Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Brad should have found some cheap, younger artists to make some concept art early in the process. As Quaid mentioned, there are a ton of young artists who would love an opportunity to have their name associated with anything in the public eye. Tons of concept art would have already probably doubled the funding at this point. If nothing else, it would have at least added to the public's imagination. Instead, we get to know what humans are...
For the past 3 years I've been building a fledgling business that is entirely dependent on really cool art and graphics. I've contacted dozens of artists on deviant art to ask them if I could use particular sketches, paintings, etc for commercial and promotional purposes. 9/10 have said yes with no strings attached, just because they're excited that their hobby and passion is being noticed and deemed worthy for use in the marketplace. The other 1/10 have asked for an up front commission, small-time licensing fee, or profit sharing agreement, most of which were reasonable enough to accommodate on a vapor thin budget.

The point is, you're right. They're out there, and they're all scrambling to give their talent away so that they can add to their resume and land the Big Project design/concept art job that they dream of.

It seems like they just haven't even tried.


<Gold Donor>
Uhh, dont they have like 2-3 artists supposedly already on their team? WTF have they been doing? How long does it take a good artist to come up with a few sketches of some races? A few hours? a day?


Uhh, dont they have like 2-3 artists supposedly already on their team? WTF have they been doing?
I can't verify the accuracy of the statement, but someone said above that the lead artist can't afford to quit his day job - which would suggest that he's either not being paid yet, not being paid enough, or just doesn't have any passion for the project.


ill give him that. and honestly, i really am digging what ive hward so far for the most part. yes im aware its all smoke, mirrors, farts, and sunshine at the moment.

but brad is busting his ass and putting alot of time into less than optimal, if not counterproductive moves. a consistancy seems to be aweful a scheduling of all major pr moments to occur while most people are still at work.

the shit ks, the shit pr, etc, i dont lay at brads feet. i lay the blame for this disaster on their pr guy. this guys seems to have literally no idea. this should be your social media go-to-guy, the guy who knows what reddit it, the guy stirring the pot on forums and shit all day.

brad, just go find some community college communications student with big tits and ler her run this shit for free as an intern for the 'valuable learning experience', itd be better than what you have now.
This has always been and still is my biggest issue. Even if they get the word out ineffectively in a way that still nets them the 800k initial funding, the fact that they seem to be all over the place and doing as much damage to themselves as good just SCREAMS disorganized. Maybe I am just underestimating the amount of effort involved in setting up a kickstarter and throwing together some ideas and assets and thinking up some decent rewards for donation tiers... It just seems like compared to the GIGANTIC undertaking of creating an MMO this would be almost laughable. So if they can't be assed to properly handle the logistics of this much much smaller/simpler and yet insanely crucial undertaking how the hell are they going to keep it together with something tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of times more complex?! *shrug*

Also GD this thread is a bitch to keep up with. I got busy for a few days and I am just saying fuck it on catching up with whatever happened since last week.


Potato del Grande
I can't verify the accuracy of the statement, but someone said above that the lead artist can't afford to quit his day job - which would suggest that he's either not being paid yet, not being paid enough, or just doesn't have any passion for the project.
And his day job has him working 20 hours a day. I mean, most of us have day jobs and manage to find the time to critique the artist with a day job who doesn't manage to find the time to do a sketch of a Pantheon ogre. If you aren't making time, you aren't invested.


<Gold Donor>
If thats the case, maybe its a conflict of interest then. If he works on anything else, he could get fired.


Trump's Staff
if that was directed at me, then my response is that it wasn't a personal attack at all!

I just find it funny when people's publicly presented image is that of a decade earlier, and doesn't match who they are today.

As far as the drugs and fail and fat, it was a sloppy joke, and certainly not the first reference made to any of those in the last 350+ pages.

I've contributed substantially to the KS project, I've followed along with optimism and objectivity (and often with plenty snark) throughout the ebb and flow of our collective faith in it, and I really hope he is able to pull this off for all of our sake - the fans and his alike.

I'm sure he appreciates you white knighting for him, though. Very sweet of you.

I think you have something on your chin.
I'm not white knighting for Brad... I'm trying to encourage discussion at a certain level. I've said my fair share of insulting shit, but the difference is, mine is directed at his professional shortcomings, not his personal or physical ones.

Calling someone 'fat' isn't funny. It's fucking lazy at best. Calling someone a 'fail' isn't cool, either. How about posting your life's details and we'll all have a nice long look at them. Just because you have the ammunition of knowing someone's personal life/achievements/failures to use against them, doesn't mean you that should... especially when said person doesn't know yours and cant attack you in the same way. It's below the belt, and pretty basic etiquette.


Potato del Grande
Waht are they then? Fucking sculptors? Wood carvers?
Didn't someone say something about being in game art asset guys, or some shit. Which is a weird situation these days with how many artists I've seen that had a specific skill, but at the end of the day really lacked general artistic talent.


Golden Squire
I'm not white knighting for Brad... I'm trying to encourage discussion at a certain level. I've said my fair share of insulting shit, but the difference is, mine is directed at his professional shortcomings, not his personal or physical ones.

Calling someone 'fat' isn't funny. It's fucking lazy at best. Calling someone a 'fail' isn't cool, either. How about posting your life's details and we'll all have a nice long look at them. Just because you have the ammunition of knowing someone's personal life/achievements/failures to use against them, doesn't mean you that should... especially when said person doesn't know yours and cant attack you in the same way. It's below the belt, and pretty basic etiquette.
Confirmed fat.

(just wanted to troll, not serious).


If thats the case, maybe its a conflict of interest then. If he works on anything else, he could get fired.
then why stake the connection with the fan base and thus the efficacy of the project launch on this person?

it costs $0.00 to send some emails to artists that churn out fantasy themed concepts on a daily basis

guaranteed that they could find several today, and have (rough) art by tomorrow.

it doesn't have to be the art that is used in the game, the splash screens, or even as final concept for the 3d models, textures, and skins, but ANYTHING is better than nothing...


<Gold Donor>
I guess I could be called an artist too because I make CAD models then?

And Nemesis, I agree 100%. The are not trying hard enough, or just do not have enough sense to do the right thing.