Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Millie's Staff Member
so i guess we chased off kyndread or he got told by some toolbag at pantheon the stop posting here? wb Beck, anything new you wish to share?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
so i guess we chased off kyndread or he got told by some toolbag at pantheon the stop posting here? wb Beck, anything new you wish to share?
More likely his wife found out what a colossal waste of time he has put into Pantheon and made him get off his ass and go out and get some yard work done and fix the crap on his Honey Do list and quit wasting his spare time on BS.


so i guess we chased off kyndread or he got told by some toolbag at pantheon the stop posting here? wb Beck, anything new you wish to share?
Most of it I have been posting in th Shaw'd thread. Was some details when Kyn was around that people were missing, but it's past now and not exactly earth shattering. We don't really talk about Pantheon with the Dev's that still come around. Big reason they have not pursued anything is their contracts are with VRI and not Brad. VRI has no income anymore, now that brad changed the purchases to Donations and is likely not putting anything through VRI anymore. They are disgusted with him and I think in part themselves for trusting a friend not to screw them like this. Salim was the only dev that really seemed to get really upset enough to say much and then he asked me to take it all down with promises of giving people the info one on one, but it was really just his opinion with out actual proof of documents so I put all the audio back up for people to listen to.

Now I just try to warn people off and when people ask to talk about Pantheon on air I do. Not a lot of requests other than updating on the big news. When there is more confirmation of this web site deal I would be likely to do a show about it.

But the Dev's did have contracts, they were not paid in full for work they did do that was completed as tasked by Salim and when they didn't get paid they stopped producing but still remained part of the project for a time, which is why it doesn't look like a lot was done because they stopped working on it shortly after the KS. Most of them were not on the project for very long. A few were on in October or earlier, like Tony, but I think most came on in around late Dec early Jan. So in a month or so you seen what they had as a more established group.

This new video is not new other than the terrain which is Monty's, but everything else you see is still old and you can see on the original videos other than the day night cycle but really that's an option on a tool bar in Unity from what I can tell. You can also see combat in the original video release and there was none of that in the new ones. In my opinion this is a few step backwards from what was cobbled together as Brads "impressive" demo as quoted in mid April when we talked with him.



I'd like to know the source of the unpaid, unfulfilled contracts. If that is true, the developers could go to criminal courts, not just civil. Since I haven't seen that occur, it seems like more mindless drivel to spin on your radio show.


Also... Curious to how that 142k was split. After Brads 45k cash advance it left 97k. The original team was composed of 12 others. 97/12 = 8k for 2 months work each (Can't count that "pro-bono" work that was claimed to occur prior to KS; although I did see some BS about back pay.) Or approximately 48500 if you expanded that 4k out to a year. Not a bad salary as a contractor for a start-up company off crowd funding. Obviously I'm assuming it's an even split (which it wasn't), but I don't think anyone produced close to 50k salary worth of work.

If you even assume some incidental fees such as website startup, hosting, assets, etc. it could still average out to easily 40k each if you expanded that two months to a year. I do realize that puts Brads projected salary at 270k, so I'm not justifying that either.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The number I got early on was Brad got 2/3 of the total. If one or you lurking Devs wants to confirm just pm me and I will..

Pretty sure Brad had already paid himself a decent sum prior to the advance he gave himself that crippled the project.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also... Curious to how that 142k was split. After Brads 45k cash advance it left 97k. The original team was composed of 12 others. 97/12 = 8k for 2 months work each (Can't count that "pro-bono" work that was claimed to occur prior to KS; although I did see some BS about back pay.) Or approximately 48500 if you expanded that 4k out to a year. Not a bad salary as a contractor for a start-up company off crowd funding. Obviously I'm assuming it's an even split (which it wasn't), but I don't think anyone produced close to 50k salary worth of work.

If you even assume some incidental fees such as website startup, hosting, assets, etc. it could still average out to easily 40k each if you expanded that two months to a year. I do realize that puts Brads projected salary at 270k, so I'm not justifying that either.
The fact that any of them took money after clearly doing no work is shameful. After a failed kickstarter it is pretty clear you need to get your ass in gear. So what does the whole team do? Make a website about how they will make a game, get money from people then split it up and bail.

I would be so ashamed of myself if I was a dev or brad. None of them deserved a penny. What a sad group. Every Last One.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, the fact that brad gave himself a advance shows that he was desperate for the money. Meaning, he knew before he lauched the KS he needed cash fast. This was never about a MMO. It was a way to get paid quick for nothing.


Molten Core Raider

Kyndread = Requiem
Nirrtix = Tyen
Burdock = Trexx

The Pantheon board is basically 12 members at this point and their alt army. Tyen promises to deliver 200k bots subs at release.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Donations go directly to website maintenance
Website being maintained for free

Can't explain that



I'd like to know the source of the unpaid, unfulfilled contracts. If that is true, the developers could go to criminal courts, not just civil. Since I haven't seen that occur, it seems like more mindless drivel to spin on your radio show.
All the audio is linked on our site, all the dev's we had on which was almost all of them said there were contracts they had with VRI. You can hear for yourself. There is not much to spin to be honest. Frenzic even compared notes from two different sources on the funds and how they were divided.

For the third time, repeating myself, there is no point in them going to civil or what ever. VRI has no money. You can't get blood from stone. There is nothing there and the act of filing would also black list them from working with many other development companies. Some of these guys would like to get jobs that pay them. The additional costs of hiring a lawyer and all that as well just doesn't make it worth it.

If, as you have suggested, they did manage to tie this into Brad personally, they might win a judgment, but how do they then get paid? Sure the courts can say Brad owes them X amount, but the courts are not responsible for collecting that money for you. You have to go get it. Also, they can not claim collectively more than was collected. At most that's going to be a few hundred or a thousand or so more than they actually got from Brad so it is not really worth it.

Keep washing the walls dude, you might make them white yet. Maybe sign up to the Mr. Miyagi School of home maintenance and cleaning.

I will say this, I am not happy that they are not standing up for the community in many ways as we the community stand up for them. Vhalen being the exception. He has always been around and was the first to bring up concerns with us about what was going on. We knew Brad was going to make a big announcement on our show about the project and it was not going to be good. We just didn't know what it was, Vhalen only found out a few days before that and Salim knew a few weeks before and didn't tell anyone. Salim seems to have a lot of information, but not willing to go public with it, seems to me he is guilty as well of aiding in this but was not in a position to stop Brad. I do feel he should have supported the community more and been more open with us. For that I don't have a lot of respect for him.

I know you all think Lore has little to do with a game. Fine, but no one can claim that there wasn't a lot of lore put out, it made sense, it was building stories and an image of the game and what we could look forward too. You had maps of the world. If nothing else, it was Vhalen's work that was hyping Pantheon and not anything else anyone else did that was making some people believe more was being done than we got to actually see. That is not his fault. Vhalen worked very much independently from the rest of the team and was doing his best to keep content and communication with people consistent and even argued that the other dev's including Brad should have been a lot more available to the community.

If there is one person who I think deserves a break from the negative comments and attacks it should be Vhalen. He did more than anyone else and even if you don't think lore is important, you can't say he didn't produce something consistently.


Potato del Grande
All the audio is linked on our site, all the dev's we had on which was almost all of them said there were contracts they had with VRI. You can hear for yourself. There is not much to spin to be honest. Frenzic even compared notes from two different sources on the funds and how they were divided.

For the third time, repeating myself, there is no point in them going to civil or what ever. VRI has no money. You can't get blood from stone. There is nothing there and the act of filing would also black list them from working with many other development companies. Some of these guys would like to get jobs that pay them. The additional costs of hiring a lawyer and all that as well just doesn't make it worth it.

If, as you have suggested, they did manage to tie this into Brad personally, they might win a judgment, but how do they then get paid? Sure the courts can say Brad owes them X amount, but the courts are not responsible for collecting that money for you. You have to go get it. Also, they can not claim collectively more than was collected. At most that's going to be a few hundred or a thousand or so more than they actually got from Brad so it is not really worth it.

Keep washing the walls dude, you might make them white yet. Maybe sign up to the Mr. Miyagi School of home maintenance and cleaning.

I will say this, I am not happy that they are not standing up for the community in many ways as we the community stand up for them. Vhalen being the exception. He has always been around and was the first to bring up concerns with us about what was going on. We knew Brad was going to make a big announcement on our show about the project and it was not going to be good. We just didn't know what it was, Vhalen only found out a few days before that and Salim knew a few weeks before and didn't tell anyone. Salim seems to have a lot of information, but not willing to go public with it, seems to me he is guilty as well of aiding in this but was not in a position to stop Brad. I do feel he should have supported the community more and been more open with us. For that I don't have a lot of respect for him.

I know you all think Lore has little to do with a game. Fine, but no one can claim that there wasn't a lot of lore put out, it made sense, it was building stories and an image of the game and what we could look forward too. You had maps of the world. If nothing else, it was Vhalen's work that was hyping Pantheon and not anything else anyone else did that was making some people believe more was being done than we got to actually see. That is not his fault. Vhalen worked very much independently from the rest of the team and was doing his best to keep content and communication with people consistent and even argued that the other dev's including Brad should have been a lot more available to the community.

If there is one person who I think deserves a break from the negative comments and attacks it should be Vhalen. He did more than anyone else and even if you don't think lore is important, you can't say he didn't produce something consistently.


Blackwing Lair Raider
something something community something something community

But Raidan is a fucking idiot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Beck's posts are like monopoly; boring, repetitive and takes too long for what it actually offers.


Beck's posts are like monopoly; boring, repetitive and takes too long for what it actually offers.
He doesn't get that communication on this forum has transcended walls of text and evolved into one-line zingers and image macros. If a picture of a retarded dog with some words underneath can't communicate what we want to say, then that post would be probably be too much fucking work.


Blackwing Lair Raider
He doesn't get that communication on this forum has transcended walls of text and evolved into one-line zingers and image macros. If a picture of a retarded dog with some words underneath can't communicate what we want to say, then that post would be probably be too much fucking work.
Are you implying that Beck wrote something more coherent and/or insightful than a retarded dog macro? I didn't (and won't) read that mess, can you summarize the good part?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
He doesn't get that communication on this forum has transcended walls of text and evolved into one-line zingers and image macros. If a picture of a retarded dog with some words underneath can't communicate what we want to say, then that post would be probably be too much fucking work.
That is a brilliant summary of the forum. I would express my appreciation with a picture but <<effort>>


Now as for the radio, I am a commentator, I have said this many times. I take a position and argue for that position in hopes others will argue against it. It makes for good back and forth conversations. My ego has nothing to do with it. I am so busy with work right now I barely have time to do much with it at all. It has always been meant as a community project where people like yourself step up and host your own shows and I just keep things organized. That's why I have the title station manager. I do shows because we need something on for people to listen to aside from music. I only wish more people would take the opportunity to step up and do something of their own. If that is ego, well I don't know what else to say.
Your broadcast started out harmless enough, and I had/have no desire to host a show. I did listen to bits of the stream and they had "some" value (unlike the terrible roundtable discussions). However, like the awful roundtable discussions, they needed to be more focused and streamlined on the actual game. It's only when "shit hit the fan" and you continually went for the jugular out of pure vindictivness that Brad didn't want to grace his presence on your radio show that it became obvious that you wanted to create more drama to draw in more people to listen to KTAM (i.e. feed the ego).

Regardless, venting frustration/disappointment/gripes on air on a publicly accessible, recorded radio show isn't the best way to have a new employer sign you up for a job either.