

Definitely depends on the game. However in almost every (team)FPS game I've played on a competitive level these are true:

Knowing every single detail about the map, knowing proper movement, and being able to make decisions instantly are the big three. Aiming is pretty high on that priority of course but once you've got those down you should be decent enough aim.
On team games especially it's very important to worry more about dealing damage than it is about straight up getting kills. Don't get tilted when you die but your teamate kills the dude with 12 hp left immediately after. Trading deaths is better than dying like an idiot on your own. Getting past that was the hardest part for me honestly and it sounds stupid but a lot of people fall into that hole.

Map awareness though is the #1 in my opinion. Learning maps by playing for hours and hours and learning what route you would take if you're playing with x weapon/class and what counters you in what parts of the map is the most valuable. After that you learn to play around whatever your opponent is doing pretty naturally.

It all sounds fairly simple and it is but it takes a while to get to a point where you're comfortable with the flow of the game. It generally translates super well into other similar games as well.


Been waiting for this. Hopefully I get an email. Looks like a new addiction for me.


The problem is the game is 'too contained'. All of the maps are closed spaces. The physics is controlled, despite having flying and wall-climbing. We need a dm17.


They still have to balance the maps around the characters though, something too open would give widowmakers too much power but something too enclosed gives you every reason to play pharrah and junkrat. I haven't actually played the game yet unfortunately, but from watching various streams and videos it seems like most of the maps have a decent mixture of both indoors and outdoors. Everyone always ends up fighting around one chokepoint though and totally ignoring the other 2 or 3 ways into the fight that could effectively kill half the team not paying attention.

Maybe it's because those ways aren't completely obvious or something.

A DM map would be amazing at some point though for sure


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
They could create a mode where they restrict characters based on map I suppose. DM17 is madness, such glorious madness.


what Suineg set it to
I still don't know how I feel about people changing classes all the time. Given the relative strength/weaknesses I could see the game at higher levels ending up being 'class change momentum' vs. just figure out how to win with the comp you chose.


I still don't know how I feel about people changing classes all the time. Given the relative strength/weaknesses I could see the game at higher levels ending up being 'class change momentum' vs. just figure out how to win with the comp you chose.
I feel like in pubs it's going to become "ok we wiped,we lost, lets all play X to fuck around."


Limiting classes would be more retarded imo. This isn't a MOBA which for whatever reason the entire reddit community seems to think it is.

"widowmaker or feed"


<Silver Donator>
Competitive will probably see class limitations. There's some in TF2, and that's not a moba either. Doesn't mean it will be "no double", just it'll prevent stuff like 6 Lucios. Probably cap of 2 of the same hero and maybe limitations of roles like say no more than 3healers total.

Don't see them limiting pub games though, and no real reason to. Maybe if they have some sort of ranked played they could follow the same rules, but it wouldn't be hard restriction rules and definitely not "pick one hero the whole map" which is pretty dumb with people leaving and joining midgame and the objectives vastly changing and requiring different gameplay.

As a side note, really enjoying Zenyatta and Pudge. Pudge, or whatever his actual name is, is especially strong, you can self heal when your healer sucks/you don't have a healer/you didn't bother killing the tracer that ran past you because can't fucking hook that shit anyway and now your healer is dead, the hook is great at interupting a ton of the strongest abilities including most non instant ults "Justice rains fro SPLONK BLAM *RIP*" and the ult is hilariously good at getting people off the fucking cap points or melting down fancy reinhardt/bastion/winston shields. He actuallly feels tanky and useful and can 1vs1 most other classes too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Limiting classes would be more retarded imo. This isn't a MOBA which for whatever reason the entire reddit community seems to think it is.

"widowmaker or feed"
Well, I don't mind if people play more than 1 of the same class, but it'd be better imo if everyone stayed the same class during the round so you could have an idea how to strategize against that team comp as the game progressed.


Unelected Mod
So why is there such limited information about how you did in comparison to others in your match? Am I not seeing how to get it?

I want to see damage numbers, healing numbers, etc, not just ranked compared to my team or miss percentage.


what Suineg set it to
So why is there such limited information about how you did in comparison to others in your match? Am I not seeing how to get it?

I want to see damage numbers, healing numbers, etc, not just ranked compared to my team or miss percentage.
That's not 'fun', everyone gets a trophy. Also that's why we should invest a ton of money in e sports at the same time... oh wait.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Limiting classes would be more retarded imo. This isn't a MOBA which for whatever reason the entire reddit community seems to think it is.

"widowmaker or feed"
What we see how is probably the casual/quick match version of the game. Restricting classes in that version makes little sense because it's main purpose is probably to just fuck around and learn a hero. But I could see some validity in a ranked mode only being allowed to have 1 of each class per team.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So why is there such limited information about how you did in comparison to others in your match? Am I not seeing how to get it?

I want to see damage numbers, healing numbers, etc, not just ranked compared to my team or miss percentage.
Blizzard is trying to make it so the purpose of the game is to win objectives and not to top KDA or statistics. If it is a good idea or not I'm not sure.


Tranny Chaser
From a suspension of disbelief standpoint it makes more sense for a player to be locked into a particular character or for that character to only exist once on any given map. A variation on that theme is only once per team. Then again Team Fortress 2 seems to work well with no such limits.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm not sold on champ switching, it has it's pros and cons. It could promote some interesting gameplay if you're watching the game, but playing it might cause issues in pub games.

That being said, I had no idea you could dupe picks on the same team until just recently. I don't think I like that. I would like to see how the game would play if only one hero/champ can exist for either team. As in if the other team locks one in, then the other team can't select them. Might make dropping/picking a more interesting event in a game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
professional TF2 has class restrictions

for non-pro games I am mostly against restrictions. These games are more fun with flexibility. Also the MOBA toxicity would come over... "Sniper or Feed", etc.

I'll be ok with MOBA restrictions if they end up having a huge roster of heroes. For that to happen they'll need to have multiples of each archetype though. They already have multiple healers/tanks but you need more scouts and snipers.