Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
honestly really sad to see the final nail in the coffin. was really pulling for brad to make this game, seeing as every other game coming out is just another shitty WoW clone.

an accordion_sl

You shouldreallygo read the comments under the announcement on the pantheon site.
Unfortunately, real life issues (like paying the rent) take priority. We will still be here waiting...some patiently, some not...but waiting nonetheless
In Brad I trust.. He helped make MMORPGs what they are today and he is what is going to make MMORPGs relevant and challenging again.
I never thought this would be a quick and easy road or a sure thing. Making an MMO is hard, and doing it via crowd funding even more so. I'm still hopeful and more than willing to help out as necessary and able.
your words not mine..I can accept that things aren't working out at the moment. But we need to work on this together, ..not start talking negative behind his back when he leaves about taking our money back ..etc. If you don't believe in this project ..fine that's your choice. But if that's the case..then you shouldn't be where you are..if you get my drift. I am here supporting the game and the team, not looking for ways to tear it apart. And if the shoe fits wear it. I didn't mention any names in my original comment but obviously the shoe does fit..doesn't it? You took umbrage at my comment...because the truth is the truth, only drama here is what you are creating. I am here because I believe in this project..bottom line.
Wintermute you donated to help fund the game. The site is remaining open to help get an investor. I do not agree with Troy on much, built I do on this I donated $250 more than most here and I do not intend to ask for a refund. I always knew what I was donating to and you should have to.
Pantheon is not over with, this is just a bump in the road.
my brain


So were the donations going straight to Brad's checking account? What happens when these people start charging back (assuming they do)?


Musty Nester
I think Brad was smart enough to wait a billing cycle. So at this point chargebacks are going to be a monumental pain in the ass.

It's that delay that makes me dismiss the idea that he's just incompetent. Oh, he's competent all right.


ResetEra Staff Member
Everyone's talking about it failing, I kind of understand why though.

The only thing you really need money for, for an MMO project this size, is either artists or programmers, depending on who is dedicated. Designers can basically work for free until the game gets off, then they get paid, which from what it sounds like Brad's entire team was entirely designers.

It seems like they had designers but no one really that could put their ideas into a workable form (3d modelers, programmers), just based off of my experience dealing with this kind of thing.
There's a market for a niche hardcore MMO, though - it is obviously there according to the kickstarter.

Side note, I've been tempted to make my own hardcore niche MMO based off of a game engine that I've been modifying over the last 2 years. Have placeholder assets from the game company that went under prior. Might try and flesh out something soon, I wanted to see how Pantheon did before I continued though - I don't want to invade an already would-be established niche.


It seems like they had designers but no one really that could put their ideas into a workable form (3d modelers, programmers), just based off of my experience dealing with this kind of thing.
There's a market for a niche hardcore MMO, though - it is obviously there according to the kickstarter.

Side note, I've been tempted to make my own hardcore niche MMO based off of a game engine that I've been modifying over the last 2 years. Have placeholder assets from the game company that went under prior. Might try and flesh out something soon, I wanted to see how Pantheon did before I continued though - I don't want to invade an already would-be established niche.
World of trannycraft? As you level your gender begins to blur and your battle-worn warrior begins growing breasts and prostituting the streets of new-new-freeport? There's definitely a niche for that type of game. Trannys are in these days.


ResetEra Staff Member
World of trannycraft? As you level your gender begins to blur and your battle-worn warrior begins growing breasts and prostituting the streets of new-new-freeport? There's definitely a niche for that type of game. Trannys are in these days.

No, but seriously, here's a mockup of Qeynos Hills I did in like 15 minutes from memory.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
BB entrance should also be visible from that perspective, SFG zone is probably just behind your clipping plane


Vhalen is on Ktam radio right now and said straight up that he doesn't blame the fans for wanting a charge back. He said the entire team was blind sided by Brad's announcement and he is very disappointed. For those that don't know, Vhalen is one of the few devs that actually did work. He is the lore guy. He also said that he was paid very low for the work he did and thats fine. Much respect for him at least.
If anyone has this I would love to hear it. I have no idea what mumble is and no idea how to just listen to that part of the show.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Vhalen is on Ktam radio right now and said straight up that he doesn't blame the fans for wanting a charge back. He said the entire team was blind sided by Brad's announcement and he is very disappointed. For those that don't know, Vhalen is one of the few devs that actually did work. He is the lore guy. He also said that he was paid very low for the work he did and thats fine. Much respect for him at least.
It's literally like a replay of the implosion of Vanguard just on a much smaller scale and happening on the internet vs. the parking lot. What's better is watching the drama in those comments. Nirrtix (and others) are batshit insane, still blaming Rerolled too btw. Brad saying he can't even verify what kind of money was coming in is again no surprise. I always thought that counter was suspect to begin with because it always showed the number of contributors higher than the number of actual members registered to the site (which we know not everyone donated). Makes it probably unlikely that they ever had 160k.

In a way I feel sorry for some of them and in a way I don't. Once the KS ended, that would of really be clue number one to secure some other firm employment as at that point this was never going to get off the ground. They decided to stick with it and get paid pennies and in the end what do they have to show for it? I guarantee you nobody is listing this little experience on their resume. As for Brad, if his reputation (both in the industry and with fans) wasn't toast before, it is now.


<Silver Donator>
Hadn't been following what happened after the KS stopped (I had some money on it because I thought an old school mmo with vg classes would be great but it didn't look like it was gonna happen). Read the last few pages, people kept giving money and the money disapeared, really? I mean, not much more to say than, really?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Poe's law. I choose to believe the orange names are just subtly trolling the purple names.

Edit: lol. He never even shipped the T-shirts.
More specifically, they only "sold" 17 t-shirts. Seventeen. One half of one percent (0.5%) of the kickstarter backers cared enough to buy a t-shirt. Nice.


The biggest travesty is that 160k could have funded an actual small passionate indy developer making a nice new game. Instead it basically went to fund out of work game designers for... nothing.

I think most of the forum pretty much repeated ad nauseum that this would occur, so it's not like it's a big surprise. I'm not a fan of Kickstarter to begin with, but the whole idea of funding rich studio executives or gamer insiders like Mcquaid and crew just seems completely against the spirit of the movement.

It blows my mind someone feels the need to send a donation to a guy doing a meeting in a 600k house with a group of designers next to his Acura NSX. I'm a huge Garriott fan, but I'm not going to donate to a guy that just spent 20+million on a space trip! Now that he has a game in alpha, I can kinda see the appeal but even that really doesn't work for me.

More power to these rich dudes if they can get 150k+ free and clear from people living paycheck to paycheck, but the whole concept defies logic.