Okcupid Pick up line


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
If i told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
actually tried this at a club when i was drunk and a friend dared me to try it on some hot chicks at the bar. it worked. still not sure if they were drunker than me or what.
was this bar in Antonica or Odus?


Millie's Staff Member
either this happened in some sort of fantasy role playing game, or it didn't happen at all
it really happened, i must have said it the right way so it came off cute instead of creepy, cuz i came back with 2 chicks in my arms over to my friend who could only stare. after we left Birch Hill we ended up down in the back of a closed bank's parking lot in Mantoloking, banging these 2 broads. was a great night. vince neill was headlining and warrant opened for him. where else would you find chicks to fall for a corny line like that?


Tranny Chaser
it really happened, i must have said it the right way so it came off cute instead of creepy, cuz i came back with 2 chicks in my arms over to my friend who could only stare. after we left Birch Hill we ended up down in the back of a closed bank's parking lot in Mantoloking, banging these 2 broads. was a great night. vince neill was headlining and warrant opened for him. where else would you find chicks to fall for a corny line like that?


My experience has been that most girls just want to be the center of attention. Even a moderately decent looking guy has a good chance of getting past a bad pickup line and into a conversation that can end up in numbers or a "my place or yours" situation

Not sure why you're nut checking a guy on a gamer forum. Even if it didn't happen, why does it matter? It happens all the time for others.


Millie's Staff Member
ive been fairly candid about stories about myself. most of them are unflattering, dunno why people would doubt a story that i used a corny pickup line that actually worked. ive used oher pickup lines, once i told a chick i was in movies, i would mention obscure indie films that i had parts in. it worked for a while, but it didnt end up in sex.

the line i used above was a joke my friend and i had. i think its from a dr hook song we used to listen to in the car on the way to concerts. we were getting trashed and having a conversation about the song and i said. that line would work and my friend said no fucking way. i said sure it could. then he pointed at some chicks walking up to the bar and dared me to try it out. i was drunk enough to do just that. shit worked. dunno what else to say.
If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Dr Hook (The Real Love Songs) - YouTube

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
My experience has been that most girls just want to be the center of attention. Even a moderately decent looking guy has a good chance of getting past a bad pickup line and into a conversation that can end up in numbers or a "my place or yours" situation

Not sure why you're nut checking a guy on a gamer forum. Even if it didn't happen, why does it matter? It happens all the time for others.
normally we wouldnt question just everyone, but... this is astrocreep

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I feel mildy embarrassed for the OP. If his attempts at online dating are as ham fisted as his attempt to score some cheap pick-up lines then he probably hasn't had any free poontang in quite some time.
Then why arent you helping him? Wouldnt you want someone to help you out if you were on a 23 year dry streak?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Then why arent you helping him? Wouldnt you want someone to help you out if you were on a 23 year dry streak?
Because it's more fun to ridicule him? Seriously though, it's 2014, online dating has been a thing for twenty years now. The tiniest amount of googling or research would give him more crappy one-liner pickup lines than he could use in a year.

If you are on a 23 year dry streak the only thing that can help you out is a couple C-notes and backpage.com. You know this. I know this.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
my first pickup line was literally "You could suck my dick?". I don't know what was more surprising, that I actually said it, or that she actually just said "okay".

edit: I mean: The dog looked at me and 'woofed'.

same difference right?


Bronze Squire
Is that a keg in your pants? Cause I wanna tap that ass. Works every time with the wife.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
That's all the candy I have, I left the rest in the back of this van.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any pickup line will work if you deliver it with confidence and the girl has any inkling towards you. Even the corniest, cheesiest, craziest or classic lines will work. The biggest factor is learning (or drinking your way) towards confidence.

Usually practice from repeated failures works.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Maybe you should just try having a conversation with her instead of cheesy pick up lines, Leisure Suit Larry