Only God Forgives- Ryan Gosling


A pseudo adaptation of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days?


It should be noted that being booed at Cannes happens often and is rarely indicative of the quality of the film and of the awards it might get. Famously, Maurice Pialat won the Palme d'Or for 'Sous le soleil de Satan' (Under The Sun of Satan) and he was copiously booed by the public present at the ceremony to which he replied from the stage, his award in hand: 'If you don't love me, I don't love you either!' Brandishing his fist as the boos and whistles doubled!


<Prior Amod>
"It's possibly the least glamorous role Gosling has ever had - he doesn't remove his shirt at all - and it's not likely to expand his fan base much, to say the least."
LoL, the fuck?


Buzzfeed Editor
Merged this for maximu jimmie Gosling. So I am confused, is the movie awesome or not?


My verdict is 'meh'. Refn shoots for super stylish Oedipus-fueled greek tragedy and in the end it is very well shot, very ballsy in how extreme the execution of the concept is, but it is also very very dumb. It's made even more frustrating by the fact you can feel a great movie was almost there. Sadly, it did not materialize.


The song from the trailer. 2020 by the Suuns. Watching this video over and over for two hours will be better than watching the Baby Goose movie.



Meh fuck it I loved drive. I thought the silences spoke 100X louder then any dialogue ever could. I could be wrong as I haven't seen the movie but I'm going to assume it's the same in this movie.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Expectations are much lower after basically finding it impossible to find someone who has loved the film. The trailer's are badass though


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuck it, i beleive my mancrush in Gosling is strong enough to like this movie even if it sucks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
(I didn't see the movie)

Early critics were awful, most of them being "internet journalists" without any culture about asian / HK cinema. Therefore, they'd totally miss most of the references : many scenes in the trailer remind about early John Woo work (when he was shooting in Hong Kong), current Johnnie To movies (The Mission, PTU, even Breaking News) and some cinematography choices even remind Wong Kar Wai style (choices of colors, sequence-shots, close lens, saturated lightings, etc). Some of the critics expressed on rottentomatoes are hilarious, like you can argue there's too much violence in a HK movie about underground world.

On the other hand, Scott Thomas' acting in the trailers looks awful (ON A PLATTER!!!) but I've read a story about Kristin Scott Thomas being given a sketchy raw script at first, she signed then she figured the movie wasn't at all about what she thought (she's pictured "Drive director making a Wong Kar Wai movie). Then she botched her scenes quickly to get rid of it, hence the awful acting. I don't have any sources since the comment on iMDB pro was deleted, so take it with a pinch of salt. It's kind of sad nowadays, when only one director is being associated and glorified with the whole genre (like Danny Boyle was at some time the best director UK ever had while everyone and their grandmother forget Kubrick was a brit).

Trailers wise, the movie feels a lot like "Drive 2 : Bangcock" with minimalist story, iconic characters and their struggle evolving in a somewhat offbeat culture. I'm not a Refn fan, I didn't like Valhalla / Pusher trilogy but I'm eagerly waiting for a Bluray release because the guy made Drive, which is my alltime top 20. I know Drive suffered few critics, most of them being kind of justified at the time (pace, characters and whatnot) but I really get my feathers ruffled when some uneducated blogger flames the movie because he lacks cinema culture. It's like saying math is bullshit because you can't count.

Maybe I'll hate the movie because it's too stall, it lacks story and rhythm. Maybe I'll hate the movie because the actors are awful and the directing is lame. But I sure won't hate it because some dumb, clueless fuck prevents me from watching it. just because he's trying to pretend he's an expert.


For reference, I have seen all of Wong Kar Wai, most of John Woo (NB: John Woo 'early stuff' is mostly comedy - he made 15 movies before A Better Tomorrow) and most of Johnnie To (when he directs that is, because I doubt even him saw most of what he produced) and this movie is still a poorly written and disappointing mess with the occasional moment of visual brilliance and musical climaxes. A bit frustrating really because you feel there is a great movie not so far from the final result.

On a side note, if you want a charismatic cop who sings karaoke as an antagonist, I just saw a thai movie called The Gangster (rise and fall of some gangsters starting in the '50s) that was a lot less stylish but dramatically better written.

EDIT: Corrected title


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For reference, I have seen all of Wong Kar Wai, most of John Woo (NB: John Woo 'early stuff' is mostly comedy - he made 15 movies before A Better Tomorrow) and most of Johnnie To (when he directs that is, because I doubt even him saw most of what he produced) and this movie is still a poorly written and disappointing mess with the occasional moment of visual brilliance and musical climaxes. A bit frustrating really because you feel there is a great movie not so far from the final result.

On a side note, if you want a charismatic cop who sings karaoke as an antagonist, I just saw a thai movie called The Gangsters (rise and fall of some gangsters starting in the '50s) that was a lot less stylish but dramatically better written.
Thanks for your input, I'll check it out.


For reference, I have seen all of Wong Kar Wai, most of John Woo (NB: John Woo 'early stuff' is mostly comedy - he made 15 movies before A Better Tomorrow) and most of Johnnie To (when he directs that is, because I doubt even him saw most of what he produced) and this movie is still a poorly written and disappointing mess with the occasional moment of visual brilliance and musical climaxes. A bit frustrating really because you feel there is a great movie not so far from the final result.

On a side note, if you want a charismatic cop who sings karaoke as an antagonist, I just saw a thai movie called The Gangsters (rise and fall of some gangsters starting in the '50s) that was a lot less stylish but dramatically better written.
Where did u get a chance to see this movie?