Paleo 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


Trump's Staff
I am in absolute shock to see that you do Crossfit. Didn't expect that at all.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Ahh crossfit. More fad workouts for the masses.

Throw it on the pile with Tae Bo, kettlebells, Zumba, and Pilates.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like crossfit, they just need to shift more towards the barbell lifting for strength spectrum. I hate the lingo, the complex lifts for time and some of the over zealous people. On the other hand they teach the squat, cleans and other oly lifts and that puts them above all the globo gyms by me. Cant complain about the conditioning stuff too, it's fun and a good workout. It's just their strength focus that sucks for the most part, but that depends on the gym.

I've done and will do crossfit again, but I couldnt have made the gains I have on crossfit or P90X/Insanity or anything in that vein. Starting Strength, Texas Method and now 5/3/1. No way a typical crossfit can achieve the same results.

Aychamo BanBan

Hah. Ironically tonight I will belifting up very large rocksand putting them down at the gym after lifting.

To be fair if you're morbidly obese pretty much anything is going to work, especially combined with exercise. He could go the opposite way and do a vegan diet and probably lose weight but I would think that would be much harder. Same for exercise. P90X, Running, Spin classes, crossfit, lifting, zumba.. whatever.

The good thing about this one is I think it's a very basic framework to follow and it's not too restrictive. Keep away from sugar and highly refined/processed foods and you're doing ok.
Don't forget your Converse shoes and MMA shorts, bro!
Actually I do Wendler's 5/3/1. The stones are supplemental conditioning. How about you.
I haven't lifted in about 2 years, after lifting religiously for about 11. I have back problems, I cant deadlift anymore, I cant squat anymore, and it got to the point where I look at lifting like, "So what?" What's the point? What does being able to lift heavy weights really do for me in life? Nothing.

If I could go back in time I would have never lifted a weight in my life. People are much better off finding a more athletic hobby like jiu jitsu or swimming or something. Even Crossfit is a million times better than most things.

Aychamo BanBan

I like crossfit, they just need to shift more towards the barbell lifting for strength spectrum. I hate the lingo, the complex lifts for time and some of the over zealous people. On the other hand they teach the squat, cleans and other oly lifts and that puts them above all the globo gyms by me. Cant complain about the conditioning stuff too, it's fun and a good workout. It's just their strength focus that sucks for the most part, but that depends on the gym.

I've done and will do crossfit again, but I couldnt have made the gains I have on crossfit or P90X/Insanity or anything in that vein. Starting Strength, Texas Method and now 5/3/1. No way a typical crossfit can achieve the same results.
I love that you're a fat ass that is doing stupid shit to lose weight, and now you also think you are some expert on exercising too. Great WOD today, bro?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't lifted in about 2 years, after lifting religiously for about 11. I have back problems, I cant deadlift anymore, I cant squat anymore, and it got to the point where I look at lifting like, "So what?" What's the point? What does being able to lift heavy weights really do for me in life? Nothing.

If I could go back in time I would have never lifted a weight in my life. People are much better off finding a more athletic hobby like jiu jitsu or swimming or something. Even Crossfit is a million times better than most things.
Are the back problems from lifting? That really sucks and it's one of my fears but you can get hurt doing anything I suppose. I think everyone should do it for a basic level of strength then you can do whatever sport or activity.
No, it's degenerative. I started having issues in high school, got bad around 21, gave up lifting around 26 or so, just turned 29. Therapy countless times, 4 epidurals, yada yada. It's been great for years actually, and strangely enough not this past week, but if I knew then what i know now about lumbar spine rehab and mechanics and preventing the injury I probably could have avoided the shots, but it is what it is.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Ahh crossfit. More fad workouts for the masses.

Throw it on the pile with Tae Bo, kettlebells, Zumba, and Pilates.
Most idiotic thing about crossfit is the lack of consistency or scale. When I was in Iraq my team chief forced our team to do crossfit everyday and it was a big wtf. Hey today is a easy see how fast you can run a quarter mile. Tomorrow? 5 sets of 50 squads, push ups, lunges, pullups or something equally retarded. I cant imagine the amount of people who hurt themselves just jumping head first into crossfit. Even after a solid 2-3 months of doing nothing but crossfit every single day(on top of the workout from just wearing combat gear for 4-5 hours a day) it would still destroy us.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
With how important consistency and good form is for exercise and athletics I never really understand the motivation people have for surprising your body and putting it in awkward positions.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At the crossfit I will go back to in a month or two they do a strength portion every day. 30 minutes to do either Squat, Deadlift, Press or Bench very similar to Starting Strength. Linear progression. Half the people in there are annoyed by it, they like the WODs. Run around and do burpees, pull ups and whatever for 20 minutes.

On the other end of that spectrum though are the guys in the gym who do the same shit month in and month out, never really progressing or changing things up. So somewhere in the middle is where I like to be.

And of course you have the crossfits who do retarded shit like in the pictures Burnesto posted. You'd never see anything like that at a good crossfit gym.

Aychamo BanBan

With how important consistency and good form is for exercise and athletics I never really understand the motivation people have for surprising your body and putting it in awkward positions.
I was briefly interested in crossfit. Enough to read their forums, not enough to ever do anything beyond buying some kettlebells (which I actually do like.) If you read their forums (here:, there's a million threads where goobers have injured themselves. Crossfit brags that it likes to focus on good form, but in reality they have the worst form, and do the stupidest exercises that, like you said, increase the likelihood of injury.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes. I'm a mildly famous comedian named Jim Norton.
I saw him live back in the day in AC. He opened for Dice Clay. lol great show!

I did boxing for a while. Some pretty harsh workouts but they well controlled. One day my trainer banged in so the MMA/crossfit trained took over. What a fucking retard. He had us doing some seriously stupid workouts. At one point he had me doing cartwheels and tumble wheels. Needless to say I fucked my shoulder up that day. I think a lot of these guys who train this stuff are just knuckle heads who get reckless because they know you signed a waiver.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Glad you posted that Ishad. I've read it before but that's 4 years old now. But it did lead me to find this by the same guy:

The crossfit I go to follows Greyskull, Rippetoe and Wendler's advice for the most part. Or as much as you can within a crossfit framework. I like it. I think it works which is why I go back when the warm weather is close by. Heavy lifting in the cold, crossfit/strength hybrid in the heat. Works for me.