[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


You mean this statement where you imply that the orginal star wars didnt fall to cheap film making gimmicks?

Shaky cams and split second jump cuts are absolutely overused gimmicks, and the original Star Wars trilogy would not have been as good if those cheap techniques were used back then.
Which I came back with they over used screen wipes the absolute epitome of the laziest cut in film. At that point you raged on like a retard.

Making brash statements like this gem, and over using the word "cosmetic" like a gimmick. ;}

Transitions mean jack and shit to the people who watch movies.


Screen wipes are 100% cosmetic and mean nothing.
Screen wipes... especially in Star Wars... do have a meaning. In Star Wars they were used as a homage to an older era of television and film, like Akira Kurosawa and Flash Gordon. I'm pretty sure there are interviews with George Lucas talking about this. Wipes give you a sense of "page turning" as if you were reading a book. It's not just cosmetic. Like all these other things, it's a technique in editing that can either be successful, misused, or overused. Just like "shaky cam" is a technique in cinematography. You claim it to be a cheesy and cheap effect by nature, if so, why don't you go ahead and stabilize a movie like Saving Private Ryan or avoid camera spinning on a movie like Inception or Gravity. I'm sure they will look wonderful.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You mean this statement where you imply that the orginal star wars didnt fall to cheap film making gimmicks?

Which I came back with they over used screen wipes the absolute epitome of the laziest cut in film. At that point you raged on like a retard.

Making brash statements like this gem, and over using the word "cosmetic" like a gimmick. ;}
I said exactly what I meant, and you chose to jump to some kind of retarded conclusion. I implied nothing that I did not say, and your inference is far beyond stupid.

People who watch movies don't even know what the fuck a wipe is. Are you going to tell me that when they see a wipe people will automatically assume the exact same thing about what it means? If you think that any transition in and of itself has a meaning, then you're straight up retarded. Shaky cam means that some kind of crazy hectic shit is going down. Spinny cam means that the Millennium Falcon is flying in circles. A wipe means nothing.


The fact is a storyteller has everything at his disposal. In essence there are no cheap gimmicks if it forwards the story, and you can draw the emotion out of a crowd you intended to.

Anything can become lazy when it's done poorly, and used as a gimmick versus intelligently planing it out. Has JJ done it before in some films? yes, but he is way better now imo then he was 5 years ago.

The Falcon scene at the end of the trailer transitions from a dark screen with the words " and the light" to a booming score of the original Star Wars music with the Falcon flying up to the heavens, and back down to an unknown planet where they are pursued by tie fighters.

It's a very uplifting scene, and is also very nostalgic for long time Star Wars Fans to know this is a continuation of a story they thought would never happen.

It works, so the Editor succeeded no matter how he got there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sure, keep on moving those goal posts. I'm glad you feel good about "winning" this one.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm sorry, I usually don't directly engage mentally challenged people. He's going two or three levels of retardation beyond what I'm capable of handling gracefully. My head is still spinning trying to figure out how the fuck he leapt so some of those conclusions. I shouldn't have let it get that far out of hand.


People who watch movies don't even know what the fuck a wipe is. Are you going to tell me that when they see a wipe people will automatically assume the exact same thing about what it means? If you think that any transition in and of itself has a meaning, then you're straight up retarded.
fuck me...


Avatar of War Slayer
You mean like screen wipes?? the most over used film transition until the last 30 years when Flilmakers were like this is retarded as all hell.

If anything over used gimmicky shots, and transitions are a staple of Star Wars..
ok. this is what that lol of the last few pages was about? reading backwards watching Melvin pour spaghetti overhimself is so sad..

going back to the original statement. he has a point, and I think even he missed it? As he went off and started saying some really dumb shit.
I'm not going to lie, I almost commented on the shakey cam in my first post.

The screen wipes were silly, and a pretty much dead technique these days due to how cheesy they are. But, as you say, they were done intentionally, like many other aspects of the trilogies movie making to harken back to that serial era.
Shakey cam, etc is NOT from that era. imagine they stuck a Matrix freeze frame screen rotation in there for a jedi blocking blaster shots or whatever. Cheesy as hell. and overused. but since its from the wrong time period, I bet every one of you, me included would kindof hate it.


Shakey cam, etc is NOT from that era. imagine they stuck a Matrix freeze frame screen rotation in there for a jedi blocking blaster shots or whatever. Cheesy as hell. and overused. but since its from the wrong time period, I bet every one of you, me included would kindof hate it.
I don't disagree with you, bullet time would most likely be completely out of place in Star Wars, but shaky cam, I suppose we'll see, it's hard to argue about that right now. However I will mention that shaky cam or "handheld" technic was already prominent since the 1960s by directors like John Cassavetes. You can even see some hand held style in Dr. Strangelove, and a more shaky style in Battle Royale which I believe it's from the early 70s.


Karazhan Raider
It amazes me what petty bullshit people choose to get upset or bent out of shape about. Screen wipes? Turning camera angles? A new lightsaber?

This film is not going to look or feel like Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope. Its not going to give you the same since of awe and wonder. You know why? Because this is not 19 fucking 77 and you are not 6 years old any more. Movie making and movie technology has come a long way since then. You as a movie goer have astronomically more experience with movies. Star Wars was revolutionary in its day, and to a young kid without much experience, it was even more amazing. People simply have to realize, you CAN NOT relive the same experience from the original trilogy.

On the other hand, you can still have a great experience with it. I'm more concerned about having a coherent/thought provoking story line with a good mix of action and adventure and without gaping plot holes. Maybe even with a few good story twists and turns. Strong characters who know how to act and are provided with good dialog. Give me all of that and I will be happy.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
This film is not going to look or feel like Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope. Its not going to give you the same since of awe and wonder. You know why? Because this is not 19 fucking 77 and you are not 6 years old any more. Movie making and movie technology has come a long way since then. You as a movie goer have astronomically more experience with movies. Star Wars was revolutionary in its day, and to a young kid without much experience, it was even more amazing. People simply have to realize, you CAN NOT relive the same experience from the original trilogy.
So, so much this. The Matrix is the closest (LotR a very close step behind) a movie has brought me to an "awe-inspiring" experience in my "adult" life. All of its sequels and the subsequent movies that used bullet-time just never evoked those same feelings. Nostalgia is a powerful bitch, but people seriously need to let things go and enjoynewexperiences.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'll take the negs I get, I don't care, but I recently rewatched Episode IV and really, if they made a movie just like that today it would suck balls. Which, I think, is natural. Film is a progressive medium, which I think is why older movies become less appealing to us. Generations of film are meant to build off of what came before. When I was a kid and saw Star Wars I felt like my face was melting off. Today? I found myself checking my phone and shit, it is slow and the action is corny. But it is a classic so it gets a pass, of course. Nostalgia colors the way we view it.

When I see the new Star Wars i don't expect to see a retread of that. The atmosphere, the optimism, whatever you want to call it, yes I expect to see that. Or I hope to. But I want to see something new above all else.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
LOL, you are just making up words now. Cosmetic transition? everything is visual... The audience does not have to know what a transition is to feel the impact of it.

You lost the argument just move on.

Also I welcome you to watch what most american editors right now feel is the king of the transitional edit in 2014

get that weaboo bullshit outa here

The Ancient_sl

I'll take the negs I get, I don't care, but I recently rewatched Episode IV and really, if they made a movie just like that today it would suck balls. Which, I think, is natural. Film is a progressive medium, which I think is why older movies become less appealing to us. Generations of film are meant to build off of what came before. When I was a kid and saw Star Wars I felt like my face was melting off. Today? I found myself checking my phone and shit, it is slow and the action is corny. But it is a classic so it gets a pass, of course. Nostalgia colors the way we view it.

When I see the new Star Wars i don't expect to see a retread of that. The atmosphere, the optimism, whatever you want to call it, yes I expect to see that. Or I hope to. But I want to see something new above all else.
I mean...the fact that you've already seen it 60 times might also flavor your experience in a different way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I remember rewatching IV for the first time in years and couldn't believe how slow and painful a majority of that movie felt. V is still amazing and one of the best movie ever made. VI also remains a lot of fun and very enjoyable.