

Bronze Knight of the Realm
Reaper is weird because he plays very different than the other flankers. He doesn't have a way on his own to actually close distance so you generally have to try and teleport somewhere secretly and actually drop down into the situation. It is something I'm very, very bad at which also makes me a very, very bad Reaper.

As for Bastion v Torb ... Bastion is a better Reinhardt buster and he also pairs better with Mercy than Lucio if your team is single support. In a more organized environment Bastion requires a ton of babysitting to be effective and Torb can use his turrets to shut down flank routes. They really fill two very different roles.


<Bronze Donator>
Pretty similar experiences. I go Torb on D and decide to stick or switch after my first ultimate. Enough time by then to figure out how aggressive the other team is going to be toward turrets. If I switch it's typically to Junkrat. Otherwise feel really comfortable with Lucio regardless of the situation, but in pugs it's definitely least annoying to play him on escort payload missions as the team generally sticks around the car. On offense when not support, S76 is still my go to.

I need to put time into Pharah and Widow to have what I consider a complete toolkit. I feel really worthless on Pharah and even moreso on Widow (where I might as well just be an AFK player). Those of you that play either and get 30+ elim matches consistently I am jealous of. Right now when a team stacks Bastion or Torb i still feel the most comfortable dealing with them as S76. But that's only really at range. Smart players will be a bit more defensive, and Soldier can't really turn a corner and deal with those stationary targets as well.


A nice asshole.
Symettra is my go to, she is a tank destroyer, team destroyer, harasser, turrets are a great distraction/dmg sponge.

-Tank destroyer because her dmg ramps up and you don't even have to be facing your target once the beam hits leaving you to focus on dodging. Her right click goes right through shields as well.
-Team destroyer because if you kill that tank the damage is still at max leaving you to take down anyone else in about 2 seconds.
-Harasser because after I stack the turrets for an easy kill I then spread them around randomly forcing enemy to worry about them around every corner, above all the doorways, NEAR THE HEALTH! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! Also blind fire her right click towards narrow advancement points is very effective
-Which leads to the distraction/dmg sponge, once they catch on they have to actively look for them as well as enemies.
-Also dat teleporter and shields


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If it wasn't for fear of being raged at too hard I'd like to try my hand at offensive Symettra a bit more. Offensive Symettra was pretty standard when 50 shield double Tracer was standard but you don't see it anymore. You can effectively shut down respawn routes if you turret up the standard entrance ways with her. But problem is you need to get that initial offensive win before she'd become effective in that role.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Symettra is my go to, she is a tank destroyer, team destroyer, harasser, turrets are a great distraction/dmg sponge.

-Tank destroyer because her dmg ramps up and you don't even have to be facing your target once the beam hits leaving you to focus on dodging. Her right click goes right through shields as well.
-Team destroyer because if you kill that tank the damage is still at max leaving you to take down anyone else in about 2 seconds.
-Harasser because after I stack the turrets for an easy kill I then spread them around randomly forcing enemy to worry about them around every corner, above all the doorways, NEAR THE HEALTH! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! Also blind fire her right click towards narrow advancement points is very effective
-Which leads to the distraction/dmg sponge, once they catch on they have to actively look for them as well as enemies.
-Also dat teleporter and shields
Symmetra is now my go to on any Defense map. Teleporter too OP, and it forces me to sit at the objective rather then wander off somewhere. Defending is so mind numbingly boring that I always tend to stray when playing DPS. (NEED MOAR KILLLLSSSSSSSSSS).

9-4 and ~70% win rate with her now after starting 5-1. She's my highest win rate hero. (not counting 2-0 Roadhog, too few games to count).

over 55% with Soldier 76 after 129 games ain't too shabby either.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm anxious for the McCree nerfs to hit. I love playing that dude but I feel so dirty everytime I just fan the hammer and the bullets all land and I get a free frag. His LMB head shots are so satisfying to land, though. I'd be fine with McCree if they just outright took away fanning. That way for his flashbang you'd still have to stun and then aim for the head quickly kind of like a more difficult Mei interaction.


A Mod Real Quick
What they really need to do is alter his flash bang a bit. There's no reason that he should be able to toss a flashbang behind or above someone and stun them. It should only work if it lands in your LOS. Maybe that and lowering his fan damage is all he really needs.

There's just no way to get away from him if he's close and lands his flash.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Would you feel the same way if they simply called it a stun grenade? I feel people get a bit too caught up on it's name being flash.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have never really liked melee in games like this but fucking Reinhardt is a freaking blast.

I really hope they come out with a co-op campaign to explore the lolore. You and 5 other friends playing through a co-op game would be a fucking blast.

Also WTB multiple pins with Reinhardt charge.


<Bronze Donator>
Having fun with McCree even though he feels like GG mode. Started trying out lucio but heals feel weak. And yeah mcCree is GG but those roadhogs are a hardcore counter to mccree, that chain pull one shot and all their hp. takes all my cooldowns to down them, ended up fighting a team with 3 of them lastnight just couldnt do crap.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Make sure to watch that youtube video about the melee mechanics. Basically if you whip around while you melee you can effectively cleave multiple targets. I've tested this and confirmed it works with all character melee but its harder because the default melee is much quicker than Rein's.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Having fun with McCree even though he feels like GG mode. Started trying out lucio but heals feel weak. And yeah mcCree is GG but those roadhogs are a hardcore counter to mccree, that chain pull one shot and all their hp. takes all my cooldowns to down them, ended up fighting a team with 3 of them lastnight just couldnt do crap.
Its obviously really nice when you empower it but Lucio's strongest suit is empowered speed boost. Which is why as a solo support Lucio can be a bit underwhelming. He's still the second best solo support in the game, though. He's really fun to play to boot. Way more fun than Mercy IMO.


<Bronze Donator>
Ya I liked mercy cause I was good at healing in TF2 so it feels similar, plus the floating helps me escape a lot. Lucio I mean I could swap to speed song to run away but feel like it takes sec to kick in and I'm dead by then. I'll keep playing with it cause yeah the speed is nice.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If you want to be OP like the competitive scene wait for your McCree to high noon behind a corner and speed boost him into LOS of the enemy team and wipe them out


<Bronze Donator>
Ha I'll keep that in mind when I play with my friends, I always mess up my high noons I thought it would one shot people when it's locked on but seems to only do that to light armor characters.. roadhog and stuff wont get killed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I *think* a fully locked on Deadeye will 1shot all characters. You may be firing it early. It takes like 3 seconds to fully lock on.


<Bronze Donator>
Ah okay so I need to get full HP first, does it say something when locked on? I'll pay more attention thanks


A Mod Real Quick
Would you feel the same way if they simply called it a stun grenade? I feel people get a bit too caught up on it's name being flash.
No, but either way I think my proposed changes could do a lot to fix him.

Right now basically you are dead if he flashes you