Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Now I know you're fucking stupid. With out a recording you idiot Brad can say he never said it. This means YOU have slandered his name. He has deniablility. I want to hear HIS voice admitting he took the money. Everything you posted I want PROOF. IN his words not yours.
Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.

Haven't you children ever watched Spiderman?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Now I know you're fucking stupid. With out a recording you idiot Brad can say he never said it. This means YOU have slandered his name. He has deniablility. I want to hear HIS voice admitting he took the money. Everything you posted I want PROOF. IN his words not yours.
Just shut the fuck up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Now I know you're fucking stupid. With out a recording you idiot Brad can say he never said it. This means YOU have slandered his name. He has deniablility. I want to hear HIS voice admitting he took the money. Everything you posted I want PROOF. IN his words not yours.
Then ask him? I'm not his mouth piece. We did an interview and I took notes and posted the results. This wasn't Brad coming to me and asking me to speak for him. If you want to hear it from Brad, try behaving like an adult and ask him the questions. It's been days now and Brad hasn't dodged anything.


Then ask him? I'm not his mouth piece. We did an interview and I took notes and posted the results. This wasn't Brad coming to me and asking me to speak for him. If you want to hear it from Brad, try behaving like an adult and ask him the questions. It's been days now and Brad hasn't dodged anything.
Except these forums



Silver Squire
I was going to watch a movie tonight but this thread is top notch. I'm going to need the lore behind Rerolled though.


Just shut the fuck up.
Libel, slander same diff.

You don't like Frenzic much do you? Well I appreciate what he is trying to do. I really do, this is gold. But at the same time I am trying to look out for a fellow community member. It's ok to have a difference of opinion. But man think about it. Unless you can prove 100% Brad said all this he can come out and say none of it is true, it was a smear campaign and go for the sympathy vote.

If I am wrong you have nothing to worry about. What if... All I am saying.


I was going to watch a movie tonight but this thread is top notch. I'm going to need the lore behind Rerolled though.
It started with.....a vision


Seriously without Brad there would be no EQ. Without EQ there would be no FoH. Without FoH there would be no RR.

Might as well give Brad admin to the site.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Libel, slander same diff.

You don't like Frenzic much do you? Well I appreciate what he is trying to do. I really do, this is gold. But at the same time I am trying to look out for a fellow community member. It's ok to have a difference of opinion. But man think about it. Unless you can prove 100% Brad said all this he can come out and say none of it is true, it was a smear campaign and go for the sympathy vote.

If I am wrong you have nothing to worry about. What if... All I am saying.
This character you created, this fake persona for entertainment, reroll that motherfucker and try again.


This character you created, this fake persona for entertainment, reroll that motherfucker and try again.
I tried but it's so epic only Chuck Norris is more epic than this character to reroll it. So for now I will wait for you to take a shit too. Because I am giving a shit and both of you are free to take as much of it as you two princesses can handle... in one cup. ^_^


Millie's Staff Member
jesus christ, the argument over who has a purple for brad is seriously creeping me the fuck out. now i know what drag queens conversations over liza minelli are like.
i need to wash up.


I never wanted the purple. I got rid of it once. Mocked not having it and got it back again. I am about as much of a Mod as Frenzic is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I never wanted the purple. I got rid of it once. Mocked not having it and got it back again. I am about as much of a Mod as Frenzic is.
Oh bullshit dude. You whined and cried like a bitch for days after you lost your purple. You acted like it was some kind of prestige, like it made a shit of difference to anyone. Being purple on Pantheon's site is no trophy.