

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I am 60ish and I get in games with 20's and 30's alot. I always took that as an indication of how bad I am, but I guess it is that MMR whatever that means. Massively Multiplayer Radishes? Multiple Modron Rentals?
Match Making Rating. Level 20 might be below curve. I am level 30 with mostly casual play. Seems most the RR people are high-20s to mid-30s in level. Looking at levels is just too inconsistent to tell. There might be a duo on your team with really spread MMRs that skew things too... like I had a level 2 player in my team of 20s-30s the other day. Just assumed he was partnering with someone.


A nice asshole.
I don't know, I feel like my teammates and the opposing team are all making these amazing plays and I'm just getting obliterated every single time.

Especially if the enemy team has a Widowmaker. I really like to use the element of surprise to pick people off as McRee or Roadhog but if the enemy team has vision of me, I can't do that and it makes me feel really useless.
If their widow is decent switch to winston and pounce of the fucker, that or DVA and push her around and harass, assuming no one else is playing one of those classes. I tend to cycle between the tanks as needed because not many play them.


A Mod Real Quick
I wonder if the matchmaking is broken a little. We were being put into matches with teams that were just super ridiculously good. On anubis we got double capped within 2 minutes for instance. We're just a team of 3 scrubs


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
How are those win rates possible? I mean seriously...there are waaay too many shitty players. One player can change a game sure...but those are some hella win rates.
Either they are always playing on a very good 6 man team, or and I am not sure if that would work, but they might just leave any game they are about to lose and only finish those they are going to win.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I wonder if the matchmaking is broken a little. We were being put into matches with teams that were just super ridiculously good. On anubis we got double capped within 2 minutes for instance. We're just a team of 3 scrubs
The player base is most likely shifting a bit toward more experienced/hardcore FPS players as time goes on, as a few casual are probably leaving because they suck, or didn't like the game.


Vyemm Raider
I like the game, but I'm not very good and if I can't play against other people who aren't very good, I will leave lol

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Game is too team oriented. If you play alone, like I do most of the time, set personal goals and try to reach those. Relying on random bads is a good way to rage and burn out.


Trakanon Raider
Played for like 8 hours yesterday and fell in love with Mcree. Was terrible with him at first, but got one of his legendary skins so I gave him another shot. My new favorite to play by a long shot, let's not call for a nerf based on that alone!

Also hit level 31 and instantly started getting into matches with all 30+. On PS4 if that matters. Checked my win/loss for the first time before bed and i'm 96/97..... took all my strength not to get sucked into another "hour" to level that out.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The API or whatever they use seems to be on a delay so if you check it right after playing it's probably not 100% accurate


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
McCree only needs a dmg nerf on his alt fire IMO. It does like 450 damage if all shots land right now which is kind of crazy.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I wish you could not stack teams with one hero.

McCree I have zero problem with the stun...but he should not be able to one shot you immediately.

Something gives with the netcode...I have definately fell victim to a few BS deaths.

Wish the hit boxes were a tad smaller.

Still having a great time though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Been playing tons of Roadhog as I simply NEVER get tired of playing him. Now that I've learned the maps a bit I'm definitely more deadly with him. Like in Valskaya if you're defending. The best spot to be in is right behind the truck but blocking you from any Pharah's or Widows on the roof. When assholes run into the door on the right (if you're defending) just hook and kill or they just run back towards their spawn.

Getting better and better with instinctively using left/right click at the right times. So satisfying to just land a right click and gib someone who was at full health. Hooking an ulting Pharah or Reaper is also amazing.

Will default to him whenever I end up playing solo as playing tank is my favorite and without a group or a somewhat competant mercy you are dependent on yourself for your own health. Roadhog can stay defending forever if you duck into cover and E constantly. I do wish his shotgun had 5 shots instead of 4. You have to reload all the fucking time. More than any other hero it seems and the reload animation takes a long time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wonder if the matchmaking is broken a little. We were being put into matches with teams that were just super ridiculously good. On anubis we got double capped within 2 minutes for instance. We're just a team of 3 scrubs
I played a game last night with 4 friends from my hometown and we double-capped that map in about 2 mins. There were only 2 cards with players to up-vote at the end because so little happened. 5 of 6 players on the opposing team quit as soon as the match ended. Lulz.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
My biggest problem in this game is that I play far far too aggressive for my skill level. I am just not good enough to go balls deep like I'd like to. lol At least with Zarya I can charge in and pop her shield and generally melt 1 or 2 people before I either escape or die. Although I do tend to not play as crazy when I'm grouped with people vs. a straight up pug. Pugs often make me want to bash my face into a wall.
Check your temperatures, overwatch tends to melt stuff for some unknown reason.
I turned FPS cap on, no crashes for two sessions now (knock knock). My gpu temp went down from 75C to 74C so dunno wth is going on really but if this works I guess i'll settle down for ~130 FPS.

This is probably the first game in few years that I really enjoy and look forward to actually playing once I get home from work. It has a nice amount of "easy to learn hard to master" sauce. Also many different heroes that are fun to play for mixing it up.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I like the game, but I'm not very good and if I can't play against other people who aren't very good, I will leave lol
If I'm in a game and it's apparent it'll be a total shitshow I have no problem eating the XP penalty and leaving games until I find one that is at least half way decent. I just don't have time to be butt raped in a pug.


I do wish his shotgun had 5 shots instead of 4. You have to reload all the fucking time. More than any other hero it seems and the reload animation takes a long time.
Im pretty sure you can animation cancel a good bit of his reload with melee. Google over watch animation cancel YouTube. There's a video about it and other cancels.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im pretty sure you can animation cancel a good bit of his reload with melee. Google over watch animation cancel YouTube. There's a video about it and other cancels.
I highly recommend everyone watch this vid:OVERWATCH CANCEL TUTORIAL - YouTube
Guy explains most of the good cancels and is very helpful. Vid posted up yesterday.

Roadhog is around the 9min mark.

The Genji cancels seem required, they make a huge difference. Reaper cancels are easy enough learn to get a little edge and S76 is kinda minor but useful.
Reinhardt/Roadhog cancels seem massive too.


Trakanon Raider
The delay is definitely annoying. You can't Ice Block right before a tire hits you, you have to do it more than .25 seconds before an explosion. It's so annoying to HEAR the sound of your ice block and SEE its animation start and then explode and die and see you not ice block in the kill cam.