Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Going to have to agree with the KS hate. Not hate really but it's not a good start for what supposedly was being worked on video wise and so on was the reason it wasn't done back in Nov.

I don't expect Hollywood production videos , but at least take the the time to think about maybe putting a placeholder pic with the "SLASH" up as one of the first shots of the game isn 't a good idea. The SLASH itself isn't huge as I and others get it's early asset placeholder , but the decision to use that shot is what gives me concern.

So my main concerns atm are that choice , also Brad/everyone on the team , should be basically round the clock on there/here/other forums answering questions ,pushing it on all the mouth-breathing idiot mmo sites , every gaming site , whatever. They should all be doing everything in their power to answer and talk on forums and sites etc to drump up hype and answer what they can. Explain the SLASH decision , take it down and replace it , or whatever , just realize every short day during the KS is vital. Jacobs did an awesome job pushing Camelot everywhere he could , constantly it seemed. I know it's one day , but the clock is ticking.

Lastly the tiers need immediate additions, I don't know the KS rules , but surely they let you add additional tiers ? If you can't change the 300/500 tier make an addition 250 one that is just everything below plus a signed map , a 350 with a map and soundtrack etc. Do something to push more beyond the 150 limit. And do it soon.

I want it to succeed and will support it , I just want to see them sleepless , all in the whole time on the KS and look at the feedback here and other places and adjust the KS site a bit to have a better showing.

Lost Ranger_sl

For once in your pathetic lives, do something to help instead of being whiny little bitches.
Oh fuck right off. People choosing not to donate isn't because they are whiny bitches, and it isn't because of hypocrisy. It is FAR more likely that they are just not impressed. People have the right to vote with their money however they see fit, and if Pantheon looks like total amateur hour right now (and it does) then they are being perfectly reasonable in keeping their wallet shut.

If Brad wants to keep the excitement up then it is up to HIM to keep showing the public stuff to change peoples minds. It is not our responsibility to pay first and just hope he turns it around. They knew how KS worked and if they didn't have more to show, or couldn't be bothered to to put a LOT of effort into thinking out their goals then why should we, the people they want to pay for this, be bothered to give them anything?

If this KS fails it is not because of us. It is because they failed to show anything worth donating for. The ball is in their court right now.


I do hope they didn't just throw the KS up and go on vacation. People are getting anxious and want communication. The funds aren't "real" until the project is funded, right? So backers could possibly get nervous or annoyed and "manage their pledge" right down to $0?
I agree that people here should fund this game but you're creating a false dichotomy between WoW clones like TESO and Pantheon. Also if people believe this game, if funded, would produce a poor entry into the 'old school MMO' genre they should be afraid that it would poison the well for several years and make publishers believe that the community doesn't want an old school MMO. Finally, we don't have enough information to say this is what our community wants.
You make very valid points. I'm just afraid that this might be our last chance to get back to the Everquest (original) style of MMORPGs. All the industry seems to want are MMOs that appeal to the masses, and the masses are not us for the most part.


Going to have to agree with the KS hate. Not hate really but it's not a good start for what supposedly was being worked on video wise and so on was the reason it wasn't done back in Nov.

I don't expect Hollywood production videos , but at least take the the time to think about maybe putting a placeholder pic with the "SLASH" up as one of the first shots of the game isn 't a good idea. The SLASH itself isn't huge as I and others get it's early asset placeholder , but the decision to use that shot is what gives me concern.

So my main concerns atm are that choice , also Brad/everyone on the team , should be basically round the clock on there/here/other forums answering questions ,pushing it on all the mouth-breathing idiot mmo sites , every gaming site , whatever. They should all be doing everything in their power to answer and talk on forums and sites etc to drump up hype and answer what they can. Explain the SLASH decision , take it down and replace it , or whatever , just realize every short day during the KS is vital. Jacobs did an awesome job pushing Camelot everywhere he could , constantly it seemed. I know it's one day , but the clock is ticking.

Lastly the tiers need immediate additions, I don't know the KS rules , but surely they let you add additional tiers ? If you can't change the 300/500 tier make an addition 250 one that is just everything below plus a signed map , a 350 with a map and soundtrack etc. Do something to push more beyond the 150 limit. And do it soon.

I want it to succeed and will support it , I just want to see them sleepless , all in the whole time on the KS and look at the feedback here and other places and adjust the KS site a bit to have a better showing.
/Agree. Every single dev needs to be working in shifts answering questions, promoting, and getting the word out for the next 39 days. Its WAY to quiet right now. Make necessary changes, add tiers, do live video feeds answering questions, whatever it takes. $50k after the initial surge is not very encouraging. I might at this point agree they might want to consider pulling it down (can they?) and doing a reboot.


All these years eveybody and their dog has complained about how WoW destroyed the MMORPG industry and how they wish someone would take things back to the days of Everquest instead of making yet another WoW clone.

Well here it is finally. This is what you people have been crying for for the past decade, and all we have is a little over 500 people willing to reach in to their pockets the first day and support what they have been begging for the past decade?

Stop being hipocrits and fucking pay the man you lazy ass bitches. $45 is fucking cheap as hell to support a change in the industry. Even if it did not work out on THIS project, we can at least show the industry that there are people out here that WANT the old school diku mud DnD style MMORPGs.

By not supporting this project, you are telling the industry that you actually do want more WoW clones. For once in your pathetic lives, do something to help instead of being whiny little bitches.

Does Brad have it all figured out just yet? No.
Does Brad have the art work down pat yet to put up awesome screen shots? No.
What Brad has is a desire and passion to give us what we have been asking for the past ten years. I for one am more than happy to donate $100 to let him try!
Longtime lurker here, and first post (please forgive my Engrish, second language here).
This thread is quite amusing. Like most of you here I popped my MMO cherry on EQ and it hooked me to the genre, but - although I have some fond memories of that time - I don't look back to it with rose tinted glasses. EQ wasn't a particularly difficult game, just very time consuming. Most people I know who played EQ back then were students or basically unemployed.

What I find very funny is that so many people here are saying that the MMO genre has become stagnant and too casual oriented now, and their proposed solution to the problem is basically a rehash of a 15 year old game. Do you really think that to save the MMO genre from doom all you need is no minimaps, corpse runs, mob trains and no fucking instant transportation?

Also, you guys should be around my age by now, hopefully with a full time job, maybe a spouse and kids. Are you sure that a game in which to invest hours of continuous playtime to reach any basic objective would be good for you? Because I don't think such a game is going to make any impact on the industry, or impress the current generation of gamers in any way, and I also have plenty of doubts it will have enough players to be considered "a niche game for hardcore gamers".

We certainly had fun in EQ, but it was half a lifetime ago. Everything has changed since then, including our lives (well, mine definitely has). Maybe it's time to finally let it rest.


Trakanon Raider
Oh fuck right off. People choosing not to donate isn't because they are whiny bitches, and it isn't because of hypocrisy. It is FAR more likely that they are just not impressed. People have the right to vote with their money however they see fit, and if Pantheon looks like total amateur hour right now (and it does) then they are being perfectly reasonable in keeping their wallet shut.

If Brad wants to keep the excitement up then it is up to HIM to keep showing the public stuff to change peoples minds. It is not our responsibility to pay first and just hope he turns it around. They knew how KS worked and if they didn't have more to show, or couldn't be bothered to to put a LOT of effort into thinking out their goals then why should we, the people they want to pay for this, be bothered to give them anything?

If this KS fails it is not because of us. It is because they failed to show anything worth donating for. The ball is in their court right now.
I'll be first to say i'm changing my tune a little bit realizing how much of the KS was generic or "stock" if you will. Someone earlier actually linked the assets in the Unity store if you are interested. I'm not saying that any Joe Schmo could go out and create or re-create what they did on their KS page but, it leaves way too much to be desired. Honestly, I don't think you can take any of the visible proposals as evidence of their development. Concept art has to transfer over to reality. The presented in-game assets have to be modified and customized to unique assets that represent their game. Thus, all we have is what Brad has said. Essentially, I could start a KS page, spread these ideas of a new Hero-RTS accompanied with concept art of heroes with a video of LoL and say, it's going to look and play something like this...

I don't mean to be harsh in any way or minimize the work they have accomplished but, sleeping on it has greatly reduced my initial support. I was ready to drop $100-$300 but i'll more than likely go with $45 or less just because of Brad & EQ.

As someone said earlier, Q&A part 2 with something a little more visibly relevant/authentic to Pantheon will have to impress me for me to invest.


While I don't have much faith in this, if there's something Brad is very good at, it's selling things. Kickstarter is not a sprint, it's a marathon of selling a person, game, and idea. I have no doubt Brad can sell himself, I just don't know what game he's selling.

Nobody expects this to make Chris Roberts type of money. However with the right people and message, I think it can snowball into a pretty big KS.

I also think there are a lot of people like myself who are cautiously on the fence. I've been burned by too many crappy MMOs, and I disliked Vanguard, despite loving EQ.
What I find very funny is that so many people here are saying that the MMO genre has become stagnant and too casual oriented now, and their proposed solution to the problem is basically a rehash of a 15 year old game. Do you really think that to save the MMO genre from doom all you need is no minimaps, corpse runs, mob trains and no fucking instant transportation?
What will save the MMO genre is focussing on a target audience that won't leave for the next new shiney thing that comes out becuase your game doesn't appeal directly to them. Focussed design has been very successful in the tabletop RPG world now for about 12 years. It's time for the MMO genre to take a look at what those guys have been doing and learn from it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, but EverQuest was first on the scene, this isn't.
Not really the point, new IPs tend to sound "generic" until they establish themselves and their identity. Doesn't matter if their first, twentieth, or what ever. If it ends up being cool, it will be memorable.


People suggesting they should be working round the clock must not have read the full article...This game has no staff. It has a group of people who get together once a week in a garage and talk about a game they want to make (I'm not making this up, it's in the PC gamer article linked on KS).

How the hell are they planning to make a game with 800k? That would pay their salaries for *maybe* a year? How would they hire new people? When will they need more money and how do they plan to get it?

Am I missing something here? Do people often launch kickstarters asking for a fraction of their total cost with the plans of raising more money later? There is absolutely no mention of how they will even become a company with employees, let alone how they will launch a game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the panic button is a little strong here. Which a few people hope to push... I think the game funds. That doesn't mean they cant make the KS better but still it funds IMO.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, but EverQuest was first on the scene, this isn't.
To me.. this is the hurdle.

Someone also mentioned that before, Brad was one of us. Brad wanted to make something that was a dream. Something we all dreamed about playing RPG's, D&D, etc. There was so much more working in the development favor of EQ and it was all something "we" wanted to see done.

Now, we've seen it, it's been done. Done well, done poorly, done, done, and done. Everything good Brad says will see a comparison... EQ, VG, whatever your taste. Everything bad will be the same.. WoW, SWTOR, etc.

This is going to be beyond complicated to develop compared to 1999. In 1999 it was, "That sounds cool, wonder how that will work?" to "That reminds me of MMOx, y, and z"

Brad has went from the only act to the following act.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I agree that the KS should have more options for from the $150-$300 range. In that range it should go up by $25 dollar increments and they should drop classes and races as stretch goals. Anyhow, i'm dropping $300 just cause it's worth it just to read more of this forum. Best thread for a while.