

Lord Nagafen Raider
@Ravishing Thanks for the thorough explanation. Makes sense.

Honestly, I could give a shit what my rank is. I just want to know how high I could climb, if I even COULD climb, playing in a magical world where every 2 out of 3 games isn't sandbagged by some asshole who wants to see or make his team lose. I assume the higher your rank up the less and less you see this type of behavior.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Getting pretty close to master now. 3380 season high. Might see if I can push through before the season ends. The difference between these 3300-3400 guys and the 3750 guys is unbelievable.

Problem with being a one-trick is if soldier get's instalocked, it's almost definitely a loss.


Log Wizard
I spent probably a hundred hours on Mystery Heroes when they released. It helped me learn all the heroes adequately at the least. Then I just played QP and basically rotated a Tank/DPS/Healer I'd pick each day/week and switch around based on what pugs picked Really helped me feel more comfortable with all the heroes so when I get into Comp I can play basically whoever I need to. There's a few exceptions when people ask me to play X when I'm playing Y and I'm MUCH MUCH better at Y. For instance an attack Hanzo on Hollywood (LOL) told me to play Mercy (our only tank was a Winston at the time) instead of Ana. I told him I'm a much better Ana. So we lose because of classic limp dick DPS pushes and Hanzo guy tells me it's because we needed a Mercy. At a certain skill level it's much better to play the character you're better at than the one better for that niche. IE playing a Ana over a Mercy or a Reinhardt over a Orisa. Playing that role, but playing the character you're better at.

That said, I still play Ana/Soldier/Zarya basically every comp game. Ana especially as the Ana's that sit back and try and snipe heal because they can't hit shit irritate the fuck out of me.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I wish MH would generate stats for you. It sucks. Are you improving or are you not? I love learning heroes in that mode because it's so low stress, but you do have to be aware to use your Ult earlier than normal usually.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Good series. Lol at the announcers giving Taimou a BJ for tracking on Volskaya when he's clearly in the middle of a visor.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
New job has destroyed my Overwatch time.

I've played maybe two games in three weeks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like tracer is the toughest character to play well. Her move speed is slightly faster than most other chars, so your adjustments to aiming while moving are slightly different. You also need pretty low sens for tracking, but also have to do 180 spins a lot. Not to mention the whole recall management aspect.

That said, a really good tracer is just an insane carry. I've been in a few games that my team had no business winning but our tracer would be able to 1v3 the enemy over and over again after we got fried. Crazy powerful.


Log Wizard
Tracer and Genji's are a fucking pain when they know how to use their movement. If you don't have a hard motherfucking counter like Roadhog or Winston, you're going to have major problems. I've seen my team rage countless times because of a Tracer/Genji and all we needed was one Roadhog who knows how to hook and it's game over.

Got my first Ana POTG yesterday night since my last one which was the first week Ana released. It opened with me killing a Winston with sleep dart. Yeah, killing him. Kind of stupid as much shit as I've done with 460+ games with Ana and this is the first time since initial release. My first ever Ana POTG was only shown because Shutdowns used to be factored in hugely if they occurred on the objective during a capture and I slept a McCree while he was high nooning. That was literally all the POTG was.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ive been playing more and more tracer lately after watching Dafran stream and just absolutely shit on teams with his tracer skills. The dude is insane. He'll flank a team full of GM's and make them look like he's playing against golds. Watching how he plays the character has been a huge help in my figuring out how to be successful with her.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I hate when I get grouped with a duo of mercy/pharah and the Mercy heals no one but the Pharah, and she's the only healer.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wish MH would generate stats for you. It sucks. Are you improving or are you not? I love learning heroes in that mode because it's so low stress, but you do have to be aware to use your Ult earlier than normal usually.

Tigole said they are going to be adding stats for arcade


Molten Core Raider
I'm high gold to low plat and I think I'm at my spot. I'm not taking this too much seriously and simply try to have fun. I have a buddy at work I play with. He is low gold and main tracer. In his head he kinda act like he should be in Diamond or master.

If he is not higher he act like it's my fault lol. I mostly play Zen or Lucio because I'm the only healer in most game I play at those ranks. He watch top 500 Tracer players and he told me that those guys get healing and barely die.

My normal rank was mid gold for 3 seasons. When I was doing my placement match last week I was playing with diamond players and I went 1W, 1Draw and 8 loses.(I was rushing through my placement matches before the season end) I ended up low to mid platinum and I was pretty happy. (Never been platinum and was expecting silver after 8 loses) I faced 3400-3500 Tracers/Genji during my placement matches and I did not had the experience or skill to face thems as Zen. My friend don't play at that level TBH.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Lucio is really super fun after his rework. I hope they don't rip the balls off him. If anything I hope they nerf his auras and not his mobility and damage.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've swapped from playing almost exclusively Ana to more Zen these days. What I really like about Zen is that with the rise of Winston his barriers can immensely fuck you as Ana where you can't heal. Also the good thing with Zen is if you see a 1v1 happening you can jump in and actually let the person performing the 1v1 win. With Ana sure I can heal to make sure you don't lose but with Zen I can harmony and discord the 1v1 and the opponent gets shredded and is very difficult to escape.


Trakanon Raider
What are the odds of the game going on sale next week ? I need something to burn 15-30 minutes here and there casually.