No better shows have ever existed than Seinfeld or X-files.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think every one has to love Seinfeld, or even that people who don't are idiots. But if you think that fucking turd Big Bang Theory is better in any way you are a God-damned idiot.


Registered Hutt
I really enjoyed the beginning of HIMYM, but I haven't watched the last...three? seasons because anytime I try it's just annoying. Seinfeld was 99% win.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'll give Seinfeld that. At least he spread the shit evenly.

FRIENDS was racist propaganda if you think about it. The two that weren't vaguely jewish were "cute but dumb"?

That is not FRIENDLY at all! Not even a little bit!
Friends was,is and will always be pure shit.
HIMYM only the first 4 or 5 seasons are good,i still don't know what the writers were smoking after that.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
TBBT is the stupidest paint-by-numbers sitcom made in the last decade. Another Chuck Lorre shitpile.

All the characters are laughably two dimensional. Everyone plays a stupid stereotype like its The 70s Show. You got the Nerd Nerd, The Foreign Nerd, The Nerd Who Thinks He Is Ladies Man and the Normal Nerd and of course the super hot next door neighbor with whom they can have hilarious hijinks and misunderstandings. Fuck this dumb show right in the ass.

Then you have the plots, which look like they have been scribbled together on a napkin in the last 5 minutes of a 4 Martini lunch. And the never ending Star Trek references and cameos (hey guess what, other people like ST too! And a lot of nerds dont like ST!). And the fucking hamfisted cameos by the "Ambassador of Nerds", a guy who has made a career out of being a despised loser: Wil Wheaton.

If you like this show, you are stupider than a Wookie. Haha, see what I did there? Fuck you.


Buzzfeed Editor
TBBT pretty much derives all of it's laughs from stereotypical gender reversal. Think of the guys in the show as women, and the women as men, and you'll see how shallow the jokes are. It's essentially a way to laugh at stereotypical female qualities in TV shows (Women are smarter, neater, more organized but of course ditzy, weak, clingy, emotionally insecure and indecisive blah, blah, blah), without upsetting the feminists.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
ahah i feel the hate.never said TBBT is great or that i like it but i still can laugh.
with seinfeld,it's impossible.

and araysar,you like prometheus and you said avp is not that don't say anything about who is stupid and who isn't.


Registered Hutt
I cannot accept that he wasn't trolling about Prometheus. That movie is weaksauce on film.


Musty Nester
For a movie titled Alien Versus Predator i'm not sure what level of cinematic excellence and insightful storytelling it is that you were expecting. AVP was pretty good. You saw xenomorphs didn't you? You saw predators didn't you? They fight, don't they? Humans have to avoid being eaten, right? They made no bones about it. They told you right there in the title, "This movie is going to be crazy dumb, yall". They delivered.

A+ to AVP. It is a solid Godzilla movie.

For TBBT, the thing that gets me about that show isn't the lazy jokes or the mildly offensive sterotypes. It's just looking at that show. Look at the screen sometime (IF YOU DARE). Every scene of that show is cartoonish. It looks like Jackson Pollock jizzed all over the set. For some reason the visual garishness offends me more than the script. I guess I don't expect much from the script. But their set and costume people... it's like they went to clown college. Or it's like they realize how awful the show really is and just don't give a fuck.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
AVP didnt pretend to be anything more than it was, just a straight up fun slugfest between Aliens and Predators with humans caught in the middle. You had cool fights, you had some suspense and you had a pretty cool final battle.

On the other hand, AVP: Requiem was a disaster exactly because it deviated from that formula and tried to inject some retarded love triangle angle, plus a reformed man coming home angle.

TBBT's visual garishness also offends me. Everything is in such bright colors: clothing, furniture, lighting.

The Ancient_sl

I'll give Seinfeld that. At least he spread the shit evenly.

FRIENDS was racist propaganda if you think about it. The two that weren't vaguely jewish were "cute but dumb"?

That is not FRIENDLY at all! Not even a little bit!
You got it backwards dude. The two Jewish siblings and the JAP on the show were the most selfish self serving individuals. Joey and Phoebe were the ones watchers actually admired.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
One thing I like about simple, shallow comedies like The Big Bang Theory is that you don't need any knowledge of the show or characters to enjoy it. I've never really watched it on a regular basis, but I'll often turn on TBS while cooking/cleaning and it's something that you can chuckle at without having seen the previous episodes or understand the (shallow) relationships of the characters. It's basically fast food television.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
For a movie titled Alien Versus Predator i'm not sure what level of cinematic excellence and insightful storytelling it is that you were expecting. AVP was pretty good. You saw xenomorphs didn't you? You saw predators didn't you? They fight, don't they? Humans have to avoid being eaten, right? They made no bones about it. They told you right there in the title, "This movie is going to be crazy dumb, yall". They delivered.

A+ to AVP. It is a solid Godzilla movie.
Good god Iannis,you too?!
if you think that a movie directed by Paul "i like to fuck franchises" Anderson is anything above mediocre....
the story sucks,the action sucks,the characters sucks,those xenos sucks,those predators sucks,'s an abomination.

but let's end the OT.
@McCheese:that is what i think about TBBT.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Predator 2 was a better predator movie than AVP. Yeah, I said it.
hell yeah

PS:i know this "jiff" is from predator 1

Lost Ranger_sl

TBBT is the stupidest paint-by-numbers sitcom made in the last decade. Another Chuck Lorre shitpile.

All the characters are laughably two dimensional. Everyone plays a stupid stereotype like its The 70s Show. You got the Nerd Nerd, The Foreign Nerd, The Nerd Who Thinks He Is Ladies Man and the Normal Nerd and of course the super hot next door neighbor with whom they can have hilarious hijinks and misunderstandings. Fuck this dumb show right in the ass.

Then you have the plots, which look like they have been scribbled together on a napkin in the last 5 minutes of a 4 Martini lunch. And the never ending Star Trek references and cameos (hey guess what, other people like ST too! And a lot of nerds dont like ST!). And the fucking hamfisted cameos by the "Ambassador of Nerds", a guy who has made a career out of being a despised loser: Wil Wheaton.

If you like this show, you are stupider than a Wookie. Haha, see what I did there? Fuck you.
For a guy who seems to despise the show so much you sure do seem to have watched a ton of it.

Lost Ranger_sl

Ive seen 4-5 episodes. I gave it a fair chance.
If I'm being honest I guess I can't say that I did the same with Seinfeld. Maybe I should just ask the fans. Is every episode basically Jerry's stand-up in sitcom format? If so then I made the right call in never bothering with the show. If not then maybe I should just suck it up and try the first season.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If I'm being honest I guess I can't say that I did the same with Seinfeld. Maybe I should just ask the fans. Is every episode basically Jerry's stand-up in sitcom format? If so then I made the right call in never bothering with the show. If not then maybe I should just suck it up and try the first season.
I would avoid the first 2 seasons as the show is still getting its legs. 3rd season all the way through Series Finale is gold, jerry, gold!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Is every episode basically Jerry's stand-up in sitcom format?
Aside from some really early episodes, I would never classify the show as Seinfeld's standup in Sitcom format.

Seinfeld's standup sucks, Seinfeld The Show is phenomenal.


Millie's Staff Member
Seinfeld first few seasons are skippable but you definitely can pick any episode after that and laugh your ass off. Though their final season isnt great.

The only really bad predator film is Predators. The otherd are all enteratining though some are flawed.