

Lord Nagafen Raider
I probably would have gotten hooked and pre-ordered ages ago if I could get proper access to the beta, but as it is I'll have to wait for the open beta I guess to see if it will stick with me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Open beta will sell a ton of people. Even if some people in this thread are somewhat over the game after playing for 80 hours that first few weeks rush is amazing. The game really sucks you in right away.


Toe Sucker
For sure, i think the timeframe they're doing the open beta is good too because it'll end on the early access anyway so people will be like fuck yeah i'll buy the game to play it 3 weeks earlier!

either way they're going to get that $60 from a shit load of people.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For sure, i think the timeframe they're doing the open beta is good too because it'll end on the early access anyway so people will be like fuck yeah i'll buy the game to play it 3 weeks earlier!

either way they're going to get that $60 from a shit load of people.

Unless people really dig those origin skins. But knowing how cheap people on the internet tend to be I doubt it.


<Bronze Donator>
The game is definitely enjoyable, and yesterday I decided I'm actually going to buy it. I'll probably even get the collectors

Also, Mei is definitely overtuned now and needs to come down. If she's going to do as much damage as she is now the slow shit needs to be reversed. One or the other, not both.


FoH nuclear response team
Are we going to get a competitive group together? I have no PC gaming FPS friends and need someone to group up with and stomp fuckers out.


what Suineg set it to
It'll fall flat anyway compared to expectations I think. It's ok as F2P but it's not worth the box price right now. Not anything exciting or new and 6v6 gets repetitive quickly. In fact the entire game revolves around the two things Blizzard has always been horrible at: balancing small arena scale pvp and timely meaningful content additions.

I would probably play this with friends irregularly in current form but despite playing CS and TFC forever, none want to touch this for full price.


<Bronze Donator>
I mean, the game can be extremely fun to play. The only thing that really detracts for me is matchmaking, when you know going in you already lost. It's just not balanced right now, it's like they took all the lessons from HoTS and threw them out the window


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I always take beta/alpha matchmaking with a grain of salt. You're never going to be able to have good match making with an extremely limited pool of people to pick from. No one wants to wait 10-15 minutes to play.


<Bronze Donator>
I really feel like it's a bug and not intentional (with Mei). Something in that when they buffed her right click it buffed her left click as well. Independently of that her right click is too good right now though. Here let me freeze your whole team with my ult than just shoot you in the head for free


Trakanon Raider
I played in the last beta weekend, and I can see the draw of the game. I love my Quake and I love my Dota, but for me personally I'm not sure the combination provides me something I'll keep coming back to as a player. I can see why a lot of people might like it, but I only see myself buying this if my friends show a massive interest in it and play it a lot. As a solo player, I think the game needs much bigger maps and a much higher player cap. I don't think 12v12 would be unrealistic. Part of what's good about TF2 - is that in any given pub match you'll see all classes represented most of the time in quantities > 1. The fewer players you put in a match, the greater individual player skill or character power imbalances become as well.

I feel like they are attempting to balance this game like a moba, and I'm not sure that's the best way to do it. I would imagine the player caps are some part of their console plan/limitations. I believe this game will be huge on consoles without much problem and cater to a large section of PC gamers who have a slightly more casual slant to their habits. As a PC multiplayer gamer who loves arena shooters like Quake, I'm just looking at Doom as the great FPS hope for myself, lets just hope they will allow 16-32 total players minimum per map.


I probably would have gotten hooked and pre-ordered ages ago if I could get proper access to the beta, but as it is I'll have to wait for the open beta I guess to see if it will stick with me.

Preordered when it was first announced hoping I'd get in the beeta. Cancelled my preorder a few dys ago, I'm not going to prepurchase a game nowadways at least should be able to get in the beta 8 months later.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I like the game, pub solo queues are getting really irritating though (maybe its just the weekend). Two tracers/snipers who wont switch every time youre on offense, no tanks/healers. When you do switch to the others, the rest of the team cant kill anything, because theyre terrible. So you keep people alive a bit longer, then watch them die because they can't hit anything. Reinhardt also feels mandatory in every game. Just an overall very frustrating experience where you feel your impact is minimal.

Was very salty last night. I mean, if they throw a level 5 in with us, then you expect them to be experimenting and finding their feet, that's the matchmakers fault not theirs. So thats fine. But holy shit, whats with the level 80+ tracers who just stand at an entrance continually dying not even being able to REACH their backline, then end up losing the game before we even take the first objective. How can you make it so far in and STILL not realise what you're doing wrong.


FoH nuclear response team
I agree on the bigger maps criticism. The Londonish map completely sucked ass for flanking.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if anyone watches competitive overwatch but I saw a cute strategy the other day by IDDQD. On the start of Durado on Defense they ran out of the gate with 3 Lucios and a Symettra. But they really only wanted 1 Lucio at the end. So they had Lucio1 speed boost immediately and peel back when his E faded. Lucio2 would then speed boost and peel back when his E faded. Then Lucio3 would speed boost. This allowed Symettra to get to the defense point rather quickly allowing her to set up 6 turrets instead of the usual 3-4.