

Golden Baronet of the Realm
I hope they put open groups in this game. I'm surprised they launched without it.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
McCree can't really touch Reinhardt either. I usually jump in front of team mates soon as I hear him. Hanzo...Umm just strafe? You KNOW he will be aiming for the grouped lot or the capture points/escort. 90% of the time you know where it's coming from also.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
McCree can't really touch Reinhardt either. .
You know a McCree can stun the rein even if his shield is up(Just aim your flash above his shield)? Then just fan twice and he's dead before he can do anything. And you can fan the shield down fast with right clicks. Like I said, counters everything but a Widow in open area. Probably why so many tourney comps are 2x McCree.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I haven't seen it personally, I don't play Rein or McCree, but you see it all the time in tourney's or even on twitch from the higher skilled players.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for all the fun this weekend to all the people I played with. Good times.


FoH nuclear response team
I was getting absolutely raped by a McCree this evening as Zarya, even with full shield he could stun/kill me without breaking a sweat.


McCree counters just about everything, yeah. I mean you should be able to take him out as a junkrat or genji but meh. He's a hero my team instantly focuses because if we don't he WILL flashbang the tank or healer. Most of my deaths on Reinhardt are specifically from McCree flashing over the shield because it stuns for whatever retarded ass reason when it's above my head.

As much as I hate flashbang, I think it's okay. I do however think being able to fan the hammer and then roll to instantly reload and fan the hammer again is kind of dumb though.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The real issue with McCree is he has simultaneously a super high skill ceiling, and a low skill floor. The flashbang + fan combo is powerful enough to oneshot almost all of the cast and is easy for even the worst randoms to pull of pretty reliably, but then his guns left click scales in to absurdity as well the more player skill climbs, which means he's just godlike at every level of play.

Flashbang isn't even the problem, it serves a very important purpose to act as a counter to the Tracer/Genji flank. The problem is that fan the hammer does something retarded like 430 damage, so even if you biff half the shots it still instakills a huge chunk of the cast, and that's not even counting a rolling reload.


Molten Core Raider
Hanzo just fires arrows the size of tree's it seems or you randomly walk into a arrow and die in 1 hit cause he is just spamming from objective.

I was getting absolutely raped by a McCree this evening as Zarya, even with full shield he could stun/kill me without breaking a sweat.
I probably should have tried to say something, but really only started becoming a problem at the end because they did all Hanzo's early. Only thing I can think of was to try and counter-shield yourself and it'll absorb majority of the damage and you should be sufficient enough to fight back after. Zarya is a high damage tank, much like Roadhog, I think arguably more. I think she'll become super meta once the novelty wears off, her setup is so nasty.

They really need to figure out how to introduce a character that has a smoke screen of some sort, and/or anti-healing.


FPS noob
the finals game is going on in the next half hour in the overwatch tourney in irvine tonight, they've been doing tourney for 2 days now. crazy to see how good some of these guys are
Twitch - esportsarena


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
the finals game is going on in the next half hour in the overwatch tourney in irvine tonight, they've been doing tourney for 2 days now. crazy to see how good some of these guys are
Twitch - esportsarena
Its amazing how long theyve dragged out a tournament only 1 real team showed up to. C9 is so far ahead of all these guys its not even competitive.


Shit Gamer
Played all weekend, about 150 games since release so far, the vast majority of which I played grouped with you guys on RR. We've always had at least some semblance of team coordination (people going after objectives, picking reasonable compositions, etc.). Overall its been a fucking good time!

With that in mind, at the skill level I've been playing at, I'm really not seeing the complaints of McCree, Hanzo, etc. being over powered. McCree in particular has been a total non-issue in literally all of the games I've played this weekend. Sure, if you run into him 1v1 on the fringes of the map in close quarters he might nail ya, but overall in terms of actually achieving the objective (ie. winning the game), he seems pretty inconsequential. If this was TeamDM then maybe it would be a different story.

Regarding Hanzo's/DVA's ult, sure occasionally someone pulls off a clutch objective clearing maneuver. But the vast majority of the time everyone has been able to clear the area and usually the impact is pretty minimal, especially now that everyone has learned what to look/listen for.


Well that's the thing, like Ronne mentioned. A good McCree that doesn't only use right click can be an insane pain in the ass. But he can be dealt with rather easily still.

I don't think anyone is straight overpowered except Widowmaker. Someone I play with mains Widowmaker constantly and it's honestly stupid as fuck that in a team game as large as this, she's the one hero that can shut down an entire team if you kill a Reinhardt shield. Especially if you keep her healed or drop a shield on her (for whatever reason). The fact that she has 200hp and can grappling hook away at any moment is sorta silly. Plus wallhack is up like 70% of the time if she's hitting shots.


Widow should have an audio queue to her ultimate.
Hanzo needs some tweaking. His arrows hit anything they come close to. (Like the above poster said, it's like he's firing trees)
Torb turrets need some damage reduction per distance adjustment.

Just what I've gather from the past 7 days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unless the McCrees you play against are trying to be a widow and sit off point trying to left click only, I don't see it. He's great for any obj, flash is a AE instant stun and fan the hammer seems like a "cone", besides a reaper(who will take dmg while trying) he can kill a tank faster then anyone else.

Well that's the thing, like Ronne mentioned. A good McCree that doesn't only use right click can be an insane pain in the ass. But he can be dealt with rather easily still.

I don't think anyone is straight overpowered except Widowmaker. Someone I play with mains Widowmaker constantly and it's honestly stupid as fuck that in a team game as large as this, she's the one hero that can shut down an entire team if you kill a Reinhardt shield. Especially if you keep her healed or drop a shield on her (for whatever reason). The fact that she has 200hp and can grappling hook away at any moment is sorta silly. Plus wallhack is up like 70% of the time if she's hitting shots.
I don't like that the only way to counter her is another widow or a winston. And if your widow loses the 1v1 battle you are screwed and she will then wipe out your entire team. God forbid you fight a good one quick play solo. I dunno maybe increase her charge up time, atm she can what 1 shot any non tank hero every second? She doesn't benefit as much from the big hitboxes but it does help a lot.