Paladins by High-Rez Games


2 Minutes Hate
I was kind of surprised I couldn't find a thread because I can swear I remember seeing one, but if I missed it let me know.

Paladins is a FPS in the vein of Overwatch. Each champ has 3 abilities and an ult (ults don't seem to be in the game just yet) and the current game mode is capture points to spawn a cannon that rushes a base. You have to take down three gates to win. Pretty simple at this point. The game has one specific system that makes it unique which I'll get to in a second. You can currently buy a founders pack for $20 and jump into the game; or just sign up for beta and wait. The game is quick, smooth and really well put together, I played the game for 3 hours last night with some friends and I got my money out of it.

Paladins: Champions of the Realm

The unique system in the game is the card system. Essentially in breaks down to creating a deck for your champ. There are some generic cards and champ specific cards. During gameplay, you level from 1-5. Each level you get a chance to pick one card from three. Cards augment your abilities or weapon attack. Additional damage, slows, procs, cooldown reduction, you name it. You essentially draw three cards each level and you pick one. Each card gives you a +health and a +damage augment and they have the typical rarities (grey, green, blue, purple, legendary). When you die, the cards go on cooldown.

Fun game though. The cards really make the game fun and make each game a little different and offer a little bit of customization to each game that Overwatch doesn't give you. Worth checking out at least.


Trump's Staff
Fuck Hi-Rez games.

I'll never forgive them for what they did to TRIBES.

*spits on ground*


Molten Core Raider
They know Esports though. They were very successful with their last SMITE tournament. Lots of money.
I am fairly impressed how they have managed Smite over the last year and a half i've played it. They even got me to watch the esports which i never thought i'd waste my time doing, pretty well done all things considered and enough cash to make it interesting.


Trakanon Raider
The game looks almost indistinguishable from Overwatch to an untrained eye, so why settle for that ?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have three closed beta keys to give away for this. Need an email to send it to. First 3 people to quote this gets them. Just pm your email address after you see your post.


Rasterizing . . .
I have three closed beta keys to give away for this. Need an email to send it to. First 3 people to quote this gets them. Just pm your email address after you see your post.
I wouldn't mind checking this out as I'm not in Overwatch.


Got my hands on a key and streamed for a few hours this past weekend. I must say, I enjoyed it. The card system is pretty cool; there seem to be multiple build options for the champs I played, so I like that. I think the two maps they have out right now are pretty solid. There are some similarities between this and Overwatch, but so far this one keeps up. I like the way it displays damage after you died similar to league/smite, I hate the kill cam and mvp crap that Overwatch has. Looking forward to more content and champs.


Vyemm Raider
I dont understand peoples gripe with kill cam - if youre going to have to wait to respawn anyways what does it hurt if you see how you died instead of sitting and spinning for 6 seconds?


Rasterizing . . .
Kill cam giving away positions is fairly irrelevant since you already get a visible indicator when an objective is being taken and there are in game voice commands. The maps aren't that big and in most cases, pre-made teams are going to be on voice comms anyway.