Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm

I just want to know what dev teams that one poster follows. Every dev team in my experience has always severely underestimate the time needed til launch. I've never seen a team overestimate, to be honest.

El Santo_sl

That's because work always fills up all available time. I used to believe you could give a team more room and they'd come in early, but I've never seen that happen with creative work. With straight server/backend stuff that's already specced out, it is POSSIBLE, but unlikely. Without the date/deadline, people don't make hard tradeoffs and choices to get the goddamn thing done.


I feel like I've got the FoH/Rerolled Badge of Dishonor I wasn't around for during Vanguard. When Brad tries this again in 10 years I can be on the other side of the fence.
I didn't follow VG during its development either, and I was excited for Pantheon in the beginning myself, that's the reason I signed up on ReRolled, to discuss the game, since this was THE main forum of discussion pre kickstarter.

Don't worry though bro, I'm sure the old Rerolled vets understand, and don't hold it against us. It's like the WWII vets didn't spit on the Vietnam vets when they... oh.

Well, I guess this is our Vietnam, Gogo, but that's cool. We can tell future noobs who ask about what it was really like, "You wouldn't understand man, you weren't there!"


Musty Nester
Nah. He's intentionally evil.

He doesn't know much, but he does know two things. He knows that he's got nothing. He knows that there are people that will pay him for said nothing.

There aren't as many as he thought.

I'm sure he's also delusional. It's obvious that he's delusional. You can be both delusional AND evil. Almost every convicted criminal that you will ever meet IS. If he wasn't delusional, he might be middle management at EA.


Ok I understand. For a personal use stand point while someone in the industry is at work. Correct? Unfortunately, a lot of what known designers post here is too high level and controlled to matter anyway. If they were allowed to be more transparent and not held back by management (people like McQuaid) it would have a lot more value for the forum and I would heavily agree with you.

Unfortunately what we see here from a lot of these folks (Aside from a select few) is a lot of lip service to promote their name/IP and to shill for funding / Money Hand outs.

I, along with probably everyone here, wishes this were different.
Many developers in the industry tune forums like this out because the people on this forum have little to no positive impact on gaming at all. This is such a tiny niche subset of gamers that it makes no financial sense to try to please them.


Many developers in the industry tune forums like this out because the people on this forum have little to no positive impact on gaming at all. This is such a tiny niche subset of gamers that it makes no financial sense to try to please them.
Brad McQuaaludes is probably disagreeing with you right now. He's getting lots of press about his game now. LOL


I think getting volunteers is a great idea for this project. It can be a great opportunity and honor to work with Brad. Back when I was doing my own intership, I not only worked without pay, I had to pay to earn my college credits! But it was a wonderful opportunity and I was grateful for it.
From the pantheon forums.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I don't know, he seems like a compulsive liar and has a track record of not caring he deep it goes. I was naive and got hyped for Pantheon despite this. Maybe he wasn't initially being evil, but he certainly wasn't above it spinning out of control and getting evil ... again.

I feel like I've got the FoH/Rerolled Badge of Dishonor I wasn't around for during Vanguard. When Brad tries this again in 10 years I can be on the other side of the fence.
I don't think he lies because he's some sort of sociopath per se, I just think that he has really poor judgement and he habitually puts himself into shitty situations. Then he isn't so much thinking"I'ma steal cash from these retards"as he's thinking that maybe he can fudge something a little bit while hoping the entire time that someone will come along 'any day now' and invest millions so that whatever particular indiscretion can be conveniently swept under the rug and forgotten. He just tends to take on extremely risky projects and then he keeps digging the hole he's in ever deeper.

He reminds me of Curt a little bit, except I don't think Brad has a decent throwing arm. Neither should be involved in financing or HR and neither of them seem capable of running a major business venture.

I also think that Brad probably has a similar mindset to the guys that got their panties in a bunch when we made dire predictions about Pantheon early on. He probably thinks that there's some magical money fountain hidden deep within the EQ1 grognard community just like he seems to think that success can be found by continually going back to EQ1 design. I bet he also thinks that he's the"only chance we have at getting a REAL EQ1 SEQUEL MADE"just like the guys that wanted to support Brad for that same exact reason. And I simply can't wait for the next BradCo? product in 10 years or however long it takes so we can get to watch another attempt at cashing in on people's EQ1 memories followed by yet another trainwreck of epic proportions.


Trakanon Raider
funny thing is, if his KS wasn't a total train wreck he probably would have at least gotten the initial funding he was looking for pretty easily. not saying that he would have delivered an actual game, but i could see him at least getting the $ to get the company started. but the KS was so bad (as in grade school class project bad) that people saw it for what it was pretty damn quickly. it was obvious very early on that little to no work was actually done in the 6 months he claimed they were working on the game. i mean, that KS was junior varsity from the get go.


Everytime I go to the official Pantheon site I feel like I'm visiting some horrible RP Guild's webpage. Are there any people apart of this that even know how to make vidja games?


Musty Nester
I seriously doubt it.

Even with Brad personally delivering the handjobs, they only managed to get 2 guys that actually do work.

And then he fucked them. And then I laughed.