Only God Forgives- Ryan Gosling


I also liked it. I didn't find it any more masturbatory than Drive and Valhalla Rising, but that's a fucking high bar to clear. It's more in line with Valhalla Rising in that the story/ character arcs are at best nebulous. The characters just sort of exist and things happen beautifully. It is art. Is it good art? I don't know, but I'm happy to go along for the ride.


Unelected Mod
Watched it last night. Very weird movie. I really loved Drive but not sure at all what I think about this one.


Vyemm Raider
Heh, someone brought up the Drive soundtrack. When I watched the movie I thought I'd been trolled because the songs were laugh out loud stupid. The score was cool, though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

I've finally seen Only God ForGives and I loved it for the most part. Cinematography, visuals, production, soundtracks, I think it was pretty good. I also totally understand most of early (Cannes festival) critics saying it's the worst film ever made. Only God Forgives is a film you either get or not : it's about what you get, not what you see. If you get why Chang "is" God, if you get Julian's visions and why we see his hands a lot, if you get how the colors codes matter (white / black shirts, red / yellow backgrounds, etc) the film is just awesome, in my opinion. It's not at all about being smart or not, once you figured who Chang is and what is his purpose it's pretty straightforward from there.

The only scene I didn't get though was when Julian lost his shit with the two guys and jaw-pull one of them : the scene feels unfinished and I don't really get what it was about. Otherwise, I've really loved the movie, and I also agree with some critics, it's definitely not a film for everyone, I'd say it's like some David Lynch movies, you either love them or hate them to the bone.


Molten Core Raider
Boring movie but I wasn't ever really bored with it. I don't 'get' the ending unless I'm trying to think too much into it.
Skinny tall cop that never speaks is dead, why is he in the field with Talking Cop and Singing Sword Cop? Also why does Gosling get dis-armed when he spared Singing Sword Cop's stupid kid?


Boring movie but I wasn't ever really bored with it. I don't 'get' the ending unless I'm trying to think too much into it.
Skinny tall cop that never speaks is dead, why is he in the field with Talking Cop and Singing Sword Cop? Also why does Gosling get dis-armed when he spared Singing Sword Cop's stupid kid?
The more I think about the more layers there are. So, sword cop is obviously some supernatural manifestation of justice whether angel, god, or demon. I think it would be a mistake to assign malice or any self serving needs to him though. He is old testament justice and it is meted out strictly and without emotion. He is a force of nature. The measure of his justice is based not only on evil actions but on the remorse the person feels for those actions. Hence the castration by arm cutting metaphor. At first I thought this was the God of the title, but after sitting with the movie for a bit I think Julian is actually the God, since he's the only one in the film that seems to actually forgive anything and spare life/ harm. So, Julian is a twisted Jesus figure, who gives up his body as penance for the sins of his fathers. I think this is where the incestuous undertones come in as well. The mother represents fire and emotion. It is self serving and worldly. The incestuous undertones are a representation of the passions of the human sphere. Julian lacks a father figure and seems to find one in sword god, but he is not. The sword god is wholly removed from emotion and passions; he is entirely otherworldly. So, in the final scene we see Julian bridging and escaping from the human sphere by submitting to the godly sphere, thus realizing transcendence from the mundane.

I think this is a big reason why a lot of the people who liked drive hate this movie. Because the characters aren't characters they are metaphors and archetypes. They don't have character arcs because they can't. They are who they are. The movie is entirely allegory. That's my rough interpretation after one viewing anyway. I'll probably watch it again when it hits blu-ray and it'll probably be more cohesive.


The sword god is wholly removed from emotion and passions
He is the one singing romantic ballads though. He is also the one with a functional family he tenderly cares about. You could say that when he becomes the Avatar of Justice he leaves all emotions behind though.


He is the one singing romantic ballads though. He is also the one with a functional family he tenderly cares about. You could say that when he becomes the Avatar of Justice he leaves all emotions behind though.
Yeah, there's clearly some allusions that I'm missing. I don't think he's ever not supernatural, but I don't know what those scenes are about. Maybe a Freudian eros/thanatos thing? I guess that idea sort of ties a lot of stuff together. The movie seems heavily Freudian, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to decipher all the symbolism.


It definitely has some neat visuals, and I kinda liked the scenes with the Mom even though they were uncomfortable. But I think this movie is overall bad.

It's trying too hard to be artful, and it fails to tell much of a story. I fell like I wasted my time watching something that could have been half an hour or less

It's like bad art is being rubbed in my face and I'm being dared to say it sucks.

Drive was much better.

This film could be re-titled: Ryan Gosling's Empty Expressions


Does Thailand have a film industry? If so, is this what it's like?
It does, it does. You have your martial art movies (aforementioned Tony Jaa stuff being the most known), your gangster movies (I linked one earlier in this thread I believe), there is a number of horror or horror/comedy movies (I never saw it, but The Eye by the Pang brothers made some waves some years ago - same guys did Bangkok Dangerous with Cage) and you also have some world class art house cinema directors with Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Palme d'Or with Uncle Boonmee) or Pen-Ek Ratanaruang... this last guy might have made recently a film that could feel a bit like Only God Forgives (Headshot), in the sense that it could mix violence with Ratanaruang contemplative and formalist nature. I have not seen it though. What I saw is a recently made horror movie of his called Nymph that was regularly impressive but both extremely boring and undecipherable. Bring that to a crime story and you have something like Only God Forgives.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does Thailand have a film industry? If so, is this what it's like?
Only God Forgives has been filmed at Bangkok though I wouldn't call it a Thai film, if you want to watch canon asian neonoir movies i'd recommend most of John Woo's movies before Broken Arrow and Johnnie To's canon movies (The Mission, PTU, Breaking News, Fulltime Killer, etc). If you're into it, I'd also suggest most of Wong Kar-Wai movies, though it's slightly different. Thailand as a film industry nowadays is mostly a lot of popcorn movies (Ong-Bak, Tony Jaa, etc) featuring local stars.

It depends of your tastes really, if you like the genre I can make you a list of "must-see" movies, but OGF is actually as far as a thai movie production as The Fifth Element is to Hollywood.