Once Upon a Time


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Finally got around to watching the latest ep. For the most part I've enjoyed the first half of the season, it's good to see they're sticking to Regina's redemption instead of having her flip flop every week to create artificial drama, actually felt bad for her at the end there
On the other hand, the choreography and the special effects for the fight scene by the lake were atrocious. Still, all in all I'm looking forward to the next half of the season.




I started watching this show on Netflix a couple months back. Really really liked the twist on the fairytales they had going. Was wondering what season 2 would be like with the curse broken and I haven't been disappointed yet.

I think Mr. Gold is definitely one of my favorite characters. The layer upon layer of who, what and why all to be able to search for his son is awesome.

This show and Castle are really the only two I ever faithfully watch.


Golden Squire
I just don't like any of the good characters in it.

I like Gold.

I like Regina.

I can't stand Snow, Charming, Henry or the girl who was hot in house that now walks and talks like a card carrying bull-dyke.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been watching this, it is one of my wife's go to shows. It took me a while to get into, but I give anything Robert Carlyle is in a chance, now I really enjoy it especially the mr gold character. It was always kind of remenicent of lost was with each episode focusing on one characters past. I see it mainly as a well done mix of lost and the comic book fables.


<Gold Donor>
I'm not a fan of Snow either. She's clearly not ugly, but she just doesn't do it for me like Red does. And I'd take Regina over Snow any day.

I enjoy the show quite a bit for the different spin it puts on things. I shouldn't be watching it though, I should be saving it for some future girlfriend so we both have a show we like, because almost every girl I know eats this show up. The whole fairy tale thing I suppose.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I agree something about snow that doesn't do it for me, especially the current version with the short mom lesbian haircut. I do like her better in the past. The girl who plays Bell makes me sad toomaybe it is the darker hair but her face looks way fatter than when she was in lost.


Season one was ok, I had it on the DVR and watched 2 or 3 at a time. Hadn't had a chance to watch any of season two yet.

Honestly was always hoping for Vertigo's Fables to be picked up by HBO instead.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Catching up on the new eps, seriously, Regina went evil again? Just like that? What a copout.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Catching up on the new eps, seriously, Regina went evil again? Just like that? What a copout.
Regina is beginning to feel like Sylar fromHeroes. Though, I do tend to feel that that's why she and Gold are the most interesting characters on the show. There is a lot of explanation to their motivations, so you can understand why they go back and forth. The good characters are just so unfalteringly good that it makes them completely one-dimensional. I was happy when they toyed with the idea of Snow realizing she had to take some drastic actions to stop the conflict, but they seemed to have run that back as fast as they possibly could (within the same episode, even).


Hey the premiere wasn't total shit. I actually rather enjoyed it.

And what's up with the voodoo doll bringing The Lord of Darkness to tears? The plot thickens...


<Gold Donor>
The only part of the premiere that I enjoyed was Rumpelstiltskin being a badass. Which was then ruined by the aforementioned doll.

I know a ton of people seem to love Snow, but I've despised her since day one. She reminds me of a Pug, and she constantly looks like she's going to burst into tears. Emma was ok for most of it, but she's gotten a little too emo lately as well. Regina and Rumpel are the only ones I even bother to care about anymore.

The only thing that will make me jump up and cheer for this show anymore is if Rumpel rips Peter Pan a new asshole (metaphorically, not actually) and laughs maniacally while doing it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
$10 on a super dysfunctional marriage and a divorce within 2 years.

I'm still insanely jealous of the man.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else watch the pseudo-spin-offWonderlandlast night? Good god, that show has some of the shittiest CGI I've ever seen on television. I mean, we're talkingVlevel bad, exceptVhad the sense to write the show so it didn't need to be entirely filmed in front of a green screen. The last scene had Alice, the Knave, and the White Rabbit walking through some sort of forest and it literally looked like someone had one slide with them walking and another slide of the forest and just dragged one over the other to represent movement.


Anyone else watch the pseudo-spin-offWonderlandlast night? Good god, that show has some of the shittiest CGI I've ever seen on television. I mean, we're talkingVlevel bad, exceptVhad the sense to write the show so it didn't need to be entirely filmed in front of a green screen. The last scene had Alice, the Knave, and the White Rabbit walking through some sort of forest and it literally looked like someone had one slide with them walking and another slide of the forest and just dragged one over the other to represent movement.
Yeah, I watched it last night too. The visuals felt waaaay off for sure. I don't think they put nearly the care and effort into this as they put into the main show. Hopefully it picks up, since I do really enjoy what they've done with the main show.


Yeah, people are bagging on the effects but, come on, you know they don't have an enormous budget to work with. Granted, I guess they shouldn't have gone the route where the series requires such visuals.

Anyway, I didn't think it wasthatbad (but not good enough to warrant a separate thread). I'll continue watching for now.