[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


Buzzfeed Editor
/yawn my nickname for american graffiti is Bridge much like your un-clever nickname for THX as THC equating it to a drug film. That is slang for graffiti in tagging because of the popularity of graffiti on american bridges
Even Bondurant can put that together, sorry if everything needs to be spelled out for you like a child. I can see why these movies aren't your cup of tea.
What the fuck? Who knows this shit? Are you like the world's first American Graffiti hipster? Yes, people generally need you to use the actual name of the fucking movie in order to understand which movie you are talking about, rather than some shit you just made up.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Anyone concerned about John Williams? I know he's doing ep7 but the guy is 81 and could bite the dust anyday now. Of all the shit the prequels did wrong, the score certainly was not one of them. Totally matched the original score. The March of the Jedi Temple being my personal favourite. Is he irreplaceable!?


What the fuck? Who knows this shit? Are you like the world's first American Graffiti hipster? Yes, people generally need you to use the actual name of the fucking movie in order to understand which movie you are talking about, rather than some shit you just made up.
Yeah dumb people, hes made exactly 3 movies in his youth. Use process of elimination if you can't figure it out.


Anyone concerned about John Williams? I know he's doing ep7 but the guy is 81 and could bite the dust anyday now. Of all the shit the prequels did wrong, the score certainly was not one of them. Totally matched the original score. The March of the Jedi Temple being my personal favourite. Is he irreplaceable!?
John Williams is a prolific composer, his body of work is pretty substantial and he definitely has a distinct style. It would blow if he couldn't finish scoring the movies, but I think anyone looking to finish for him has plenty of his work to draw from.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah dumb people, hes made exactly 3 movies in his youth. Use process of elimination if you can't figure it out.
Does "dumb people" include people who make up random words to call well known works by and then use these secret code words in normal conversation with other people and provide no context and act like they are the jackasses instead of you? Do you have aspergers?


Does "dumb people" include people who make up random words to call well known works by and then use these secret code words in normal conversation with other people and provide no context and act like they are the jackasses instead of you? Do you have aspergers?
I would say dumb people includes you ,and whoever spawned you. Are you satisfied now old man?

There is plenty of context if you get your head out of your ass. The post before it I call it by it's rightful name...

Like I said the man had 3 movies in his youth, and I decided to call one by slang.If I was to call THX to THC would that also throw you off gramps?
We can't help you are old as fuck

Now will you stop derailing this thread asshole? You are a fucking mod. You purposely made that post to stir up shit. A conversation that was dead awhile ago. You didn't even mention any of the conversation we were having, or had an opinion either way.


So you are going to just continue to derail this correct, so one of your little buddies can report one of my posts, and then you nerds can get to get together to vote me to RR.

This is our Mod folks.


Buzzfeed Editor
You are welcome to discuss James Cameron with everyone else in the Star Wars thread. I just worry about undiagnosed mental illness.


And you feel free to actually get on fucking topic instead of boring these people with your obsession with me.

If you have such a dire need of my attention then go to my Complaint thread...


Still a Music Elitist
You're the one off topic here, Column. George Lucas doesn't have much to do with this film. And those other Lucas movies especially have nothing to do with this.

Calling it "Bridge" is an extreme jump in nickname for a movie. It's silly to assume everyone should make that connection. American Graffiti hipster indeed. Searching Google for "george lucas bridge" doesn't even come up with a single American Graffiti result. That's hipster as fuck. Even Google hasn't heard of it.


You're the one off topic here, Column. George Lucas doesn't have much to do with this film. And those other Lucas movies especially have nothing to do with this.

Calling it "Bridge" is an extreme jump in nickname for a movie. It's silly to assume everyone should make that connection. American Graffiti hipster indeed. Searching Google for "george lucas bridge" doesn't even come up with a single American Graffiti result. That's hipster as fuck. Even Google hasn't heard of it.
We were perfectly on topic if you would bother to even read the thread. Also George is a consultant on the new films.

My comment was the new director after Abrams has never done a large ensemble cast before, and Lucas had before Star wars. Which then caused someone to post that Lucas had no Director skills at all so none of that shouldn't matter.

This whole thing with Chaos coming in a day later after the dust is settled to work me up again is the definition of trolling. He doesn't even bother to state his opinion either way on any topic even remotely tied to this thread. He is so focused in on me.

Even the dude that stated he follows me around in threads has quit

haha alright I'm going to quit trolling in this thread. What other threads does Column post in so I can go there and get these spergy walls of text?


Buzzfeed Editor
I am focused on the weird ass nickname you came up with for a movie and expected everyone to just know. A movie that actually already had a title. Who the fuck nicknames movies?


I am focused on the weird ass nickname you came up with for a movie and expected everyone to just know. A movie that actually already had a title. Who the fuck nicknames movies?
So what you are admitting here is you have an obsession with me. You purposely broke this thread up to get my answer on that.
There is a PM system, Use it instead of wasting everyone else's time on your weird hangups.

The person I was having the original debate with knew exactly what I was talking about as evidenced in this post.


What a fucking terrible moderator.


2 Minutes Hate
Hahah Column gave a movie a nickname so he could sound hipster trendy. Wait is this the Film forum or the Movie forum?


So the argument has gone thusly:
1. Lucas is called out for being a hack by random forum member
2. Column asserts he is a film expert and white knights the defenseless billionaire
3. the rest of us don't give a fuck
4. Column spews ad hominem bullshit.

I've learned so much about star wars episode vii...