kevin Rahm, Michael Hyatt, Price Carson, Kent Shocknek, Sharon Tay, Ann Cusack, Carolyn Gilroy, Marco Rodríguez, Michael Papajohn, Jonny Coyne, Rick Chambers, Pat Harvey, Rick Garcia, James Huang, Leah Fredkin, Bill Seward, Holly Hannula, Nick Chacon, Kevin Dunigan, Alex Ortiz, Eric Lange, Kiff VandenHeuvel, Christina De Leon, Jamie McShane, Dig Wayne, Merritt Bailey, Juan Fernandez, Lisa Remillard, Manuel Lujan, Christopher Wolfe, Austin Raishbrook, Marc Raishbrook, Dale Shane, Kathleen York

Release: 2014-10-23

Runtime: 118

Plot: When Lou Bloom, desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.



<Gold Donor>
Jake Gyllenhaal has become one of my favorite actors.
I'll admit he was pretty damn good in Prisoners, but I can't stand him. I'll also admit that almost wholly stems from Donnie Darko, which I hated (yes, I know, everyone else loved it). But he always has that same goddamn look on his face no matter what emotion he's portraying, and Donnie Darko has ruined it, so I'll never like him beyond a grudging respect for something like Prisoners.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Saw the trailer at the theater today. Not sure if I will see it at a theater, will definitely check it out on DVD/Streaming though.


<Gold Donor>
Screeners out for a few days now. Solid film, Jake Gyllenhaal did a great job of making me hate his character and I think this movie deserves the attention it's getting.
I knew little about the movie before watching and wasn't sure what to expect but it's very much a Jake vehicle - Rene Russo and Bill Paxton's characters exist only to highlight how he messes with people.
This is a different psycho to Patrick Bateman but equally as creepy. He's a depraved fuck who will do anything to get ahead, and it makes for sick and sometimes funny viewing.
Will be good to watch this again on Blu Ray without the giant writing.


Musty Nester
Jake Gyllenhall seems to be making some quality movies.

I also like the way he interviews. His sister goes over the top art fag about ACT!ing. Jake has a little bit of that in him but then he'll be consciously self aware enough to go, "Well, I mean, you know... it's a thing." Which seems about how it should be. A good actor should have a little bit of that in them. They should be somewhat stupified by the process, but at the same time comfortable with it.

Will watch this one.


Millie's Staff Member
fucking outstanding film, i saw the red letter guys raving about this movie and figured i would give it a go. was not disappointed in the least. easily the best drama i have seen this year so far. this may change when the oscar bait films come out in a few weeks, but right now this is tops. god that dude made me hate him so much.if i had to say what movie this reminded me of , i would say this was kind of the idea of Mother Juggs and Speed, starring Larry Hagman, Raquel Welch and Bill Cosby. a gypsy ambulance company poaches sick people from the regular EMS, it had a lot of the same elements including a scene of the guys fucking with the competing ambulance company.


Murder Apologist

It pretty much does in two hours what Aaron sorkin failed to do in thirty hours of Newsroom.


Great movie. Jake Gyllenhall is starting to really earn my respect as an awesome actor. If you enjoyed this watch Enemy. It's different but I enjoyed it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
cant wait for his movie southpaw. its getting dumb how much actors change their bodies for movies though
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database