

Trakanon Raider
Got it for PC. Heard others were buying PC and using XBOX Controller (can't confirm how they like it or if it even worked out) but it feels like old times using mouse and keyboard for a FPS. Absolutely loved this game throughout beta and looking forward to the competitive matches (eta June?)

This is my toughest week at work so who knows when i'll get on this week but going to try tonight. I play Mercy and Hanzo... primarily Mercy though. Once a healer, always a healer.


Overwatch is the best shooter I've played since UT'99. Blizzard should be lauded for launching such an exceptional game as their first FPS. If somebody told me I'd be hopelessly addicted to a fucking shooter - one where the single weapon you start with is the only one you ever get - I'd have laughed my ass off. I've played probably 5 hours and only tried three classes - Genji, Widow and Reaper - and they're all fantastic and so distinctive that it feels like I'm playing a different game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've definitely been focusing on a few characters for now but eventually will dabble in all of them. Pharah and Tracer are my best so far, then Reaper/Honzo/Widow, then everybody else right now :p.

Edit: I really want to be good with Genji but his Shurikens feel awful to use

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
How active is the game on PS4 so far? I prefer to shoot faces from the comfort of my couch.


Molten Core Raider
Yea, I found it sort of interesting that a bunch of places were writing about how people compared Overwatch to Battleborn, and they weren't the same. But they are so ridiculously close. Battleborn might have actual lanes, minions and a core, but really, it's the same if you just consider that is a "mode" as it were in Overwatch.

The champion types make it super fun and rewarding to play with teams, and stupidly frustrating to soloQ.
The only similarity is that they both have "hero" type characters, everything else is pretty much different. Battleborn is a MOBA through and through, complete with items, leveling, creeps, buildables, and a longer TTK. Overwatch is basically TF2 lite. They really aren't similar at all.


Trakanon Raider
For the open beta, I tried the tutorial for about 30 minutes.

How is this game for a 35 year old with no real fps skills anymore, no group of friends to play with and rarely ever play with a mic. So far all streams I have seen on twitch play on teams (Summit and the likes), and it looks fun, but nothing I will probably ever be a part of.

Is it easy to just pick up and go? Or does it require hours of youtube tutorials first for every map and class to not just be a complete drag for the rest of the team? So far it seems every person her mention "group play good, solo queue bad".


FoH nuclear response team
went undefeated until the last match with some rerolled bros, this shit is fun with a group.


FoH nuclear response team
For the open beta, I tried the tutorial for about 30 minutes.

How is this game for a 35 year old with no real fps skills anymore, no group of friends to play with and rarely ever play with a mic. So far all streams I have seen on twitch play on teams (Summit and the likes), and it looks fun, but nothing I will probably ever be a part of.

Is it easy to just pick up and go? Or does it require hours of youtube tutorials first for every map and class to not just be a complete drag for the rest of the team? So far it seems every person her mention "group play good, solo queue bad".
You can play at any skill level, there are many chars that you can do support like functions with. As for friends, just add every rerolled person you see on here. I'm up to 26 friends now.


Trakanon Raider
For the open beta, I tried the tutorial for about 30 minutes.

How is this game for a 35 year old with no real fps skills anymore, no group of friends to play with and rarely ever play with a mic. So far all streams I have seen on twitch play on teams (Summit and the likes), and it looks fun, but nothing I will probably ever be a part of.

Is it easy to just pick up and go? Or does it require hours of youtube tutorials first for every map and class to not just be a complete drag for the rest of the team? So far it seems every person her mention "group play good, solo queue bad".
It just came out, it's never gonna get more newb-friendly than right now. Their matchmaking seems solid and there are quite a few classes that mitigate how bad you are by emphasizing positioning and timing, like Reinhardt or Symmetra. Solo play is alright, but if you want to take the game seriously, voice coms are a must.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Have to say I hate the leaver penalty....lose xp or stay in a soul crushingly bad game
The matches don't last too long in stomps, so at least it isn't like DOTA where you are a prisoner for the next 30-40 minutes.


Is it easy to just pick up and go?
I'd say yes for now. In a few days people will start getting really good, and in a few more days the hacks will begin. Even losing is fun though. Getting sniped in planetside 2 is always super annoying, but in this game it's like "hey good shot". Generally when I die I feel like it was my fault, though there are exceptions.

Nothing like watching the kill cam and seeing yourself standing thumb inserted and getting mowed down while on my screen I was 30 feet down a hallway (which the bullets came through and murdered me). But hey, that's lag and its in any game that trusts the client.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Getting sniped in planetside 2 is always super annoying, but in this game it's like "hey good shot".
That attitude may last all of a week. Widow is the most annoying and frustrating hero to play against and she's not even hard to play.


The only similarity is that they both have "hero" type characters, everything else is pretty much different. Battleborn is a MOBA through and through, complete with items, leveling, creeps, buildables, and a longer TTK. Overwatch is basically TF2 lite. They really aren't similar at all.
Respectfully disagree. Did you play the beta at all? Either of them? At it's very base, both games play startlingly similarly. Both basically end up death matches on some part of the map with objectives to consider - if you put the MOBA part of battleborn into Overwatch as a "mode", you wouldn't even blink.

Gear for instance, is real specific, since you load it before game. (In Battleborn. It should be noted this is the way a lot of first person shooters approach gear.)

But that comes more from the fact that I don't think Battleborn is a MOBA at all. And it's not; it's categorized as a FPS with MOBA elements. Hell, even Pitchford said it's a hero shooter.

The differences/similarities are largely elementary; the point I was trying to make is that I agree with the idea that you have to approach the game with a MOBA mindset in order to make the most of your matches, and that was humorous given the few reviewers who for some reason made a big stink about how they were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.


Trakanon Raider
D.Va is good when you start to learn to use her E more. Its like a mini short term Reinhardt shield. You got a push coming? Hit E, stop all incoming fire and hopefully your teammates are safe behind your shield shooting. Roadhog hook you and blow his ult? No problem. Eat the whole thing with your E and then waste him.

And nothing beats the flying bomb.