Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I'm Amod too!
I'm saying that it's probably extremely rare that pledges at that level are pulled. Two types of people (or a mix of both) pledge at that level: those who are extremely rich and are interested in a project, and those who are extremely passionate about a project and are willing to make a major contribution to make it happen. Kickstarter wants its projects to succeed so they get paid and I imagine they don't take kindly to nefarious trolls fucking around with Kicktraq curves to put on a show.
If he's telling the truth he's done it exactly once which doesn't establish any sort of trolling pattern. This never should have merited an email from them and if they find the idea of pulling out of a pledge so offensive they should just remove the ability to edit your pledge and see how that goes for them (probably pretty poorly once everyone realizes the get locked in).


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Page two for those blocked:

One of the trends in the genre has been homogenization of classes. "Bring the player not the class." What is your philosophy on class design as it relates to this idea?

I?m a big fan of class based systems because it?s how we humans think, act and work every day. The majority of people are not jack-of-all-trades. We go to work and we have a role, and that role hopefully is valuable in a team environment.

We play team sports where the player assumes a role, like goalie, or forward (I?m a soccer fan). So I think a class system is natural and compliments human nature.

But you aren?t just a class, you are a player too. How you fulfill your role as a tank is just as important as being a tank. Back to the soccer analogy, just because you are put in the position of being a defender doesn?t mean you?re a good defender. So there?s plenty of room for being the player and the class. They are certainly not mutually exclusive.

Quests are noted as being few but meaningful. What will be the primary mechanism for players to level their characters? What else, besides quests and grinding enemies, will grant players experience?

Finishing quests are more for obtaining a great item in Pantheon. Advancing your character will happen organically as you kill mobs, overcome challenges, and learn the secrets of the world.

Crafting is listed as a pretty deep stretch goal, but is there anything you might be able to say about your ideas for the system, and how it fits into the economy?

The crafting system in Vanguard was highly praised and the designer of that system is on the Pantheon team. It would need to be meaningful, fun, and contribute to the economy in a way that makes sense. We don?t want crafting to be the only economy. Some people just don?t like crafting and we want to make sure they have a way to make ends meet too. That being said, when we do get to it, crafters will have plenty of services they can offer to make a living.

Could Pantheon actually release without something as foundational as crafting, but still have it be meaningful when it was added later?

Absolutely. Pantheon?s focus is on epic adventure and exploration. Crafting is great and we want to implement it in one way or another at some point. But it?s a complementary system, not a core system. Adventuring with your friends, defeating boss mobs, building up your character and acquiring the best items is Pantheon?s core. What?s important is that we make our combat system and grouping exceedingly fun.

Can players expect to see non-combat progression paths, such as dedicated crafting classes?

It?s far too early to announce any crafting specifics given that crafting is a stretch goal.

What is the team's view on world or dungeon zone maps? Does the game provide this kind of guidance or is it up to the players?

We understand how maps and minimaps can detract greatly from the game experience. That being said, the creation of maps can be a great social experience. What if players could create their own maps to sell?

Can you talk about health regeneration? Will players be required to eat to recover, or some other mechanic?

Players will recover their HP automatically, but slowly without aid. You will need to have food and drink in order to regenerate without any outside help. And, of course, getting healed or healing yourself with a spell is the most efficient way to get your health back.

How do you envision progression in Pantheon? How do guilds move forward and measure success against other guilds?

Groups and guilds will get a sense of accomplishment when they learn how to conquer a dungeon or a specific boss mob. Some more competitive guilds will probably race to obtain the better or best items in the game and show them off.

Your affinity for the fantasy genre is well-known, but did you ever consider a different setting for Pantheon?

I have indeed considered that and it?s one of the many reasons I?m so excited about Pantheon. Terminus is the product of collisions with all sorts of worlds, planes, and shards. This is why we are calling the game Epic Planar Fantasy. As you explore, you?ll come across pieces of former worlds with all sorts of inhabitants, landscapes, and architecture. The physics in those zones could be different. Magic might work slightly differently. The backstory and setting allows us a lot more freedom to do some crazy stuff that might not fit into a more rigid and traditional high fantasy world.

Let's talk about the business model. You've decided that Pantheon will require a subscription to play the game. Can you tell us the reasoning behind that choice versus other models, and what can players expect to receive as far as updates for their monthly fee?

Pantheon will have a free trial available but the plan is to charge a monthly subscription fee beyond that. We?ve chosen this revenue model because it?s a proven one, especially given our target audience, which consists partially of players who?ve been around MMOs for a while. Our goal is to also have periodic expansions and updates.

On the outside chance that the Kickstarter does not fully fund, will you still endeavor to make the game through other means?

Ideally we?d like to be completely crowdfunded as at that point, the players are in control. That is our preference, but we feel it?s an important enough game that it needs to be made, no matter how it gets fully funded. The team will take the work we?ve accomplished to both investors and publishers if need be.

When the game launches, how will you measure success? Will it be a certain number of subscribers? Player or critical acclaim?

All of the above, really. The number of subscribers is, of course, directly related to revenue, which allows us to pay the team to keep working on the game as well as making expansions. But we?re all also MMO gamers and are making the game that we want to play too. So player and critical acclaim is certainly important to us. When EverQuest received the GDC?s 2nd Annual Game Developers Choice Online Award in 2011 the original team and I were extremely honored.

What else would you like the ZAM readers to know about Pantheon that may not have been covered yet? Say something that might surprise them!

There are just a few more things we need to discuss as a team before we can get into too many details about other things we hope to do. It?s important to us to get the information out there but it is equally important that that information is as accurate as it can be at this early stage of development. The last thing we want to do is make promises we can?t keep.

Finally, if you could personally speak to every player that this game is intended for, especially those who may be older with different life responsibilities, what would you say to them to convince them to support the Kickstarter campaign?

I?d let them know that Pantheon is a modern, high-fantasy MMORPG that strives to inject high-tension gameplay back into online games. I view the game as a spiritual successor to EverQuest--it is focused on developing an online world that is both dangerous and exciting that relies on group-focused tactics. There?s been a significant demand for it, and until now we feel that demand hasn?t been answered. And then I?d ask them if any of the above description of the game was appealing to them, and, if so, to please contribute to our Kickstarter campaign and help make this dream become a reality.




I'm saying that it's probably extremely rare that pledges at that level are pulled. Two types of people (or a mix of both) pledge at that level: those who are extremely rich and are interested in a project, and those who are extremely passionate about a project and are willing to make a major contribution to make it happen. Kickstarter wants its projects to succeed so they get paid and I imagine they don't take kindly to nefarious trolls fucking around with Kicktraq curves to put on a show.

If everyone was like a_skeleton_03, they'd just pledge at the highest possible tier available in hopes of a project's success and then drop it down to a lower tier that they can actually afford later on. That kind of behavior would be very bad for Kickstarter.
It is not really a problem as long as the project has funded, you can not drop your pledge if dropping would make the kickstarter not be funded anymore.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Sillius'/Salim's section:

Salim Grant, Director of Development

Vanguard's launch suffered from some performance and technical issues at launch, which some would say really hurt its chances for success. What's different now in your approach to engineering to avoid similar issues?

I think the biggest difference is in the tech we are using and how we are approaching scope. Vanguard just got too big and as a result some things suffered; one of them being performance. We want to understand the relationship of scope to team members and manage that much better.

Fellow Kickstarter brethren Cloud Imperium has taken the tact that high-end PC hardware will be required to play their game Star Citizen. What are your hardware goals for Pantheon to deliver the experience you envision?

We want to find a balance between a great looking game and platform proliferation. Using Unity gives us a big headstart in that regard. We will not be releasing a game that requires a high end machine to run it.

Vu Nguyen, Dungeon Designer

You are known for some of the most memorable dungeons of EverQuest, such as Old Sebilis, Estate of Unrest and more. What's your personal philosophy on open-world dungeon design?

To me making a zone is a chance for me to take a person on a little trip that they cannot go on in the real world. I think a person logs in to experience what they cannot in real life and that is what I try and deliver to them.

Ultimately my goal is to take them to a place they can only dream of, or in this project, places that nightmares are made of.

I think it is also a good idea to control the players visibility, a player should be able to see their destination but have to figure out how to get there. Fear comes from not knowing what is around the corner and in controlling the visibility of what a player can see and what they can?t can create mystery and surprise. Storyline and lore are important because there should be a history and reason for the zone existing, and that without the players the zone should still feel like there is life that continues in there. There should be themed areas and a narrative that explains what has happened or is happening in that area.

I also like to give players options on which route they want to take instead of being on a linear path. Sometimes there will be choices a player has to make and commit to that decision as there may be no way that they can backtrack if they have to drop down to a ledge to enter a space. I like to use a lof of height in an area and make narrow ledges and bridges to increase the sense of danger. Trap doors and secret areas are also good for the players to have to stay alert, and reward them for exploring. With that, the zone should look good and things should be place spatially with the right proportions and an interesting flow intersecting the screen providing many picturesque spots to enjoy the scenic view. Plus, they should run efficiently and have no bugs. I do have a bit of twisted humor and tend to throw in some weirdness just for fun to mess with people, so I guess you will just have to wait and see.

Other people:

Tony Garcia, Lore & Narrative

For many players, the setting and the lore has to be strong enough to give context for all of the things they're going to be doing. Could you talk about how the world of Terminus was born?

I initially created three fictional worlds to base the game world on. As the team?s goals became more focused it became clear that we needed a world that was epic, utilized traditional fantasy elements, had dramatically diverse environments and was easily extensible.

We also did not want to create the standard world progression of mortal realm to planes, but we did want to include deities. What was born from those original three worlds in order to serve our final goal was Terminus, a world of worlds where the realms have come together rather than the world acting as a portal. Here upon one world in the wake of cataclysm planar collisions, civilizations and pantheons collide. Having been removed from their planar roots, gods are severely dependent upon the number of followers.

How they coexist and survive will vary from land to land as players will discover.

What are your plans for getting players involved in the story while playing the game? How will it be presented to them?

Pantheons. Our world is host to a large number of pantheons. Each of these pantheons has its own story and its own set of rewards.

As an adventurer, you will find that most of your gear and abilities are tied to any number of these pantheons so simply by earning rewards you will be introduced to the story of Terminus.

To aid in telling the tale of these pantheons there are three primary forms of narrative within the game world.

There is the story of the region (parent zone) that acts like a D&D setting where the player can delve into its history in a myriad of ways.
There is the adventure point, smaller areas of interest that exist off the beaten path and tell their tales with little to no exposition.
And finally there is a passive narrative that has the player discovering lost artifacts from his origin world that are scattered across the globe.

By introducing these elements early in the story as well as creating social sites in the world where people can gather before their adventures, I hope to capture the players interest and tell the tales of Terminus.

James Rochelle, Art Director

In this day and age, it's hard to make one fantasy world stand out from the next. Could you talk a bit about your approach to Art Direction, and how players will know they're looking at Pantheon when they see art or screenshots?

Basically I?m looking at the kind of high fantasy that contains elements of art that may not always be the recognized standard. Terminus and Pantheon are strange and fantastic worlds and that?s what I want to emphasize. I want to shake up the normal fantasy dynamic by adding artistic twists to the things we sort of take for granted now. Look for some interesting takes on familiar archetypes!

Will you be creating more of a stylized look, or going for realism?

I think we?ve generally decided we want stylized that is reaching for some realism. It?s always tough to explain the idea of what is wanted because those terms usually bring up visual images that may not be what we are really talking about. We?re going for a fantasy art style that is identifiable instantly as Pantheon, but has its roots in traditional art.


You took your bitcoin money and donated and undonated 10k in a couple of days? What made you change your mind that many times so quickly?

Hard to believe you're just really indecisive, seems more like you're just a liar and wanted some attention. Nah, couldn't be that...

And an attention-whore. You don't need to hang around here too long to figure that out.
I did not do it multiple times.


Most people aren't fucking around with the highest possible pledge and making ultimatums to put on some kind of show or make a point. I doubt they have to warn people very much.
Show me making an ultimatum anywhere. Show me asking for a single thing in this game. Show me suggesting a single design.


<Gold Donor>
If he's telling the truth he's done it exactly once which doesn't establish any sort of trolling pattern. This never should have merited an email from them and if they find the idea of pulling out of a pledge so offensive they should just remove the ability to edit your pledge and see how that goes for them (probably pretty poorly once everyone realizes the get locked in).
"If he's telling the truth" is a pretty big assumption at this point.

Either way, maybe other people complained. Maybe they linked his posts on this forum. Maybe they saw his post in the comments. I'd argue that there's plenty of reason to conclude that a_skeleton_03 is a special kind of troll who had no intention of pledging $10k in the first place.

I don't imagine Kickstarter warns everyone who pulls or modifies large pledges. I also would be willing to bet most people who pledge $10k do not pull out a day or two later (and possibly multiple times at that).

In the end, though, it doesn't matter. If this thing was a runaway success, his removal of a pledge would not have mattered, even at $10k. I certainly won't attribute his behavior to being anything more than a small splash in the pond if this Kickstarter ends up not being funded.


Show me making an ultimatum anywhere. Show me asking for a single thing in this game. Show me suggesting a single design.
You did say in the comments you pulled up your 10k pledge because you were wanting answers on specify questions.

Certainly you can see why some might view such a declaration poorly.


I'm Amod too!
"If he's telling the truth" is a pretty big assumption at this point.
I sort of doubt it. That's not really a_skeleton_03 style trolling. He just seems like a guy with more money than sense.

Kickstarter should not be trying to tell you what you can or can not do with your pledge since they've given you the ability to change it at will. One would assume that they also have the ability to review the pledge history of all accounts and you'll notice in that email KS doesn't mentioned 'multiple times' anywhere.


"If he's telling the truth" is a pretty big assumption at this point.

Either way, maybe other people complained. Maybe they linked his posts on this forum. Maybe they saw his post in the comments. I'd argue that there's plenty of reason to conclude that a_skeleton_03 is a special kind of troll who had no intention of pledging $10k in the first place.

I don't imagine Kickstarter warns everyone who pulls or modifies large pledges. I also would be willing to bet most people who pledge $10k do not pull out a day or two later (and possibly multiple times at that).

In the end, though, it doesn't matter. If this thing was a runaway success, his removal of a pledge would not have mattered, even at $10k. I certainly won't attribute his behavior to being anything more than a small splash in the pond if this Kickstarter ends up not being funded.
I got this covered.


People DO pull a substantial pledge when the kickstarter shits the bed at every turn ....

They don't warn everyone that pulls or modifies large pledges. That is the point of the complaint. Some bitch, probably you, thought they knew what was going on and figured they might get Kickstarter to force me to pay or something? NFI what the mouthbreather thought was going to happen.

My post in the comments said very specifically that I wanted to believe in the game and that if Brad restarted the Kickstarter with some real information and stopped shitting the bed I would pledge that $10k again, I still will do that. I said it very politely, no vulgarity. I didn't comment in any other way on the kickstarter. I didn't troll it.


<Gold Donor>
One more thing, a_skeleton_03, I'm sure your description (perhaps posted as just a joke), and complete lack of history of backing ANY projects influenced Kickstarter's decision to issue you a warning.

a_skeleton_03 Kickstarter


You did say in the comments you pulled up your 10k pledge because you were wanting answers on specify questions.

Certainly you can see why some might view such a declaration poorly.
Why don't you quote my comment in here and then understand how you screwed that up. I will wait for you to quote it in here SHILL.


One more thing, a_skeleton_03, I'm sure your description (perhaps posted as just a joke), and complete lack of history of backing ANY projects influenced Kickstarter's decision to issue you a warning.

a_skeleton_03 Kickstarter
Ooh aren't you an awesome e-stalker.

We had a Kickstarter to buy back during the Tyen fiasco. Since you seem to be new here you wouldn't know that.

After all my hard work though Kickstarter felt that buying a forum was not what Kickstarter was designed to do and politely did not activate it. The process in getting set up to run a kickstarter is lengthy and you have to link your bank account and a bunch of other things with Amazon. They knew I had enough money to pay the $10k and they did a test withdrawal of $1 to verify my account was still active.


2 Minutes Hate
a_skeleton_03 if you want to continue shit posting in this thread you can do it in the Ut thread in the RRP. Keep it up and I'll make sure that's the only place you can post for the next week.


<Gold Donor>
Ooh aren't you an awesome e-stalker.

We had a Kickstarter to buy back during the Tyen fiasco. Since you seem to be new here you wouldn't know that.

After all my hard work though Kickstarter felt that buying a forum was not what Kickstarter was designed to do and politely did not activate it. The process in getting set up to run a kickstarter is lengthy and you have to link your bank account and a bunch of other things with Amazon. They knew I had enough money to pay the $10k and they did a test withdrawal of $1 to verify my account was still active.
Not really e-stalking, I was just trying to dig up your comment from the Kickstarter thread that, at the time, I interpreted as an ultimatum. That may not have been a fair classification, but demanding answers through a personal email to re-up your pledge seems pretty close. Either way, I got curious to see if you had backed anything in the past and clicked your profile.

If you'd care to look at my Join Date conveniently placed immediately below my name, you'd notice that I registered here around the same time as you. Not that being "new" should really mean much. I will admit that I'm not nearly as active, though.