No better shows have ever existed than Seinfeld or X-files.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No love for Boardwalk Empire?

Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever but Boardwalk beats X-Files
I agree about Seinfeld, but I think if Boardwalk beats X-Files, doesn't Sopranos beat Boardwalk? Never watched the Wire so I can't compare and while I think Breaking Bad is good, I don't think it's better (as a whole) than Sopranos.


<Bronze Donator>
Longevity has to count for something. That's part of the reason these two shows deserve to be in this discussion. The last two seasons for X-Files were a let down but I didn't think they were horrible (except how it ended). Season 1 of Seinfeld shows the actors still learning their characters, but both series have 7+ seasons of ace television. Maybe Boardwalk Empire gets there (I think it's the best show on TV right now so it certainly could) but I'm not going to give it that nod after just 3 seasons (and personally only 2 of which I thought were exceptional).


Millie's Staff Member
TV shows that last more than 5 seasons usually means its a good show. TV shows that are still providing fresh and entertaining TV after 5 seasons are usually the great ones. TV shows usually die by the time they reach their fifth season even though they still keep getting greenlit for new seasons because they have nothing to replace it and its still got a core audience to draw in ad revenue


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Well, I can't stop now.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Longevity has to count for something. That's part of the reason these two shows deserve to be in this discussion. The last two seasons for X-Files were a let down but I didn't think they were horrible (except how it ended). Season 1 of Seinfeld shows the actors still learning their characters, but both series have 7+ seasons of ace television.
I can agree with this in regards to the X-Files. I think that Doggett was a really good character to take over the torch but i really disliked the Monica Reyes character with all the new-agey stuff and the Super Soldiers arc that was created to take over the Alien Invasion mytharc wasn't exactly that great either.

Usually, I just pretend that the show ended midway through Season 8 and the finale never happened. Fucking ghosts showing you how to escape... fuck you Chris Carter


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So this thread sums up some stuff :

-Seinfeldis awesome though almost everyone hates Jerry Seinfeld as a human being, mostly because he's not funny at all, wears silly jeans and ugly sport shoes. People prefer Larry David, Seinfeld's showrunner, doing Seinfeld without Seinfeld.
-The Wireis the best tv show ever but when people watched season 2 they were so mad about polaks boogaloo they got back to their NCIS / L&O patterns. Re-Elect Frank Sobotka. They're not even Greeks after all.
-Breaking Badis shit because people mainly disagree with Walter White's choice cooking meth to provide for his family. They'd do better. It's about colors and minerals, anyway. Also foreshadowing becoming a mental disease.
-X-Filesis awesome despite David Duchovny left the show. Or because. Who knows, they all had silly haircuts and Chris Carter only cared about season premieres / finales and spinoffs. Aliens ?
- Nobody understoodLOST's smart and edgy finale and thus is not qualified to provide any objective critic whatsoever (not penny's boat, giant statue, Walt, magic etc). I guess we really have to go back.
-Family Guyis the best cartoon show ever because it's Simpsons 2.0 with better writing and lol look at that .gif lol it's some talking ostrich it's so funny and deep and makes accounts for everything also guest voices.
- Most people discoveredSerenityis a movie about stuff coming right after some obscur and pointless axed FOX sci-fi tv show. Western live Cowboy Bebop ? Bah, too much romance and CGI.
-Twin Peaksis a show written by that weird fuck involving weird people dealing with weird shit over weird music and shit. There's some weird midget at some point, maybe. Also silly haircuts, and possibly quality coffee.
-The West Wingis about government-appointed Ivy League jews dealing with US politics, US people don't give a fuck while rest of the world is still catching up on Wikipedia (filibuster, right ?).
-Arrested Developmentis pristine comedy show because forced tumblr .gif "I've made a huge mistake" are all around. It's worse than It's Always Sunny though because they sold their soul to Netflix.
-BSGis awesome because it's about good deeds humanity struggling against evil space robots. Well it's shit because finally it's all about Space Jesus punishing humans for evolution, also they were our Neanderthaleans.
-The Sopranosis the best tv show ever because even though The Wire is the best show ever the Sopranos did more awards and ratings, that's some heavy proof right ? Also the finale isn't clear enough, did he die or not ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So this thread sums up some stuff :

-Seinfeldis awesome though almost everyone hates Jerry Seinfeld as a human being, mostly because he's not funny at all, wears silly jeans and ugly sport shoes. People prefer Larry David, Seinfeld's showrunner, doing Seinfeld without Seinfeld.
-The Wireis the best tv show ever but when people watched season 2 they were so mad about polaks boogaloo they got back to their NCIS / L&O patterns. Re-Elect Frank Sobotka. They're not even Greeks after all.
-Breaking Badis shit because people mainly disagree with Walter White's choice cooking meth to provide for his family. They'd do better. It's about colors and minerals, anyway. Also foreshadowing becoming a mental disease.
-X-Filesis awesome despite David Duchovny left the show. Or because. Who knows, they all had silly haircuts and Chris Carter only cared about season premieres / finales and spinoffs. Aliens ?
- Nobody understoodLOST's smart and edgy finale and thus is not qualified to provide any objective critic whatsoever (not penny's boat, giant statue, Walt, magic etc). I guess we really have to go back.
-Family Guyis the best cartoon show ever because it's Simpsons 2.0 with better writing and lol look at that .gif lol it's some talking ostrich it's so funny and deep and makes accounts for everything also guest voices.
- Most people discoveredSerenityis a movie about stuff coming right after some obscur and pointless axed FOX sci-fi tv show. Western live Cowboy Bebop ? Bah, too much romance and CGI.
-Twin Peaksis a show written by that weird fuck involving weird people dealing with weird shit over weird music and shit. There's some weird midget at some point, maybe. Also silly haircuts, and possibly quality coffee.
-The West Wingis about government-appointed Ivy League jews dealing with US politics, US people don't give a fuck while rest of the world is still catching up on Wikipedia (filibuster, right ?).
-Arrested Developmentis pristine comedy show because forced tumblr .gif "I've made a huge mistake" are all around. It's worse than It's Always Sunny though because they sold their soul to Netflix.
-BSGis awesome because it's about good deeds humanity struggling against evil space robots. Well it's shit because finally it's all about Space Jesus punishing humans for evolution, also they were our Neanderthaleans.
-The Sopranosis the best tv show ever because even though The Wire is the best show ever the Sopranos did more awards and ratings, that's some heavy proof right ? Also the finale isn't clear enough, did he die or not ?
Nah bro.

Not everyone on the West Wing was a jew.

Lost Ranger_sl

Was Firefly really that good, or was Malcolm Reynolds just the best character ever?
Nathan Fillion is the only reason that show/movie were worth watching imo. Mal was a fun character, and I have always liked Nathan as a actor. There is no question that he moved on to better stuff with Castle though. Castle >>>>>>>>>> Firefly/Serenity and I'm glad he finally got a successful show.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
not trolling but probably i'll get negs for this post....ah fuck it!
i really REALLY don't understand why so many people like or even love Seinfeld.i tried,i really did, to watch a full episode and never saw more than 10 minutes.did not laugh,not even a's so unfunny.the only character that could have some potential is Kramer (due to his craziness).
maybe i saw the wrong episodes and in the future i will like the show.i'm saying this because in the past i thought TBBT was also unfunny but now i can watch a full episode and have a laugh.
Curb your enthusiasm and Scrubs are my favourite comedy shows.

about x-files,don't even compare to Lost,that show sucks was going great till the 3rd season came out.what a letdown imo
when i was a kid,some x-files episodes really scared the shit out of me but i still enjoyed it.unfortunately never saw the whole show and some parts of the story i just don't remember.i have to watch the whole series so i can say more about it.

for me the best show is The Wire (by far).Boardwalk Empire is great,just like Dexter (but only seasons 1-4).


The Big Bang Theory is so lame that they didn't even give Penny a last name. The show became even more intolerable when they made the autistic dude the focus.


Musty Nester
Chandler Bing got pretty damn funny in the back half of the show and Phoebe's songs were funny twords the middle of the run.

Such classics as, "Smelly cat, smelly cat, what have they been feeding you?"
or... "Little black hair, little black hair." A blonde woman singing a song about her pubes is just good television.

Friends wasn't the best thing ever, but it wasn't so horrible. It had some redeeming features. Those two characters were solid. Otherwise Ross was just horrible, Jennifer Aniston was poor JAP, Courtney Cox was neurotic, Joey was dumb. You'd have to say it was above average for a sitcom.

Edit: It came through on the strength of the ensemble, not so much the writing. Those actors did work well together.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The Big Bang Theory is so lame that they didn't even give Penny a last name. The show became even more intolerable when they made the autistic dude the focus.
penny is not there to have a last name,just to show her boobs ahah
not saying TBBT is one of the best comedy shows ever but still prefer to seinfeld any day...


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
In light of recent posts I'd just like to reiterate my point that people who don't like Seinfeld are stupid.


Musty Nester
I'll give Seinfeld that. At least he spread the shit evenly.

FRIENDS was racist propaganda if you think about it. The two that weren't vaguely jewish were "cute but dumb"?

That is not FRIENDLY at all! Not even a little bit!