

Golden Knight of the Realm
I feel like there's a few problems at the core of overwatch.

The main problem is the elo system which I think leads to games being grindy, but thats not going to change but just to say in any ELO system as you reach your maximum rank its a fucking grindy nightmare (for me anyway). On top of that, they designed a completely casual game and are marketing it towards esports. This includes the fast comp queue along with having no scoreboards and a lack of feedback in general as to how the team is performing, low skill heroes which can be just as effective if not more so than heroes requiring high mechanical ability, ults that charge no matter what you do, and high impact ults a lot of which don't require much skill to use.

Couple this with the low entry requirements and solo nature of comp, especially with the lack of any real feedback during the game, and you get people who don't realise when they are the problem and people who just play whatever the fuck they want or are too stupid to realise when their choices are bad.

I 100% think that people overestimate their ability to carry a game, and underestimate the importance and effectiveness of a balanced team comp AND one that also counters the enemy to some extent, even if its not playing a carry hero. I would like to tell these people that if you are currently hardstuck somewhere and grinding to get to the next tier, you are probably at best middle of the next tier and you should absolutely not be looking to carry games any more. I can carry all the way to gold, I can't carry in diamond and its much more important to get a strong team composition.

Also, I think a lot of lower tier players just don't understand that you WILL fucking die in this game over and over again, no matter how good you are. A pros K/D will be a lot better than yours, but they still get wiped out a lot, and that's the nature of the beast when ultimates are so strong. I don't think any of the lower ratings have any idea of ult economy and management, and just staying calm after a team wipe because your supports still have their ults so you win the next push. Instead because these snowflakes have died once, suddenly they're raging on the DPS or panicking or switching to trollpicks already.

And to the guy above who said he doesn't care what people play in gold, do you actually want to get out of gold without it being an awful and grindy process, because unless you belong in diamond your team will nearly always lose to an enemy team running mercy unless you also run her, she's just so absurd right now. And yeah, you might win a few games with stupid comps, might win with no healers even, but if youre grinding out your rank statistically you will lose a hell of a lot more games picking straight up weaker team compositions than the enemy team.

And honestly, none of this fun to me. I enjoy the heroes and responsiveness (disappearing tracer bombs aside) of OW, but man Im starting to realise i really fucking hate the moba aspects it integrates. I can't play more than one game because even if we win its just a constant battle of babysitting your stupid team mates with no concept of macro play, no concept of picking heroes for a balanced team, completely tilt themsleves and play something like fucking torb after they die once, and a begging match to get someone to play mercy or end up having to do it yourself every game while the others pick their 14% winrate hanzo/genji doubleteam. Calling out everyone but themselves because they have no idea whats happening in the game because the feedback won't tell them, there's no scoreboard, and we just get dumb irrelevant medals to keep everyone feeling good about themselves.

If you ever say 'I have gold elims/damage' when you are asked to swap when team are losing, or snidely make that remark as a tank, all I can say is its like getting a fucking special badge for coming last because your fucking TEAM lost, but hey heres a medal champ, oh and -20 points.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They made the barrier of entry to Competitive way too low. It should be so many hours on a few heroes and then you can play Competitive not level 25. This is where they went wrong with the Competitive part of the game. HOTS has this system, so it isn't like it isn't in any of their games. Jeff Kaplan and their team are still very naive when it comes to the nature of Internet communities and how they act. They were caught with their pants down again with OTPs getting banned repeatedly due to the report system. They didn't even take into account false reports.

I still play this game alot, but I hope Riot or someone else comes out with a better clone. I am looking for another game to play, but MOBAs bore the fuck out of me.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Riot? Yes, the shitlords behind League of Legends are an excellent choice on making a non-toxic online game lol


Golden Squire
The core of the game's problem is that in their infinite wisdom they split and doubled the "dps" heroes into offense and defense meaning one of the 3 categories (cmon how hard is this) has twice the available heroes. There is no fix to this other than spending the next 2 years making tanks and healers.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Riot? Yes, the shitlords behind League of Legends are an excellent choice on making a non-toxic online game lol

It's better than having zero alternatives. Lawbreakers was RIP before it released and Paladins went full P2W.


Toe Sucker
They made the barrier of entry to Competitive way too low. It should be so many hours on a few heroes and then you can play Competitive not level 25. This is where they went wrong with the Competitive part of the game. HOTS has this system, so it isn't like it isn't in any of their games. Jeff Kaplan and their team are still very naive when it comes to the nature of Internet communities and how they act. They were caught with their pants down again with OTPs getting banned repeatedly due to the report system. They didn't even take into account false reports.

I still play this game alot, but I hope Riot or someone else comes out with a better clone. I am looking for another game to play, but MOBAs bore the fuck out of me.

I'm curious, what exactly does that solve? other than delaying smurfs from entering competitive sooner?


<Bronze Donator>
zz Trying to learn roadhog. new respect for those that can land a hook AND kill lol. watched this tips video that made my crosshair into a circle and if i follow my target with the circle the hook mostly lands, my issue is killing them after.

Having a bitch of a time deciphering between if theyre too far for left click and to use right, then aiming right is a bitch. cause i want it to be just far enough that it xplodes on them

I hook and left click melee but sometimes i should have done two left clicks after. forgetting i need to step back then forward as they land and aim my shot on their neck if small body or head if big body.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Just to reconfirm that mercy is absolutely absurd right now, especially at lower rank. The single rez is strong enough, but the two rezzes in a team fight, plus aoe heals and orissa ulti AND her dps to kill ulting pharahs/chase down kills is just insane.

If you are in any game without her and are at all concerned about winning , just play her. Shes is complete freelo against any team not running her, and if the enemy team DO run her and you don't you're at a severe disadvantage. Plus the SR gains with her are still pretty generous from what I can see (either that or im just pretty good on her despite never playing her)

Shes bonkers


<Bronze Donator>
I agree, everytime I'm on moira I insist theres a second healer and that its mercy. Everytime we dont have a mercy and the other team does, its constant resses of pharah or bastion and no one can ever fuckin kill her when shes flying around ulted (unless its moira ult to beam her down). Then we lose and I'm just like if only we had a mercy for that main healing and resses lulz. But then you get the shitty mercy's that dont ever ult or res (idk why).

Even non ult res, moira dps cant kill mercy before she gets res off and floats away. Its insane that any team would not have a mercy rofl.

But yeah season ends in 6 days, might try to push for diamond but its a lot of time. Looking into a team for next time but even that is time consuming and not everyone shows up. Hate solo queues, so now I 3 stack with a mercy and a tank


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No need to qualify "at lower rank" with Mercy. She is absurdly broken at all ranks. Rez is just too strong to give up.


Trakanon Raider
Boohoo, her ult can win team fights... how many other ults win team fights?

Her rez without Valkyrie is fuken awful. It's so easy to counter her when the enemy team treats her as high priority.

When her rez was insta cast I swear people would gang me way harder. People think shes nerfed now so they're not really placing her as high priority target.

In pro play (OWL) she's picked ~33% of the time. Albeit pro play is different, but if she was really that broken as the people in this thread say, wouldn't she be played more?
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<Bronze Donator>
sometimes I see no one attacking the mercy as soon as she starts ressing, just me usually. moira dmg cant kill her before she gets it off too, sucks. but yeah more people should recognize when a mercy isnt healing and is running to a dead person.

personally the first person i go for everytime as a flanker moira is mercy then the other healer.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Boohoo, her ult can win team fights... how many other ults win team fights?

Her rez without Valkyrie is fuken awful. It's so easy to counter her when the enemy team treats her as high priority.

When her rez was insta cast I swear people would gang me way harder. People think shes nerfed now so they're not really placing her as high priority target.

In pro play (OWL) she's picked ~33% of the time. Albeit pro play is different, but if she was really that broken as the people in this thread say, wouldn't she be played more?

She's broken in the same way Junkrat is broken. At OWL-tiers of play Junkrat isn't as broken as he is at ladder-tiers of play. The problem is it takes very little skill to play Mercy or Junkrat for the payoff you get on ladder. Neither hero is necessarily fun to play against, either. The counter to Mercy is having god-tier hitscan tracking. Turns out most joe-Masters players don't have that so she is neigh unkillable while in Valk.

Also selfishly as a support main I want to play Ana/Zen/Moira but it makes no logical sense to play these heroes right now unless someone else locks Mercy.


<Bronze Donator>
on a decent streak now at 2700, doesnt show each point ? because i forgot to look in between at the screen (in a group not leader). been mostly queuing with my mercy friend who flexes as tank and my dps friend who flexes as healer so most time its moira/mercy in these games. although the 4/3 one was zenyatta/moira.
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Lord of Guk
She's broken in the same way Junkrat is broken. At OWL-tiers of play Junkrat isn't as broken as he is at ladder-tiers of play. The problem is it takes very little skill to play Mercy or Junkrat for the payoff you get on ladder. Neither hero is necessarily fun to play against, either. The counter to Mercy is having god-tier hitscan tracking. Turns out most joe-Masters players don't have that so she is neigh unkillable while in Valk.

Also selfishly as a support main I want to play Ana/Zen/Moira but it makes no logical sense to play these heroes right now unless someone else locks Mercy.

As a mostly support player I hear you, every other healer feels like it underperforms. I've been playing a lot of Dva just to cock block all the Mercy play.


<Bronze Donator>
perhaps with mercy you dont really have the choice to dps cause you have to swap weapons, where other healers can heal and dps at the same time. so mercy ends up being the main healer.

tdlr: u can always count on mercy to be healing