Oppenheimer (2023)


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Obnoxiously long wait for the home release.
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FPS noob
1080p bluray torrents are out, official VOD and bluray (4K UHDs) release isn't until Nov 21st. weird its the 1080p blurays that got pirated but not the 4K UHds
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Sanrith Descartes

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Watched it the other night. For a bio, it's really good. And really long. Really really long.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Finally watched this and Barbie this week.

Barbie... would have been a lot better if I was on lots of drugs. Didn't get too much out of it. Surprised that John Cena and Dua Lipa were only in like one 10 second scene, because from hearing them talk about the movie it sounded like they were major characters.

Then again I pretty much totally stopped paying attention during the third act of the movie as it got more and more ridiculous and they kept saying "patriarchy" over and over again. Best thing I can say about the movie is that I could see women appreciating some things about it.

As for Oppenheimer, man, that movie was long. Took me like 3 evenings to get through it. The way it jumped around in time was jarring, but I think what I found most annoying was the Christopher Nolan esque sound design. People whispering, then LOUD NOISES as the volume of everything shoots up. Obnoxious foot stamping sounds that kept going on for too long. If I watched this in a theater without subtitles I would have missed a lot of the dialogue. Just annoying shit.

Felt like it was an alright biopic, wish it had followed a more linear progression though. Florence Pugh's naked body was nice to see a few times. Oppenheimer himself seemed kind of detached from everything and I'm not sure I got a real firm grasp on what he really thought about anything. Seemed like he spent most of the time saying what other people wanted to hear, or trying to dull the blow of what they didn't want to hear. Meanwhile I couldn't hear anything over the swelling score and loud noises.

TLDR: Barbie was okay but was a silly movie made for teenagers or people on drugs. Oppenheimer was good but had the usual annoying Nolanisms.


<Silver Donator>
Oppenheimer. It's an exceptional film. But it is not a good movie. Beautiful to look at with remarkable costume design (I mean GREAT suits). But it is neither a good biography nor does it take a stand on Oppenheimer the man.
There is a strange schism about 30% into the movie when I thought I would learn about the man. As if this was to be a deep biopic. It's about the time in the film when we discover that he was so brilliant that he could learn Sanskrit and pick languages in a matter of weeks, Then it shifts to (kind of) tell the story of the building of the atomic bomb. But it never really achieves that either. Then it becomes a bad courtroom drama.

It fails on too many levels. I feel very dissatisfied that I never understood Oppenheimer, the incredible story of the construction of the first atomic bomb, or any science. 0 for 3...

But lovely to watch, as long as you have patience.

For anyone wanting a weirder but more in-depth biography of Oppenheimer (and especially how he became vilified), Watch "American Experience: The trials of J Robert Oppenheimer."

It's about as dry as toasted Zwieback, but you'll learn a lot more fascinating things about the man than the film that bears his name.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oppenheimer. It's an exceptional film. But it is not a good movie. Beautiful to look at with remarkable costume design (I mean GREAT suits). But it is neither a good biography nor does it take a stand on Oppenheimer the man.
There is a strange schism about 30% into the movie when I thought I would learn about the man. As if this was to be a deep biopic. It's about the time in the film when we discover that he was so brilliant that he could learn Sanskrit and pick languages in a matter of weeks, Then it shifts to (kind of) tell the story of the building of the atomic bomb. But it never really achieves that either. Then it becomes a bad courtroom drama.

It fails on too many levels. I feel very dissatisfied that I never understood Oppenheimer, the incredible story of the construction of the first atomic bomb, or any science. 0 for 3...

But lovely to watch, as long as you have patience.

For anyone wanting a weirder but more in-depth biography of Oppenheimer (and especially how he became vilified), Watch "American Experience: The trials of J Robert Oppenheimer."

It's about as dry as toasted Zwieback, but you'll learn a lot more fascinating things about the man than the film that bears his name.

My take from it was he was a barely functioning sociopath who assembled a team of geniuses to do all the scientific heavy lifting and took all the credit for their work. I’m sure that’s not the case but it’s how the movie seemed to portray him.


<Silver Donator>
My take from it was he was a barely functioning sociopath who assembled a team of geniuses to do all the scientific heavy lifting and took all the credit for their work. I’m sure that’s not the case but it’s how the movie seemed to portray him.
These days you would say he "was on the spectrum."
He probably was.

As for barely functioning- he could go out on a horse with only a bar of chocolate, some water and whiskey and survive for days. He was pretty darn functional.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oppenheimer. It's an exceptional film. But it is not a good movie. Beautiful to look at with remarkable costume design (I mean GREAT suits). But it is neither a good biography nor does it take a stand on Oppenheimer the man.
There is a strange schism about 30% into the movie when I thought I would learn about the man. As if this was to be a deep biopic. It's about the time in the film when we discover that he was so brilliant that he could learn Sanskrit and pick languages in a matter of weeks, Then it shifts to (kind of) tell the story of the building of the atomic bomb. But it never really achieves that either. Then it becomes a bad courtroom drama.

It fails on too many levels. I feel very dissatisfied that I never understood Oppenheimer, the incredible story of the construction of the first atomic bomb, or any science. 0 for 3...

But lovely to watch, as long as you have patience.

For anyone wanting a weirder but more in-depth biography of Oppenheimer (and especially how he became vilified), Watch "American Experience: The trials of J Robert Oppenheimer."

It's about as dry as toasted Zwieback, but you'll learn a lot more fascinating things about the man than the film that bears his name.

This pretty much sums up the movie for me too. By the end I was just like uh what was this movie even about other than the making of the bomb lol
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
My take from it was he was a barely functioning sociopath who assembled a team of geniuses to do all the scientific heavy lifting and took all the credit for their work. I’m sure that’s not the case but it’s how the movie seemed to portray him.
That sounds familiar. We talking about Musk or Oppenheimer?!
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Vyemm Raider
This pretty much sums up the movie for me too. By the end I was just like uh what was this movie even about other than the making of the bomb lol
maybe i missed something, but this similar to how i felt when it was over. it went from yay we made a bomb to somehow he's the bad guy. i didn't get it. and i couldn't not see tony stark anytime RDJ was on screen.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the heads up on Peacock.

This movie bounces through time to much. I think it would have been better to watch if they had just scripted it in chronological order. The going back and forth constantly got irritating. They could have done this a couple of times instead of the entire movie. The acting was superb. The story was interesting once you got the whole puzzle presented. The movie was about his life. A big part of that was the research and construction of the first atom bomb. The court stuff was kind of long winded and over dramatic. They could have taken some of that out and included more around the major incident that killed one of the scientist.

It is worth one watch but is not really worth a second one.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This movie bounces through time to much.



Life's a Dream
On my fight from Philly back to Hawaii, I gave this a watch. It was decent enough, but the only reason I kept watching it was because I was stuck in an airplane. I'd rather be just browsing the net, if that makes sense. It told the story, but I didn't really care about it. Oh well.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
We tried to go back and watch Fat Man and Little Boy after this and didn’t make it through the entire thing. Oppenheimer was great though. It took a little bit to settle in to the time hoping but wasn’t hard to keep track once you get a handle on everything.