

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think this game will get better over time as people learn to play. Right now if you solo queue it's either a fuck ton of fun or makes you want to throw your computer out the window. If the game would have had a single player campaign to teach all the mechanics and teamwork then I think the playerbase would be much better. Instead you get people not knowing wtf to do and it can make a game fucking horrible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had a lot of fun with Genji last night and this morning. I'm nothing special, but with some time to learn the maps, he is a right pain in the ass for other teams.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
While this is still mostly accurate the only thing he doesn't talk about is the maximum ms of compensation allowed. At the end he complains about having 800ms ping would give you the shooters advantage of people under cover but the maximum OW allows you to compensate is 200ms. So anything above is only a disadvantage for the lagged player. I also somewhat wish they just increased the default server refresh rate to 60 to allow the beta testers to try that out as default. I didn't know some servers were hosted on AWS and I wonder if the lower default outbound refresh is a way to try and limit the costs of the cloud servers.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe they use it as a buffer for the open beta ?

Hopefully ranked play brings better tickrate, the amount of kills I'm able to get around the corners is a bit unnerving.


FoH nuclear response team
Played with a full group of RR peeps and RL friends this morning, totally wrecked fucking shop. I'm already addicted.


Trakanon Raider
First game I played I chose Bastion and we were defending and so of course I destroyed. It was on this map with a small chokepoint. The only character that gave me trouble was Pharah. I had a 15 kill streak at one point and made the play of the game. I got 1 commendation in total for that lol.

I don't understand the process of joining a new game. I have joined quite a few games that only lasted another minute or so. So did someone leave or? So to make sure you play from start to finish you have to stick with the same team yeah? Or is it unusual to join a game already underway?

Isn't this game supposed to be $40 for PC? Keeps taking me to a pre purchase page of 60 fucking euros. Which is like $75. I am in Europe but my entire account is USA. Games are very expensive over here. Gotta be a way to purchase the US version. Weird.


if you play with a team of six, do you get matched up against premades mostly?
It SEEMS to favor matching you against other teams of 5 or 6, but I don't think it's always the case. We've gone up against the same team of people already 2 or 3 times on different days + managed to run into another friend group of 6 haha

I think this game will get better over time as people learn to play. Right now if you solo queue it's either a fuck ton of fun or makes you want to throw your computer out the window. If the game would have had a single player campaign to teach all the mechanics and teamwork then I think the playerbase would be much better. Instead you get people not knowing wtf to do and it can make a game fucking horrible.
I really do hope they introduce a solo queue. I feel like everybody is trying to play this game like they played TF2, whereas in TF2 you can go in solo and make some plays - even in competitive (but not as much as pubs obviously) while in OWalmosteverything is capable of 1v1 and you teleporting up top as reaper when there's 2 people up there is literally only going to kill you and you're not going to do damage. There's a lot of people that think they can win the game for the team and it's just not the case 90% of the time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well with shit like holding points and payload objectives the game is literally designed not to be able to carry that hard.


Trakanon Raider
This game brings out new levels of rage in me that I didn't even know existed.
Strange. It's the exact opposite for me. I'm a classic rager. But I've noticed with Overwatch that (except for 1 time) when something dumb happens or I fall down a hole I didn't know existed on a new map or the objective ends just as my ultimate loads up or whatever other bs happens I just laugh. Fast respawn time makes it feel less consequential I guess. What are you raging at? Perceived hero imbalance or? Just genuinely curious. I've only been playing for a few hours so I'm still a newb. Seems like a few of the attack heroes are a bit ridiculous to me. Whoever AoE's with his revolvers is retarded imo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
When I high noon and get 6 locked on targets and I shoot the fucking Genji first who deflects and kills me saving his team. That makes me rage at myself pretty hard.


Strange. It's the exact opposite for me. I'm a classic rager. But I've noticed with Overwatch that (except for 1 time) when something dumb happens or I fall down a hole I didn't know existed on a new map or the objective ends just as my ultimate loads up or whatever other bs happens I just laugh. Fast respawn time makes it feel less consequential I guess. What are you raging at? Perceived hero imbalance or? Just genuinely curious. I've only been playing for a few hours so I'm still a newb. Seems like a few of the attack heroes are a bit ridiculous to me. Whoever AoE's with his revolvers is retarded imo.
1 sided stomps where your team can't do anything. The hanzo and widow super combo on your team for attack. Mercy and reaper ults. My own dumb mistakes. There's plenty to rage at.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm IntRR#1436 if anyone gets some games up. Should have some time today / tomorrow to play around while the family goes out and runs errands.


Trakanon Raider
Are loot boxes pre determined with each level or are they random? Can you open the 1000 gold skins on a very rare chance?