

D.Va is good when you start to learn to use her E more. Its like a mini short term Reinhardt shield. You got a push coming? Hit E, stop all incoming fire and hopefully your teammates are safe behind your shield shooting. Roadhog hook you and blow his ult? No problem. Eat the whole thing with your E and then waste him.

And nothing beats the flying bomb.
Yea, there's really nothing like getting stalemated at a defense point, and jetting in as D.Va to Q the entire team. I've gotten a few POTG that show entire enemy team destruction with it.

Edit: And nothing beats gunning people down with her pistol either. I feel more like a god doing that then I do with the Q.


Trakanon Raider
Defense is twice as fun as offense and yeah, defense is easier, specially in a pub. You get sick of getting 6 offense games in a row. Today I have had 14 offence and 3 defense. Really annoying because I want to play Turret Keeper with Symmetra. She is so fun once you get the hang of her. But I've hardly had a chance because all I've gotten today is offense after offense.


Trakanon Raider
Symmetra's teleporter can really break an offense too if you get it set up. Instant teleports back to the defence point is invaluable.


Molten Core Raider
Respectfully disagree. Did you play the beta at all? Either of them? At it's very base, both games play startlingly similarly. Both basically end up death matches on some part of the map with objectives to consider - if you put the MOBA part of battleborn into Overwatch as a "mode", you wouldn't even blink.

Gear for instance, is real specific, since you load it before game. (In Battleborn. It should be noted this is the way a lot of first person shooters approach gear.)

But that comes more from the fact that I don't think Battleborn is a MOBA at all. And it's not; it's categorized as a FPS with MOBA elements. Hell, even Pitchford said it's a hero shooter.

The differences/similarities are largely elementary; the point I was trying to make is that I agree with the idea that you have to approach the game with a MOBA mindset in order to make the most of your matches, and that was humorous given the few reviewers who for some reason made a big stink about how they were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
Yeah I played them both in beta, own them both now, and they don't play anything alike. Overwatch plays exactly like TF2 or Paladins and Battleborn plays like Smite in first person. They share unique characters and are team based games but past that they have very little in common. You'd literally have to change the entire game to add a Battleborn mode to Overwatch. Everything from leveling up, the time to kill, respawn timers, currency accumulation, recruiting NPCs, building structures, creeps, lane based play, etc. in Battleborn make them extremely different. And it's not just reviewers who are reluctant to call them similar it's the majority of people who've played them as well. Randy Pitchford doesn't call Battleborn a moba because "they are F2P and top down RTS" according to him, and it has various gameplay modes which makes it hard to describe, but the games main draw is more a MOBA than HotS.

And since when did team based objectives in a first person shooter require a MOBA mindset? Again, TF2 isn't a moba, was doing this long before MOBA craze and Overwatch borrows heavily from it gameplay wise. There is a reason why people call Overwatch things like "Blizzard's TF2", "TF2 2.0" or "TF2 with waifu" and not "Blizzards DotA 2.0".

Did anyone else not get a code for the Diablo: Mercy Wings with their physical copy?
I didn't get codes for any of the bonus stuff except the Widowmaker skin. The rest of the stuff, like Tracer, Mercy Wings, etc. all just showed up in the other games when I logged in. In Diablo 3 you have to log into a character before you get the wings.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I played them both in beta, own them both now, and they don't play anything alike. Overwatch plays exactly like TF2 or Paladins and Battleborn plays like Smite in first person. They share unique characters and are team based games but past that they have very little in common. You'd literally have to change the entire game to add a Battleborn mode to Overwatch. Everything from leveling up, the time to kill, respawn timers, currency accumulation, recruiting NPCs, building structures, creeps, lane based play, etc. in Battleborn make them extremely different. And it's not just reviewers who are reluctant to call them similar it's the majority of people who've played them as well. Randy Pitchford doesn't call Battleborn a moba because "they are F2P and top down RTS" according to him, and it has various gameplay modes which makes it hard to describe, but the games main draw is more a MOBA than HotS.

And since when did team based objectives in a first person shooter require a MOBA mindset? Again, TF2 isn't a moba, was doing this long before MOBA craze and Overwatch borrows heavily from it gameplay wise. There is a reason why people call Overwatch things like "Blizzard's TF2", "TF2 2.0" or "TF2 with waifu" and not "Blizzards DotA 2.0".

I didn't get codes for any of the bonus stuff except the Widowmaker skin. The rest of the stuff, like Tracer, Mercy Wings, etc. all just showed up in the other games when I logged in. In Diablo 3 you have to log into a character before you get the wings.
If you said it was more like competitive TF2 than certainly. But I think most people experience with TF2 is drop in servers with anywhere from a 32 to a 64 person population where you just run around killing things and do objectives and just generally enjoy the destructive mayhem.

This feels more like a moba to me, cause it reminds me a little bit of Dota 2 with its fighting around objectives based on ultimates and the like. Now I'll give you its far from a MOBA in that there is no farming (outside farming up your ult) and no item progression or levels to worry about. And there is no 'falling behind' in power levels vs the other team. All you do is lose objectives.

But, the forced team comp, play around ultimates etc does feel a bit MOBAish, where TF2 on large pop servers was much more just open free for all.


I guess you've been absent in this thread.

Overwatch really shines when you view it from the perspective of coordinated team play, like utilizing ults at the appropriate time. That's very much a "MOBA" mindset - not that team play doesn't come from FPS, but it's very specific for roles, nailing down a few champs etc. It's obviously like TF, but the heavy team play, especially with reliance on every champ's Q tends to make me think more like I view a DoTA match than it does TF.

The roles in TF2 were specialized, but with a hero shooter, it's even nailed down more so. You're not just considering role, speed, weapon loadouts, unique traits of certain classes, but also their specific ability/abilities.

I also don't get this whole notion that things have to fit into a box with some people. Who cares if they have similarities? The point was that I'm having more success wombo comboing teams than I do if I tried to view it solely like a TF match.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've definitely been focusing on a few characters for now but eventually will dabble in all of them. Pharah and Tracer are my best so far, then Reaper/Honzo/Widow, then everybody else right now :p.

Edit: I really want to be good with Genji but his Shurikens feel awful to use
With his Shuriekns you almost always want to right click unless you are sniping from way far away. I know people keep saying it but watch a little bit of Seagull's stream, his Genji is out of this world and he's always talking about to get better with him.


FPS noob
Anyone else feel like after 2-3 games just not playing anymore for a while? Even if I win all the games, I just get kinda bored and want to go do something else. I just played uncharted 4 for 4 hours so its not bored of games or something, I just don't feel like I am really progressing towards anything interesting. I enjoy the games I play, but can't even imagine how some of these twitch guys play for 8 hours straight


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea it happens. Competitive mode is more addicting because progression. Right now it's whatever


Lord Nagafen Raider
I definitely play this like I did TF2. I am a spy and trying to go around and behind the lines and cause havoc as basically any character. I don't even know wtf to do in the middle of a big fight :p


Log Wizard
God I wish they'd bring back random hero brawl.

The 3 bastion team premade sucked, the 4 winston premade was bad until we had 4 reapers, and the 3 mei, 2 tornbjorn, reinhardt team was really fucking annoying on hanamura attack as well. Infinite walls.

At least I get to boost my Genji stats when this stupid shit happens.


Trakanon Raider
God I hate hanzo, his fucking arrows do so much damage.

Anyone else feel like after 2-3 games just not playing anymore for a while? Even if I win all the games, I just get kinda bored and want to go do something else. I just played uncharted 4 for 4 hours so its not bored of games or something, I just don't feel like I am really progressing towards anything interesting. I enjoy the games I play, but can't even imagine how some of these twitch guys play for 8 hours straight
Yea the game is fun in short bursts for me but seems to just be lacking something.....more maps, more game modes, more variety really


Trakanon Raider
I like Widow, but I think a good Hanzo is the better sniper. The arrows have a slight arc than can be abused by shooting keeping yourself just behind cover and kinda lobbing them in. His sonic arrow is Widow's ultimate light, but on a short cooldown. It feels like a full charged arrow does as much as a fully charged sniper shot from Widow. And, he can just rapid fire them and never have to take a long break to reload. Haven't even gotten to his ult yet.

I like Widow's point of aim is point of impact, but if you can get used to the 'drop' in Hanzo's arrows, I think he could be the better sniper.


With his Shuriekns you almost always want to right click unless you are sniping from way far away. I know people keep saying it but watch a little bit of Seagull's stream, his Genji is out of this world and he's always talking about to get better with him.
I'm not terribly interested in OW but I completely agree with the recommend. Seagull doesn't always play Gengi but when he does, it's a work of art.

It's like watching Dota2 gods in terms of "huh, I *could* do that!" when of course you can't. Still, always nice to have something to strive for.


I wish that Zarya's E shield could be thrown on enemy players so it mitigates their weapon for a short time. Only because I would love to see her shield go up around D.Va's flying bomb


Trakanon Raider
God I hate hanzo, his fucking arrows do so much damage.

Yea the game is fun in short bursts for me but seems to just be lacking something.....more maps, more game modes, more variety really
Have you guys tried Brawl? it's super fun and there's no reason not to play it with no competitive mode. You get exp same as normal. The current brawl is hilarity and so much fun. Tracer can basically teleport nonstop, for example.