

<Bronze Donator>
Fucking nothing worse than getting paired up with new players trying to play Widow. Ugh. I really wish Widow didn't exist.
This is whats rough with the game right now and no actual ranked mode. I suck with Widow, but I know with practice that can change. I've been pretty good with snipers in previous games. Just lots of rust to wear off. I'm really not helping my team when I pick her. I mostly stick to my S76/Junkrat/Torb comfort zone right now, but definitely looking forward to quick play being considered a little more casual so I don't feel like I'm shitting on my team with other characters.


Molten Core Raider
Yea IMO they should give widow a 2-cost bullet fully charged shot, 1 ammo normal shot, with a 12 round clip. She can go full auto on people that sneak up on her and usually take them out or deal significant damage and zipline away just to re-scope and kill them, all while on the same 30-round clip.

I get her full auto is to compensate for the lack of a secondary firearm for close quarters, but most other FPS games the sniper character doesn't get a get-out-of-jail free zipline when they are compromised, and their secondary firearm is a low damage high fire option as a last ditch resort.


A Mod Real Quick
You guys worry so much about winning that you won't try out heroes in fear you'll drag the team down. We're doing quick play, now is the time to try them out and become proficient!

It's like the guys that have ladder anxiety in SC2 so they won't play 1v1, except there is no ladder here!!

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Bastion and Torb are such newbie obliteraters its not even funny. I watched 2 torbs and 1 bastion rack up 40 kills to people suiciding into them at Hanamura.

Do you think torb will get nerfed just because of how quickly his turrets track? is he too much of a negative play experience for beginners? i've never really had much problem with them but i tend to play pharah or junkrat which deal with both fairly easy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You guys worry so much about winning that you won't try out heroes in fear you'll drag the team down. We're doing quick play, now is the time to try them out and become proficient!

It's like the guys that have ladder anxiety in SC2 so they won't play 1v1, except there is no ladder here!!
Yup everybody is new to the game try the heroes you suck with the only way to not suck is to play them enough to get used to them. Its all quick play for the lulz right now so if there is ever a time to just try all of the things now is it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bastion and Torb are such newbie obliteraters its not even funny. I watched 2 torbs and 1 bastion rack up 40 kills to people suiciding into them at Hanamura.

Do you think torb will get nerfed just because of how quickly his turrets track? is he too much of a negative play experience for beginners? i've never really had much problem with them but i tend to play pharah or junkrat which deal with both fairly easy.
Hanzo is also fun for wrecking them. Get dat sonic up and pick them off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
As I play Roadhog/tanks 90% of the time, Torb/Bastion creates a problem in Solo games and forces me to go Reinhardt. The dumb new players just run into them and die... the somewhat competent ones go WHY ARENT YOU TANKING BASTION? If I want to keep tanking just end up shielding and hope they make an attempt to kill them.

Or just go Pharah and do it myself.


Murder Apologist
Looking at the Masteroverwatch website again, if you go to leaderboards and sort by Win % you'll see a lot of insanity:


Take the player "ole", 156 W / 8 L, if you look at his "score" he's ranked 18,000th.. lol.

Most of these guys with 90% win rate are ranked 10-15K. Doesn't make sense, but this list gives a decent idea who the good players are. The Score seems to weigh "medals" very high. So some shit-stain getting all gold medals on a losing team will get more points than the guy on other team that just pushed your shit in but only got 1 gold medal on his team.

I feel so shitty with my sub 3 K/D and these guys at 5+.
Oh lol I'm ranked 94th as torbjorn. Haha that's fucky.


Trakanon Raider
Oh lol I'm ranked 94th as torbjorn. Haha that's fucky.
Wtf? That thing is wrong. Says I am 12w 14l with Mei. I am 35-30 (okay going to the page and refreshing it seemed to change it and now it says I am 31-26... interesting, 712th. I guess I'll take it lol). Why is it so so out of date for me? Some guy is 70-0 with Genji. I love how some newbs think Mei doesn't require skill. I'll get 4 medals and 3 golds and people will rag on me that Mei takes no skill haha. Mei has a huge, massive skill ceiling.

Also I swear to god I just played against a Toblerone using an aimbot. It's the damn perfect crime. He was hitting me out of the sky miles away with with his normal weapon (wasn't turret). Now I know Toblerone's weapon has no fall off, but this was ridiculous. I kept watching the kill cam and he would just stay locked onto me jumping erratically with Junkrat. This was the first time in 26 levels that I felt like someone was using an aimbot. Because I don't gravitate toward that conclusion. I've seen some crazy stuff and not considered it aimbot, but after a couple deaths I started watching and it was crazy. At least bans are going out pretty steadily.


Vyemm Raider
I think I underrated Winston. His ultimate is still garbage but his ability to jump into sniper/Symmetra nests and just wreck them is really helpful.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Winston's ult is amazing. It isn't about getting kills it is about causing disruption so your team can secure the objective.


<Bronze Donator>
Yea I want to like DVa but it's such a mind numbing experience to play sometimes. You literally are better off ignoring her unless she's harassing an objective due to cannon fall off range combined with her lack of mobility while engaging. Luckily even when you do have to kill her mech it takes like 1.8 seconds on any hero.

Also my biggest problem with widow is her assault rifle does insane damage. Basically, she shouldn't have it. He hitscan autoaim stuff is BS enough for a game like this. She's easily the worst character in game on every level IMO. She doesn't threaten or interact with objectives yet she just K/D farms if it's a good player or is as good as AFK if it's a bad player. She really adds nothing good to any match.
Widow is easily the most powerful character in the game in the right hands. There is almost nothing you can do vs a good one. They need to make her ult take longer to charge, it's so powerful and it charges so fast


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
MRW I see an angry Winston



<Bronze Donator>
Torb gets countered easy on any outdoor map by Pharah and Junkrat. Also offensive teams that push really hard seem to negate a lot of it's effectiveness.


Trakanon Raider
Widow is easily the most powerful character in the game in the right hands. There is almost nothing you can do vs a good one. They need to make her ult take longer to charge, it's so powerful and it charges so fast
Yup. And in bad hands she is absolutely worthless. It's crazy. I will have one game where I have a Widow on my team that is worse than having only 5 people (just dies and lets people get their ults charged) and then a game right after where an opponent's Widow gets 29 eliminations and nobody counters her. I suck as a sniper otherwise I would. I counter her pretty well as Junkrat and Mei though, but not as good as another Widowmaker. It's so frustrating. She fucks with games on both ends of the spectrum.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So yea, Seagull's Pharah is insane. Gets killed a few times by a Widowmaker, but his movement (specifically how he uses E to quickly move around) and tracking are so good. He also talks a little bit about cancelling, but not to the extent of the other vid. You can really see him cancel / combo in that 1:17 Genji win from two pages ago

Those mid-air shots against the other Pharrah are nuts.

You guys worry so much about winning that you won't try out heroes in fear you'll drag the team down. We're doing quick play, now is the time to try them out and become proficient!

It's like the guys that have ladder anxiety in SC2 so they won't play 1v1, except there is no ladder here!!
That's why I was trying out Symmetra and Mei last night a bunch.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Widow is easily the most powerful character in the game in the right hands. There is almost nothing you can do vs a good one. They need to make her ult take longer to charge, it's so powerful and it charges so fast
Last night I had 4 matches against the same team. A Widow carried the living fuck outta that team. I never seen a sniper do dominate like this Widow did. He went at least 45+ kills and single digit deaths I believe each fight. It was nuts. There was literally nothing we could do to stop him. Sick.


Buzzfeed Editor
Finally tried DVA, how did that go live. So horrible. Like with no reload I suppose if you somehow survive a bit you can down folk while reloading. But really would be much better off with a more conventional reload balanced around perhaps unloading on folk then jump jetting out, because current gun relies on time in the fight to unload any damage. Would like to see something a bit more mid range capable on a reload.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Remove the fucking movement slow, give her an ammo count, and let her shield absorb refill her spent ammo and she'd probably be fine. The damage her cannons do combined with the insane snare on them is just ridiculous and you can't really expect to kill anyone with it.

Zero suit D.va beats meach D.va 1v1 in basically every situation, which should be plenty enough of an indicator how fucked her mech guns are.