

Golden Baronet of the Realm
I kind of wish Reaper was a less ridiculous character... I like his gameplay and find the need for him to counter X thing pretty frequently but I feel like a jackass playing him.
You should feel that way if you play McCree. I finally sat down and played him for a few PUG rounds and there isn't anyone he can't take town. The combination of the flashbang stun and right+click is impossible to beat.

I will group later tonight. I'm trying to learn some more classes.


Buzzfeed Editor
WTF is with tonight 3/4 of my games I'm losing half my team down pits walking to obj.... fucking retards bringing the rage and reminding me why I love shooters that single players can shine even if everyone else is dumb.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You should feel that way if you play McCree. I finally sat down and played him for a few PUG rounds and there isn't anyone he can't take town. The combination of the flashbang stun and right+click is impossible to beat.

I will group later tonight. I'm trying to learn some more classes.
I meant like, concept-wise, not gameplay-wise. Gameplay-wise Reaper is in a great spot.


Trakanon Raider

Not sure how to embed that, but it's a neat Pharah play of the game.
It wasn't a play of the game though. It says "highlight" which means it would have been a potg if that person got potg. Which makes this even more shocking haha, what was the actual potg? But yeah if you go into highlights and click on a highlight where you got potg, it will say potg, even though you are viewing it from a highlight, if not, it will say highlight. That route is sick though. I will remember that and watch out or it as well.

I'm so addicted to this game :/. Sometimes I hate it, but when I don't play it for a day it's all I think about haha. I can't play it during the weekends and it's just like "fuck I can't wait until Monday night when I can play Overwatch again." But I get frustrated a lot while playing. I don't really do premades yet because I want to get better. I imagine it will be even more addicting once I commit to playing premades. Damn Blizzard.


Tranny Chaser
I find myself playing support more often than not simply because not having Mercy or Lucio on your team versus one that does is huge. I'm not sure of Zenyatta as a "healer" as he seems to require a great deal more attention than even Mercy does.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Zenyatta kills stuff tho. Jus run with a Symmetra or Torb for armor and discord people to death with left click.


Molten Core Raider
Tad late, but I dont' think the ship has sailed. Also <3 jozu, unfortunately the whole hour things is right. The guy in front of me is just roughly 5-10 hours ahead, whenever the website decides to update. I watched his stream, and hes not really that good at Hanzo. Not saying i'm better, but we're completely different in how we play.. I just find how he plays trash.

Its the same as people using AWPs, just gotta adapt
Iunno if that is a good analogy, but I know where you're going. It's too much though, its not so much her damage but the lack of error and forgiveness her kit gives her.

If she hits you with a body shot, generally you're okay but because of her shot timer she can follow up with an immediate shot right after. It's a highly effective double tap.. to the point where its way too effective and she can drop entire teams by herself. She's easily the most dominate character in the game as it stands. I don't have an issue w/ her charge rate, just the fact she can double tap way too fucking fast. As I told Crone when playing with him after getting really sad about not landing nearly as many Hanzo shots as I should, I swapped w/ widow and it was just a yawnfest in comparison. He ended up leaving, but to get the bad juju out of me I won three straight games w/ Widow. It literally is like "oh, I didn't hit you in the head, well let me just make sure you're dead because you should be."

I couldn't tell you how many times i've cut off life support to a team by killing their back line, moving forward past the tank and objective then proceeding to make sure their back line doesn't move forward anymore. Some make it through, i'm not a god, but when you lose a constant 3+ people to a widow knocking out your spawning backline, their front line is soon to fall to your 5 other teammates.

I know people argue -counter- but she really doesn't struggle nearly that much as you'd expect. Her kit allows her to space herself really well to the point where being that Winston or Reaper is actually rather hard to accomplish getting to that point. Really depends on what point in the map you are in or what position but you can literally take a charging Winston down below half before he even gets past mid-field. I never really struggle with Reapers unless i'm trying to be in the cut and they're flanking or going aggro in cqc, which a widow shouldn't be in the first place.

Genji is a bit of a different story, but any smart play all you have to do is mind game the shit out of him. If he really does get on you, more than likely he used his dash to get to you to begin with.. all you do is set your trap, jump, he follows, use your hook to return and kill. With any counter, your machine gun is still rather insane ontop of being able to do all of the initial damage w/ your scope shots.

The only real counter to a widow, is another widow.. or a mercy because you didn't kill the mercy, scrub.


Yesterday was the first day where fun was very hard to find. Just about every match was multiple dorfs + bastions. I really don't find fighting turrets fun. If I wanted to play AI I'd play AI.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As much as I enjoy the game, I have admittedly been getting very frustrated with the class stacking. Gets unfun when playing support and the other team has 2 roadhogs. Constantly hooked.


A Mod Real Quick
Haha me and my friend like to do double roadhog. We didn't think it would be frustrating to anyone, we just did it to be funny. We do win quite a few like that so maybe it does annoy people.

With the way turrets and bastion work and how quick they can drop someone unless you have God genji or widows on your team a stacked turret team is tough to counter. I hate when people do that, not even a little enjoyable.


As a Tracer I LOVE roadhogs! They soak up so many bullets from me it builds my Ult up much faster than trying to hit the jumping Symmetra or Lucio. >_<


Golden Knight of the Realm
As a Tracer I LOVE roadhogs! They soak up so many bullets from me it builds my Ult up much faster than trying to hit the jumping Symmetra or Lucio. >_<
Just got the tracer cute spray all down to a roadhog giving me near unending ultimates, which is needed since i can never land that stupid bomb. Thanks random roadhog!


<Silver Donator>
Which Symmetra skin should I get? The blue one or the red one? I'm thinking the blue one, so that there's an interesting blue/red mechanic going on for enemies. Red one would just be red/red, right? Any visual distraction is a perk.


Molten Core Raider
I would argue Starcraft is a better tool than this. In Starcraft when you lose it is 100% because you fucked up. It will really make your mindset right for quickly learning and adapting to strategies which are not working. In a game like this, especially win with such limited stats like this, it is too easy to claim the reason a fuck up occured is because of your team mates. In actuality you should always reflect on what you yourself should have done better. Because at the end of the day you're the only hero within your control. Chances are if you're the guy constantly raging and blaming your team mates it is actually you who is fucking up. Like the classic "Team where are you!?!??" rager who is actually just never near his team and just runs around doing his own thing and then blames his entire team on not following his non-strategy.

You'll also notice the best athletes in the world who play team games always shoulder the blame. If a QB throws a pick because his WR ran the wrong route he won't rake the WR over the coals infront of the media, fans or players. He'll say he shouldn't have thrown that ball and it was a bad decision. Privately he'll know that the WR ran the wrong route but he'll also think to himself "Yeah he did, but you threw the pick."
Spoken like someone who has a decent team of people he plays with on a regular basis. Sorry, but chances are if you are constantly raging about your idiot teammates it just means you are running solo queue. 7 million players and 6.9 million of them are fucking retards. And I'm not talking people who aren't good but try, because that doesn't really bother me, I'm talking people who just don't understand what a payload is, what defend means, what the colored lines on the ground mean and either don't care to or just are incapable of learning. People were saying "it's new, give people time" but I'm seeing as many idiots now as I did on day one. It's clear to me that as simple as Blizzard tried to make this game it's just too damn complicated for the majority of the playerbase and solo queue is ass because of it.

Putting aside the fact that the best athletes in the world have images/relationships/money to protect, which is why you don't see them go off on teammates, they also play with other elite athletes, so an occasional mess up isn't rage worthy. You can bet your ass if that elite QB was forced to play with a bunch of scrubs who constantly line up offsides, run the opposite way down the field after making a catch, or are constantly tackling their own teammates, they be constantly raging as well.


Trakanon Raider
So I always play a healer/support in everything I've ever played dating back to EQ or even earlier so I finally broke out of my shell and started playing Hanzo. Having a blast and had my first "big game" which probably isn't that big to others. Play of the game (Quadra kill), 10 person kill streak, and over 7k damage. Been having some decent games ever since and now venturing into Pharrah. Mercy still my support of choice but have seen some really good Lucios.

Can't wait for competitive play. This game is incredibly addicting and just so much fun. It's the perfect mix of 90's FPS, LoL, and a dash of it's own thing. If this is what they made of their "failed, unshipped" Titan, then kudos to them.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea im streaky with Hanzo. Had an AWESOME game with him yesterday night tho, I got 2 double kills with ricochet arrow back to back and earned the geometry achievment. It was so fucking satisfying.

Also, maybe im just noob but I only recently figured out Hanzo can run up walls by holding spacebar, and you can vary the velocity of the ricochet arrow. I found out both on accident, which is kind of awesome in todays gaming environment.

A slow moving bouncing arrow is actually quite hilarious and effective. I mean yea 9 times out of 10 you want to full draw fire the ricochet arrow into a room to get maximum velocity/bounces but when it comes to around the corner shots or weird situations with stairs or level changes, you can half draw or even tap fire the arrow and it will bounce around more dliberately and becomes a greater threat in some situations.