

<Silver Donator>
Nice to see a FPS master yi hehehe people are going to go crazy with that dude.
Well he has a very large ranged component. His movement looks crazy good though, since he can both charge in any direction and climb walls/double jump as his trait.

Now that they pretty much have locked the cast, I hope they do some reworks on some of the existing heroes though. Torbjorn needs some stuff probably for example, he's boring as shit to play and inadequate on like 3/4 of the maps because they involve moving around(unlike Bastion who just turrets down where he wants), getting scrap is annoying as shit since you have to go run where enemies died and upgrading a turret takes forever especially since he's not very good at combat so you can't get a lot of scrap quick unless your team is winning already. It feels weird.

He can be great on certain maps in certain spots, like on Hanamura if you put the turret on the left side pretty deep after the first big gate, it'll kill pretty much everyone going in and it's untargetable from the wall opening or the gate so it's hard to clear and then you can also turret decently on the 2nd point, but on most payload maps there's no actual good turret spot(especially early on where it'll just get sniped from inside the spawnpoint).

Symmetra could use some tweaks too but she's overall pretty decent, just weird as shit gameplay. Maybe make her primary beam less sticky but a bit longer range, so you have to aim more but you don't lose it as easily.

I guess the rest of the cast is fine overall, need some balance numbers stuff but I like most of the kits they have. Torbjorn is really the one that feels weird.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I haven't watched a ton of streams, just a little bit of seagull, but TB does seem duevfor a rebalancing. To try and play him as a turret defense guy doesn't seem optimal because it takes forever to upgrade it and the resource collection, like you say, introduces tons of complication. Plus you leave it undefended for a couple of well placed shots to destroy it. Unless your ult is up he seems very underwhelming. Unless you try to play him as dropping L1 turrets in some sort of offensive or skirmish fore support.

Maybe looking at increased build speed, turret stats, or opening up some synergies between classes or multiple TBs. As it is now ibdont think you can build or repair someone else's turret.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think he's perfectly fine, once people get smarter with map knowledge and your team starts realizing assisting your turret and protecting helps you win games you should be good.


<Bronze Donator>
I think he's perfectly fine, once people get smarter with map knowledge and your team starts realizing assisting your turret and protecting helps you win games you should be good.
I've started to see this a lot more. The shield warrior guy just standing there protecting a Bastion and the turret is really hard to deal with on choke points with a little path to it first. It can be pretty gross


<Silver Donator>
The thing is if you consider the turret being protected by a team effort, you have to consider the attacking team working together also. It's really not that hard to brute force through a turret path or kill it if you combine a bunch of ults together. Hanzo ult especially wrecks static defenses, combine with Zarya and/or Lucio ult, and you can run the entire team straight into the path of fire and kill everyone around the turret+the turret at the same time, and then you basically have to switch hero unless you die without using your ult(but if you don't use your ult, then your turret dies to hanzo ult alone for free).

And that's considering you're playing one of the few maps with an actual real chokepoint. I think Hanamura point A is the only one like this, every other maps(and point B) you can go around and stuff and if you don't put your turret to cover the capture point, then you don't even have to kill it! But if you put it to cover the capture point, it doesn't cover the choke.

At the very least Bastion can relocate at a decent speed if needed, but if the choke is breached at any point, you can't move your turret to the capture point or whatever. If you have your ult you can, but you won't be able to setup on the chokepoint again after you've cleared the capture point. The hero is super reliant on having his ult to do any sort of dynamic play unless it's a slow map like payload, which have very few/no actual chokepoints and have a moving objective that prevents your turret from firing at anyone hiding behind it, severely limiting your efficiency.


<Bronze Donator>
The thing is if you consider the turret being protected by a team effort, you have to consider the attacking team working together also. It's really not that hard to brute force through a turret path or kill it if you combine a bunch of ults together. Hanzo ult especially wrecks static defenses, combine with Zarya and/or Lucio ult, and you can run the entire team straight into the path of fire and kill everyone around the turret+the turret at the same time, and then you basically have to switch hero unless you die without using your ult(but if you don't use your ult, then your turret dies to hanzo ult alone for free).

And that's considering you're playing one of the few maps with an actual real chokepoint. I think Hanamura point A is the only one like this, every other maps(and point B) you can go around and stuff and if you don't put your turret to cover the capture point, then you don't even have to kill it! But if you put it to cover the capture point, it doesn't cover the choke.

At the very least Bastion can relocate at a decent speed if needed, but if the choke is breached at any point, you can't move your turret to the capture point or whatever. If you have your ult you can, but you won't be able to setup on the chokepoint again after you've cleared the capture point. The hero is super reliant on having his ult to do any sort of dynamic play unless it's a slow map like payload, which have very few/no actual chokepoints and have a moving objective that prevents your turret from firing at anyone hiding behind it, severely limiting your efficiency.
The problem is building up to those ults at the start of a match when you're attacking and they can just defend with that. I do agree that you can bust it, it'll take a bit of time though.

Also they said average match length right now is 7.5 minutes


<Bronze Donator>
That's a really good answer about CTF. Things like what do you do about Tracer holding the flag with shit like blink for reasons they've had trouble going that route.

Edit: They are still really dodging the cost type questions. Also it sounds like there aren't anymore heroes planned for the next 7 months or whatever before release, which feels weird to me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That's a really good answer about CTF. Things like what do you do about Tracer holding the flag with shit like blink for reasons they've had trouble going that route.
Well the one guy in the thread said make the flag drop on movement skills but that seems hamfisted and breaks much of the hero design since movement skills are a vital part of most heroes. So I agree with the dev team this game isn't CTF friendly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mei and Genji look awesome as shit, to whoever was asking about platforms, all platforms are in their own environment (pc only plays pc, xbox only plays xbox, ps only plays ps). I was also surprised about their statistics, Pharah most played (expected Tracer) and Symetra as "most likely to win".

::EDIT:: Next week for the new Heroes to hit the Beta, that's awesome.


Has nothing to do with entitlement people just think it's a superior business model for online games when done right.

I'm not thrilled with the handling of any of Blizzard's f2p games so I don't really mind the price of Overwatch. I'm surprised you can get it for just $40. My biggest concern is that it will probably suck
What I don't understand is people are upset that it is not free to play but are perfectly acceptable with paying $60 a year for a game like Call of Duty or Madden... This game looks really really polished and is well worth $40 in my opinion.


Golden Knight of the Realm
What I don't understand is people are upset that it is not free to play but are perfectly acceptable with paying $60 a year for a game like Call of Duty or Madden... This game looks really really polished and is well worth $40 in my opinion.
I think many (including myself) enjoy ftp models like League that let you evolve and specialize your account over time. While it's purely a psychological absurdity, some people just can't enjoy something where they aren't accruing long term "value" or more better via game-play.

Edit: A ftp model, along with a HoN/Smite buy all characters/weapons model would probably have been the most enjoyable rout.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I hate FTP models - I honestly don't get the FTP obsession with the current generation of games for consumers. Sure, it makes sense for those selling, but it just sucks the life out of a game if I have to constantly think about getting my wallet out. I'd much rather pay upfront in a lump sum.

On a more Overwatch related note, I've been in EU beta now for a while (sike#1539 if you want to add me) and am enjoying it immensely. Some random thoughts/experiences:

I think there is currently some form of ranked matchmaking - either that or people are just improving exponentially in their ability... I played at the highest levels in quake, q3, cs etc and started out in beta wrecking people. As time has progressed, I only seem to get matched with people who have extremely good aim. Could just be coincidence but I suppose it would also make sense.

In terms of balance, it already feels fairly reasonable. Some heroes are more or less powerful, but almost everything can be countered by switching to the right combo of heroes. So far it hasn't felt like there is a 'best' set of heroes for attacking or defending.

I'm not sure I agree about turrets being weak - they seem to be in a pretty good place. The one change that might be good to see would be to allow them to be picked up and moved once deployed.

I've enjoyed Mcree most - if your aim is good it's an awesome class. Tracer can be insane too.

Very much looking forward to the new icewall hero - should add some interesting dynamics to attack and defence.


That's a really good answer about CTF. Things like what do you do about Tracer holding the flag with shit like blink for reasons they've had trouble going that route.

Edit: They are still really dodging the cost type questions. Also it sounds like there aren't anymore heroes planned for the next 7 months or whatever before release, which feels weird to me.
Well, there's not really much to dodge: How much? 40 dollars (or 60 for CE). What do you get for that? The entire game.

Seriously, the best thing about Overwatch right now is watching people freak out because it'snotF2P/P2W.


<Bronze Donator>
Well, there's not really much to dodge: How much? 40 dollars (or 60 for CE). What do you get for that? The entire game.

Seriously, the best thing about Overwatch right now is watching people freak out because it'snotF2P/P2W.
That's actually dodging quite a lot. If the release heroes and maps do you have to buy them? Will you be able to play free and only buy heroes you want? Will skins be free or priced reasonable considering a box cost? What kind of pay walls are we looking at in the future? Is the game going to have more traditional styles of DLC/Expansions instead of just periodic updates that add heroes/maps?