

Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think Route 66 is my favorite map as Genji. So many doorways and rooftops.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Looking at the Masteroverwatch website again, if you go to leaderboards and sort by Win % you'll see a lot of insanity:


Take the player "ole", 156 W / 8 L, if you look at his "score" he's ranked 18,000th.. lol.

Most of these guys with 90% win rate are ranked 10-15K. Doesn't make sense, but this list gives a decent idea who the good players are. The Score seems to weigh "medals" very high. So some shit-stain getting all gold medals on a losing team will get more points than the guy on other team that just pushed your shit in but only got 1 gold medal on his team.

I feel so shitty with my sub 3 K/D and these guys at 5+.


A nice asshole.
Looking at the Masteroverwatch website again, if you go to leaderboards and sort by Win % you'll see a lot of insanity:


Take the player "ole", 156 W / 8 L, if you look at his "score" he's ranked 18,000th.. lol.

Most of these guys with 90% win rate are ranked 10-15K. Doesn't make sense, but this list gives a decent idea who the good players are. The Score seems to weigh "medals" very high. So some shit-stain getting all gold medals on a losing team will get more points than the guy on other team that just pushed your shit on but only got 1 gold medal on his team.

I feel so shitty with my sub 3 K/D and these guys at 5+.
I feel retarded, I don't understand how to read the rank stat on that sight.

Rank #- by hero score is all I see and then the score is below but I don't see any "ranks"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Feeling pretty confident on McRee, Pharrah, Lucio, Junkrat and Zarya.

Starting to try to learn Mei and Symettra.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I thought I was doing terribad but comparing myself to the rest of PS4 players, I am not doing too bad. Yay. Fuck the master race.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I thought I was doing terribad but comparing myself to the rest of PS4 players, I am not doing too bad. Yay. Fuck the master race.
Fuck Master Race cause on PS4 you're not too bad but compared to PC you're shit? Strange logic


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Consoles: Where there is so much auto aim its like every bullet feels like Roadhog's hook

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Fuck Master Race cause on PS4 you're not too bad but compared to PC you're shit? Strange logic
You try turning with a fucking controller :p Shit takes skills! Also shooting face from the couch > *.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Looking at the Masteroverwatch website again, if you go to leaderboards and sort by Win % you'll see a lot of insanity:


Take the player "ole", 156 W / 8 L, if you look at his "score" he's ranked 18,000th.. lol.

Most of these guys with 90% win rate are ranked 10-15K. Doesn't make sense, but this list gives a decent idea who the good players are. The Score seems to weigh "medals" very high. So some shit-stain getting all gold medals on a losing team will get more points than the guy on other team that just pushed your shit in but only got 1 gold medal on his team.

I feel so shitty with my sub 3 K/D and these guys at 5+.
How are those win rates possible? I mean seriously...there are waaay too many shitty players. One player can change a game sure...but those are some hella win rates.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You try turning with a fucking controller :p Shit takes skills! Also shooting face from the couch > *.
Yea but you're playing against people doing the same thing, right? AFAIK PS4 aren't on same servers as PC.
Doesn't even make sense to compare the systems tbh. Why do console players have to try and compete with PC? Totally different games really.

How are those win rates possible? I mean seriously...there are waaay too many shitty players. One player can change a game sure...but those are some hella win rates.
Most are probably 6-man stacks with great coordination.... and as we've come to know, a lot of 6-man stacks are terrible. (We win a heck of a lot as an uncoordinated RR 6-man stack)

It also explains why their "scores" are shit, because they are on teams with all great people and too hard to get multiple "golds".


Vyemm Raider
Why do I keep getting matched with level 20+'s? I'm level 12 and I keep getting matched up with people who are so high above my skill level that I just get curb stomped every game. I get maybe one win for every three losses and in that win I still don't get the opportunity to do much. The other night the opposing team had a level 50 and two 40's on it, like wtf?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Why do I keep getting matched with level 20+'s? I'm level 12 and I keep getting matched up with people who are so high above my skill level that I just get curb stomped every game. I get maybe one win for every three losses and in that win I still don't get the opportunity to do much. The other night the opposing team had a level 50 and two 40's on it, like wtf?
Matchmaking uses a hidden MMR not Level. Level is meaningless.

Apparently I'm the #220th ranked Mercy by score, which is a completely meaningless metric I'd say?
yea, score is meaningless. Just a measurement of how many medals you've earned after matches mostly. Doesn't equate to skill/performance at all. A losing player with 5 golds gets more points than a winning player that gets all silvers or whatever.


Vyemm Raider
Matchmaking uses a hidden MMR not Level. Level is meaningless.
This does nothing to explain why every match, I am placed into a game where every player is miles ahead of me in terms of skill.

And obviously a player that's level 50 is going to have more experience with the game than a level 12.


I am 60ish and I get in games with 20's and 30's alot. I always took that as an indication of how bad I am, but I guess it is that MMR whatever that means. Massively Multiplayer Radishes? Multiple Modron Rentals?

I've been watching a tourney and every one of the "pro" players hop hop hop hop hops around. Super annoying. Games should make you move slower, screw up your aim or somehow penalize that.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This does nothing to explain why every match, I am placed into a game where every player is miles ahead of me in terms of skill.

And obviously a player that's level 50 is going to have more experience with the game than a level 12.
I can't explain it 100% either. Easiest explanation for me is comparing it to League of Legends.
You have Bronze players with 1000s of games played and then you see Challenger Players (top 200) with a couple hundred games played.
If you gained XP every game those 1k game Bronze accounts could be level 100 whereas a 200 game Challenger player might be level 25.

Why you might perceive such a huge skill difference is also equally explained: In Bronze games you can get paired with shitters and all it takes is 1 decent player on the opposing team to exploit your entire team. You get stomped because your team doesn't have 1 capable person compared to other team. If all your games are Stomp or be Stomped, this is probably the case. As you increase MMR games become more equal and closer battles.


Vyemm Raider
I don't know, I feel like my teammates and the opposing team are all making these amazing plays and I'm just getting obliterated every single time.

Especially if the enemy team has a Widowmaker. I really like to use the element of surprise to pick people off as McRee or Roadhog but if the enemy team has vision of me, I can't do that and it makes me feel really useless.