

Molten Core Raider

I'm loving Zarya's play style.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
God this game is so good. I'm finally starting to click with Junkrat as well. His E is so, so fucking good on defense maps. There are always the "obvious" paths people love to take so if you just E the doorway you can rack up so many free kills.


Toe Sucker
There are still a lot of things about this game that i dislike, albeit fun the majority of the time.

- Class stacking needs to go, or capped at 2 of the same per team (i don't even think 2 should be allowed).
- Tracer needs to be nerfed, if anything make her blink charges have 1-2 seconds more cooldown per charge, her reverse time needs to be at least double the cooldown.
- Roadhog probably needs to do less damage, being able to 1 shot any non tank is pretty crazy after a hook.
- The new maps and game mode are very unbalanced towards the team defending as it's very hard to retake the points on Lijiang Tower. I don't find these maps to be fun at all.
- Zenyatta's Orb of Discord needs to be nerfed like mercy's right click was, it still enables way too much burst.
- Various characters either generate their ult too fast, or too slow. (mercy can res every minute or so if you're constantly healing for example).
- Premade matchmaking needs to prioritize other premade groups to reduce the amount of extremely one sided 'pub stomps'.

Despite a lot of the flaws, i still really, really enjoy this game a lot; but it definitely needs a lot of work in the next ~5 months heh.


what Suineg set it to
The TF2 character advancement is a yawnfest. Yea that stuff is 'nifty' I guess, but I really want shit like COD weapon mods at least if not new weapons - change some characteristics to fit play style.

Agree class stacking is dumb, really it needs to be locked on each round and you just pick one and go. IDK, I just think it would be much better like a MOBA rather than 'oh look 4 Bastion now'. The game is fast paced enough I don't really feel like I would need to swap more than each round.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah should not be able to have more than 1 of each person - It should lock a person when hes already been selected by someone else - if they dont like it then let them leave and someone else can queue on in.

Leveling needs more of a purpose, and perhaps it should be independent with each character - like you can level Lucio or Junkrat up individually and unlock cosmetics and perhaps variations to their ults - Hanzo can shoot out 2 singular fast moving dragons instead of 2 combined and slow moving.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Game is fun for sure but main thing I dislike right now is after every round it takes 3+ minutes to get another game started. I don't know why the game can't just cycle maps faster with same teams or play the same map but switch sides just to keep the downtime to a minimum.

I'm not advanced enough yet to worry about the team comps or abilities. Just been focusing on learning Hanzo right now. Once I can play off muscle memory then I'll worry about that other stuff

Ravishing#1226 btw.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah should not be able to have more than 1 of each person - It should lock a person when hes already been selected by someone else - if they dont like it then let them leave and someone else can queue on in.

Leveling needs more of a purpose, and perhaps it should be independent with each character - like you can level Lucio or Junkrat up individually and unlock cosmetics and perhaps variations to their ults - Hanzo can shoot out 2 singular fast moving dragons instead of 2 combined and slow moving.
Class locking is a bad idea. The game lets you swap heroes any time for a reason, as this gives you some flexibility on how to handle certain situations and pick more ideal counters based on team comp. If some shitlord picks the best choice for the situation, then you're fucked. Too easy to troll or frustrate players. Besides, it is a bad game experience to have to constantly drop lobbies/matches because someone took the hero you like.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can't comment hugely on balance especially since I play in nothing but disorganized pubs but the only thing that really feels "op" is S76's healing beacon needs a much larger cooldown. Probably double. Right now S76 feels like he's one of the best DPS in the game while simultaneously being one of the best support.


Molten Core Raider
The problem with character stacking is on maps where it's attack/defend there aren't too many defenses that 4 fucking Winstons can't shitstomp all over. Horrible for everything else, amazing for taking attack points.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also wish they'd just take off the baby gloves and fucking display your KDA. Its infuriating having no real clue how well you're personally doing in a game. I get it "objectives not kills" blah blah blah. If anything at least display your own KDA if you want to mask your team's entire KDA.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Game is fun for sure but main thing I dislike right now is after every round it takes 3+ minutes to get another game started. I don't know why the game can't just cycle maps faster with same teams or play the same map but switch sides just to keep the downtime to a minimum.

I'm not advanced enough yet to worry about the team comps or abilities. Just been focusing on learning Hanzo right now. Once I can play off muscle memory then I'll worry about that other stuff

Ravishing#1226 btw.
uh, it DOES do all of those things. If it takes longer it's because too many people are leaving.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think people constantly hop out because you can get into another game faster by just leaving the game after it finishes and clicking the find game button again