NVidia GeForce RTX 40x0 cards - x2 the power consumption, x2 the performance


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Why does it need to hit Nvidia at the 4090 market? Who the fuck drops $1600 for a video card other than a small minority? They are hitting right where it hurts. You know how many more 3060s they sold rather than 3090s?

Steam Survey Oct 2022...

View attachment 441222

Only prob AMD has now is bad word of mouth. Rumors of bad software dating back like 10 yrs... THIS is what they need to overcome.
Except 900 and 1000 are still a lot of fucking money, These are not budget cards, not remotely comparable to a 3060, not sure where your analogy is going.

I think these are going to force Nvidia to lower the price of the 4080 in a few months, because that thing looks overpriced for the specs. Just napkin-mathing, the 7900 XTX should smoke the 4080 for 200 dollars less.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't game in 4k and don't have any intentions on doing so for another 5+ years, but I do want 150 steady FPS at 1440p under maximum settings and I'm fairly confident that either flavor of the 7900 will get that done.
You can already do this with a 3080ti for $899.


<Gold Donor>
My point was, misty, that the lower the price the more they will sell. Were all in a fucking bubble here of 30-50 yr olds with disposable income that can afford these cards. Average Joe and Nancy is not dropping $1000 on a card.

Only thing that Nvidia has got on AMD these days is name recognition. If you polled 10 people 9 would tell you that they want Nvidia card. And thats a problem for AMD.
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Vyemm Raider
4080 trade blows with 7900XTX?
No sir, in this situation the 7900XTX would be Tyson in his prime.


<Gold Donor>
Bummer, was hoping for a 4090 level raster card, those prices tell me they’re not close. AMD is just as greedy as anyone else and they’d absolutely price these closer if performance matched or closely mirrored Nvidia.

They do look like great alternatives to the retardedly priced 4080 16gb, though.

Maybe we get 7950XTX at $1300 next year.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Why does it need to hit Nvidia at the 4090 market? Who the fuck drops $1600 for a video card other than a small minority? They are hitting right where it hurts. You know how many more 3060s they sold rather than 3090s?

Steam Survey Oct 2022...

View attachment 441222

Only prob AMD has now is bad word of mouth. Rumors of bad software dating back like 10 yrs... THIS is what they need to overcome.

I was hoping they would put enough pressure on the 4080/4090 to drop the prices of the whole range down several hundred dollars and you'd start seeing higher performance in the mid range at bargin prices. Chiplets on paper looked like a good way to hit the performance ball park with a 20-30% drop in BOM but it just hasn't panned out. AMD looks to be pricing these exactly where they perform in comparison to the 4000 series which means these prices are here to stay, but I'll be happy if I'm wrong.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was hoping they would put enough pressure on the 4080/4090 to drop the prices of the whole range down several hundred dollars...

And I thought I dreamed big.

I can easily see pressure on the 4080. No reason to pressure the 4090, its a small market. The top end is just flashy, and makes good dramatic productions and numbers when going all out, but the % of people buying them is very small.

Last generation was just lightning in a bottle with mining, in the sense of demand.


How are we even talking about things trading blows when we have neither of these things in actual reviewer hands?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Looks like I spoke too soon, LTT seems optimistic that it's within spitting distance of a 4090.



<Gold Donor>
Wonder if the xtx was priced down a bit last minute. At these prices only a dumb ass is buying the 7900xt to save $100.
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<Gold Donor>

ItS JuST thE ADaPtErS. Lol what a mess, is it the actual 12v connection then? I suspect there will be a few melts with the cablemod cables, too.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
AMD is alluding to the 7950 with their naming, so I feel like they're holding back something for when Nvidia inevitably does their "Super" "Ti" "#5" bullshit.

Regardless of the 4090 and the 7900's comparison, both of these fucking cards are being compared against each other in fucking 8K. Who the fuck is playing in 8k right now? (How many times when we were at 1080 did we say we wouldnt game at 4k and.. here we are touting 8K numbers on the newest shiny.) RTX is great, but the software comparables make the difference almost indistinguishable. The money just isnt worth it for a 4090. The problems that people are having with the 4090 just isnt worth it, either. The problem with AMD though, is that it fails to keep up, software-wise, with Nvidia - who is putting out a fucking patch all the fucking time (hate that shit.)

Ill say it again, I wouldnt touch either card until the comparable TI / Super / #5 comes out. These companies are fighting each other right now, which is great, but the side effects are only fucking the consumers.


My video card drivers at the moment...


If it ain't broke, don't update it.


<Silver Donator>
My video card drivers at the moment...

View attachment 441289

If it ain't broke, don't update it.
I do the same, I usually update every now and then, when I'm inbetween games so there's no fuckery with what I'm playing at the moment. Since I don't buy games right when they release that often, having the lastest drivers usually doesn't do much for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
AMD is alluding to the 7950 with their naming, so I feel like they're holding back something for when Nvidia inevitably does their "Super" "Ti" "#5" bullshit.

Regardless of the 4090 and the 7900's comparison, both of these fucking cards are being compared against each other in fucking 8K. Who the fuck is playing in 8k right now? (How many times when we were at 1080 did we say we wouldnt game at 4k and.. here we are touting 8K numbers on the newest shiny.) RTX is great, but the software comparables make the difference almost indistinguishable. The money just isnt worth it for a 4090. The problems that people are having with the 4090 just isnt worth it, either. The problem with AMD though, is that it fails to keep up, software-wise, with Nvidia - who is putting out a fucking patch all the fucking time (hate that shit.)

Ill say it again, I wouldnt touch either card until the comparable TI / Super / #5 comes out. These companies are fighting each other right now, which is great, but the side effects are only fucking the consumers.

Watch that GN video, He goes into a long rant about their "marketing and using 8k". TLDR its all fake and just for show and talk.


<Gold Donor>
Nvidia drivers have been shitting the bed too a few releases now. Breaking certain games and shit.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Doesn't Samsung have an 8k Odyssey coming out in like January? So there will at least be some actual hardware to see how they do perform.


<Gold Donor>
That steam survey I linked a few pages back says like 65% of people still use 1080p and only like 13.5% are up to 2K... So yeah...


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I could give a fuck about what other people use ... so yeah
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