

Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel this patch should have been on PTR for at least a week longer if not more. They did their major balance changes, let it sit on PTR for a week, and then did some minor tweaks and shipped it to live without anymore PTR testing. On top of it they added Ana at the same time. How are they going to get good numbers from doing so much at once? Just adding Ana alone is going to change up the numbers a bit and skew everything. Reinhardt alone became a powerhouse because of Ana.

The changes and Ana should have came out at separate times and this patch should have sat on PTR longer than it did. It really surprised me at how they rushed this out to live.

I think D.Va is fine now not perfect. She is where she needs to be at least. The Zeynetta ultimate change still baffles me. They need to revert it back to the speed to what it was. Giving him the speed buff and adding so much health made zero sense. It should be one or the other. They have zero clue on what to do with McCree. They are just throwing shit against the wall with him and hoping it somehow balances him.
I mean, if they didn't address the big issues after they were called out within a couple days, I don't think it sitting on PTR for another week would have mattered. There was clearly something else going on and most of the changes were never going to be re-addressed this patch.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You can also single handedly shit on Torb and Bastion this patch with DVa as well. She just dominates both of them.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Blizzard is generally too slow to patch stuff, but when they do they tend to change too many things at once with not enough testing.

Take D'va, they implemented 3 changes at once...reworked how defense matrix works, reduce the timer from 4 to 3 on her ultimate explosion, and made her immune to her own ultimate. Result, she is probably slightly overpowered now, went from not used very often to auto-include.

They probably could have done 1 or 2 at a time every few weeks and see the impact that is has on the meta. Rather than wait months and go all in with 3 changes.

The same applies to Zenyetta, they did a lot at once, make the orbs faster, give him more hp, change the healing and movement speed on his ultimate. I mean just give him more HP, and see what the impact has on the meta.

The change to McCree, and a new hero on top of it all.

All of that took like 2 months. It makes no sense to me why they don't do smaller changes more often...but it's how Blizzard does things for all their game...very slow patch cycle, but huge change at once.


A Mod Real Quick
Then why is the guy with a rifle doing less damage than the the guy with a revolver? It's completely nonsensical.

I also cannot hit moving targets with Zenyatta's balls. They have a fucked up acceleration profile or something and he's got some weird recoil mechanic I just cannot seem to adapt to. I love my DMRs in other games, but his balls just don't seem consistent to me. I can hit a flying Pharah about 1 in 10.
He shouldn't do less damage, I guess the real issue here being we are in some fantasy game where real life mechanics don't exist. I mean I get it in some regards.

Apologies if post is nonsensical. Blood sugar is crazy low and I feel high as fuckin balls


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I've hovered around rank 55 since competitive launched. I find that level is about the tipping point for teams being able to deal with bastion/turrets competently and consistently.

Below that, teams get completely shredded as soon as they encounter the bastion, its a dice roll as to whether they bash their head against the wall for the next 5 minutes, or pull together the coordination necessary to overcome it. After 55 or so its no longer a show stopper, as soon as everyone knows what's up people adapt their composition/tactics pretty quick and it becomes a non-issue.
That's despressing.

I'm fairly sure I won't be able to rank that high solo queueing, and I am not good enough to carry teams.

Still since the 1 hero limit has been implemented, I've been generally ranking up. The same happened on the PTR so who knows how high I could go.

I definitely see a change at 45 from 40 an under already though.


Shit Gamer
That's despressing.

I'm fairly sure I won't be able to rank that high solo queueing, and I am not good enough to carry teams.

Still since the 1 hero limit has been implemented, I've been generally ranking up. The same happened on the PTR so who knows how high I could go.

I definitely see a change at 45 from 40 an under already though.
For what's its worth, I certainly don't intend to say that at 55 a switch gets hit and suddenly everything changes. The ability to adapt to threats like a bastion gradually increases as you go up in level, since team coordination and individual execution improve which allow you to adapt to new threats more rapidly (ie. before the round timer runs out).

What I'm trying to say is by the time you hit 55 or so, a Bastion is no longer shutting down a team because Bastion. At that point if you're getting shut down and they happen to have a Bastion in their comp, its because they are coordinating better and outplaying you, not because of the destabilising effect of a single hero.


Molten Core Raider
That's despressing.

I'm fairly sure I won't be able to rank that high solo queueing, and I am not good enough to carry teams.

Still since the 1 hero limit has been implemented, I've been generally ranking up. The same happened on the PTR so who knows how high I could go.

I definitely see a change at 45 from 40 an under already though.
I went from 31 to 49 solo queing the last 3 days! I'm at 48 just lost a few minutes ago. YOu can see a huge difference in players from just them levels i moved up on. The higher you go the more serious people play. In the 30's fuckers just dont give a shit. YOu hear, why do you take this game serious. I just play like its quick play. That there is the problem. lol Its not about serious, its about people wanting to rank up. Its in our human nature to want to move up.


Molten Core Raider
its there a way to go offline and still play Overwatch? Like how steam has it, i can play games but no one can see me playing?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
its there a way to go offline and still play Overwatch? Like how steam has it, i can play games but no one can see me playing?
No invis mode. Blizz seems to be against adding it which sucks. It's one of things I hate about battle.net.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well a little more ranking today, last night I had reached 45, but finished the night at 44. Tonight I managed to get up to 46, almost 47 which is my season high.

The quality of players is already noticeably better, there still clueless people though. Strangely there are also far more people raging in chat than at the lower level. Guess I'm getting where people take this way more seriously.


Molten Core Raider
Well a little more ranking today, last night I had reached 45, but finished the night at 44. Tonight I managed to get up to 46, almost 47 which is my season high.

The quality of players is already noticeably better, there still clueless people though. Strangely there are also far more people raging in chat than at the lower level. Guess I'm getting where people take this way more seriously.
lower level players dont give a fuck. They play comp like its quick play. 40's its about half and half. You get good players wanting to move up, then you get people who just ranked above their skill level and will proceed to fall. WHen that happens its rough sailing because they will play characters they arent good at.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Some guy was raging in voice today that people weren't suiciding onto a heavily defended point to contest it ... in the first 60 seconds of the game.

0% v 0%


Silver Baronet of the Realm
How often do you guys get network indicators on the top left? I'm convinced the only reason my bullets have missed is because that packet got lost


A nice asshole.
How often do you guys get network indicators on the top left? I'm convinced the only reason my bullets have missed is because that packet got lost
Almost constantly, wasn't an issue until last night I was disconnected 2-3 times a match. Very annoying.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Some guy was raging in voice today that people weren't suiciding onto a heavily defended point to contest it ... in the first 60 seconds of the game.

0% v 0%
Its funny you'll get people who fundamentally don't understand how KotH plays out. Some guy was raging we weren't just bum rushing the point on Lijiang. In reality the only time you rush the point is a bit on Control but even better its best to take the mid-high ground instead of the pit. But Garden the initial skirmish is almost always out in the open and the same with Market.