Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


$334k now. Its moving along way to slow but its moving. Just watching the show with Vu. Dungeon looks killer. I know he is hated but Salim seems to be redeeming himself. He's on every damn show working hard to get this project off the ground.


Trump's Staff
Yea I haven't been able to check off "game developer" on my check list of guys I've done. And I care for my shitspawn just fine, thank you.
You have a thing for overweight, unkempt, unhygienic, socially awkward, pedantic, boring, smelly nerds?


Blackwing Lair Raider
you must of missed my other post on this but you also have to understand, a large portion of players are not donating because they don't think this game is far enough along. It's a damned if they do and damned if they don't situation. Personally, I'd rather see what they have. I am also of reasonable mind, so I'm not expecting some amazing game with top notch art and animations. Some people will draw their own conclusions no matter what disclaimer is attached to an in game video.. Also.. it has been done in other Kickstarters, don't make it sound like it's some crazy notion. It's not.
LOL, this thread so deserves to be shawed at this point. This project is so off the rails in terms of details that people are arguing over whether they should move or not. Want to know why people aren't donating to this KS? That's why, because there is no game to discuss, let alone see. It's not that people think it's not far enough along, although that's part of it. It's also because they don't believe Brad can deliver what he's saying. Why would you, it's not like there has been anything (literally anything) that gives any reason to believe that every single one of those bullet points on the KS is a reality. Seriously, yesterday there was a class update (enchanter), was there a whole lot of discussion on it? How could there be, how can you discuss something that's basically 2-3 paragraphs?

The longer the KS goes on, the more people believe that Vanguard wasn't a fluke. They had 3 years and a shitload of money to develop that game. And what did they have to show for it? Yet somehow people are to believe they are going to put out another MMO in the same time frame with a much smaller budget and smaller staff? He couldn't find an investor for Vanguard but yet somehow he's going to find one for this (because there is no way this game is entirely crowdfunded)? And it's going to be the game that everyone (here) wants? All these questions are why this thing can't even hit 50% of it's goal yet. All these questions are why you have 2500+ backers instead of 10K backers.


Molten Core Raider
LOL, this thread so deserves to be shawed at this point. This project is so off the rails in terms of details that people are arguing over whether they should move or not. Want to know why people aren't donating to this KS? That's why, because there is no game to discuss, let alone see. It's not that people think it's not far enough along, although that's part of it. It's also because they don't believe Brad can deliver what he's saying. Why would you, it's not like there has been anything (literally anything) that gives any reason to believe that every single one of those bullet points on the KS is a reality. Seriously, yesterday there was a class update (enchanter), was there a whole lot of discussion on it? How could there be, how can you discuss something that's basically 2-3 paragraphs?

The longer the KS goes on, the more people believe that Vanguard wasn't a fluke. They had 3 years and a shitload of money to develop that game. And what did they have to show for it? Yet somehow people are to believe they are going to put out another MMO in the same time frame with a much smaller budget and smaller staff? He couldn't find an investor for Vanguard but yet somehow he's going to find one for this (because there is no way this game is entirely crowdfunded)? And it's going to be the game that everyone (here) wants? All these questions are why this thing can't even hit 50% of it's goal yet. All these questions are why you have 2500+ backers instead of 10K backers.
Man you just don't get it at all. Where to start ? Did you even play vanguard for more than 10 levels ? If you really did you might know that the world was fucking huge and a huge ass undertaking and bigger in scope and content than any MMO since WoW. So think of a world bigger than wow, with 100s more dungeons and NOT FUCKING INSTANCED... no one has attempted this since Vanguard. They took on too much, way too much and they are not doing it this time.

Why didn't vanguard receive additional funding from Microsoft in an era when everyone was trying to fund the next WoW ? Holy shit batman, might be a challenge there no ? No one can argue with vanguard's game system designs... they were and are brilliant nearly across the board.

The whole point of this "niche" MMO is that the only games getting funded by large publishers are WoW clones and have been for 10 years... and many of us including me cant play a fucking MMO for more than 3 weeks without moving on to something else or playing something with graphics from 10 years ago... In fact i am beginning to think these games are funded and built in the new age model of content, that is a purposeful short experience.. then flip the fucker to f2p and make your money with RMT.. it is the model of the industry now and fucking horrible for those that actually want what MMos were way back when.

This kickstarter has flaws as far as kickstarters go, i could argue tier suckage and other things, but it is still the only hope to play an MMO that maximizes the POINT in playing MMOs in the first place...SOCIAL INTERACTION centered around combat.

For me personally, if player dependencies and interactions do not return to the golden era of MMOs ( <2007 ) I will not play another one again as single player RPGs are way better and have always been and this year we are going to see some old school RPGs like Baldur's etc come out in significant numbers.

But now i guess MOBA designs and Minecraft is the answer ? LOL.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man you just don't get it at all. Where to start ? Did you even play vanguard for more than 10 levels ? If you really did you might know that the world was fucking huge and a huge ass undertaking and bigger in scope and content than any MMO since WoW. So think of a world bigger than wow, with 100s more dungeons and NOT FUCKING INSTANCED... no one has attempted this since Vanguard.They took on too much, way too much and they are not doing it this time.

Why didn't vanguard receive additional funding from Microsoft in an era when everyone was trying to fund the next WoW ? Holy shit batman, might be a challenge there no ? No one can argue with vanguard's game system designs... they were and are brilliant nearly across the board.

The whole point of this "niche" MMO is that the only games getting funded by large publishers are WoW clones and have been for 10 years... and many of us including me cant play a fucking MMO for more than 3 weeks without moving on to something else or playing something with graphics from 10 years ago... In fact i am beginning to think these games are funded and built in the new age model of content, that is a purposeful short experience.. then flip the fucker to f2p and make your money with RMT.. it is the model of the industry now and fucking horrible for those that actually want what MMos were way back when.

This kickstarter has flaws as far as kickstarters go, i could argue tier suckage and other things, but it is still the only hope to play an MMO that maximizes the POINT in playing MMOs in the first place...SOCIAL INTERACTION centered around combat.

For me personally, if player dependencies and interactions do not return to the golden era of MMOs ( <2007 ) I will not play another one again as single player RPGs are way better and have always been and this year we are going to see some old school RPGs like Baldur's etc come out in significant numbers.

But now i guess MOBA designs and Minecraft is the answer ? LOL.
How do you know what they are doing and not doing as far as game design? It's a serious question. I think Brad has said that the gameworld in this game is also going to be large, did he not? So is that really all it takes? The guy just has to say the right things and blow smoke up your ass and you're all on, sight unseen? Despite that up until this point this is nothing about Pantheon that makes you forget about Vanguard?

Congratz, you loved Vanguard. All 2500 of you.


Why didn't vanguard receive additional funding from Microsoft in an era when everyone was trying to fund the next WoW ? Holy shit batman, might be a challenge there no ? No one can argue with vanguard's game system designs... they were and are brilliant nearly across the board.

Quote from Brad, taken from the comments section of his interview with Boogie2988:

"In a nutshell, our publisher was Microsoft and we had a deal with them to make a new AAA MMO.For about four years everything was going well and we were almost ready to start some early alpha testing of the game. Then there was a regime change at Microsoft, with the VP of their games devision leaving the company along with just about everyone who worked for him. The new group that was assigned to our project wasn't interested in doing an MMO. They accused us of being late and over budget. They wanted to push us out the door and launch the game one year early.

As was noted before,MS paid for this experiment for 4 years and the game wasn't even in alpha. You can argue regime change or discuss the fake tech demos, but at the end of the day they felt it was cheaper to let go of $30M than fund a game with no end in sight.

The game would not have even seen the light of day without SOE, which I still don't understand the reasoning behind. It probably would have been better for Brad if he had just shuttered Sigil as the game was terrible at release and remained a nasty pit of hitching and bugs for years afterwards.


Molten Core Raider

Quote from Brad, taken from the comments section of his interview with Boogie2988:

"In a nutshell, our publisher was Microsoft and we had a deal with them to make a new AAA MMO.For about four years everything was going well and we were almost ready to start some early alpha testing of the game. Then there was a regime change at Microsoft, with the VP of their games devision leaving the company along with just about everyone who worked for him. The new group that was assigned to our project wasn't interested in doing an MMO. They accused us of being late and over budget. They wanted to push us out the door and launch the game one year early.

As was noted before,MS paid for this experiment for 4 years and the game wasn't even in alpha. You can argue regime change or discuss the fake tech demos, but at the end of the day they felt it was cheaper to let go of $30M than fund a game with no end in sight.

The game would not have even seen the light of day without SOE, which I still don't understand the reasoning behind. It probably would have been better for Brad if he had just shuttered Sigil as the game was terrible at release and remained a nasty pit of hitching and bugs for years afterwards.
And you don't think this new regime was either A) getting out of MMo funding because they realized wow was not going to happen again or B) realizing that VG was not WoW, cut funding...

I think you guys are pretty ignorant to who controls funding for games.. its political ... How many MMos has Microsoft funded that relased btw ? Seems they left that space, maybe to focus on XBOX development ? its not hard to figure the fuck out

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I also thought the Enchanter update was cool. Especially this:there have been cases where Enchanters were able to tap deeper into the source for additional power, thus causing an overload which would lead the enemy to explode, damaging all around them. If the enemy is still mesmerized, then the Enchanter can redirect the blast to other enemies and avoid damaging allies. If it is not mesmerized then there will be dire consequences.

I read this to mean, as an enchanter, you can potentially cause damage to your group mates. If you don't learn your class or work on your skill, you screw everyone lol
I'm pretty happy about the Enchanter announcement (rolling Beguiler, I liked the description more). Especially the part about damaging your group $$ payback for all the mez breaking idiots. Too bad there's no warrior or berserker type for my poor dorf.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If they do move out of California, it will take them several months just to move their all their equipment. They will refuse to drive or fly, because fast-travel mounts are for WoW kids!


And you don't think this new regime was either A) getting out of MMo funding because they realized wow was not going to happen again or B) realizing that VG was not WoW, cut funding...

I think you guys are pretty ignorant to who controls funding for games.. its political ... How many MMos has Microsoft funded that relased btw ? Seems they left that space, maybe to focus on XBOX development ? its not hard to figure the fuck out
Ignorant is ignoring the big point I bolded twice for you. MS got out of the Vanguard situation becauseafter 4 years of development it was not even in alpha.

I don't think they were aiming for WOW. They weren't even getting a new Asherons Call out of this, and yes I believe MS was more focused on their Xbox. The problem remains the project was terribly managed and a lot of time and money was wasted.

The game was duct taped together and rolled out in a very bad manner, a la Shadowbane.


Potato del Grande
Ignorant is ignoring the big point I bolded twice for you. MS got out of the Vanguard situation becauseafter 4 years of development it was not even in alpha.

The game was duct taped together and rolled out in a very bad manner, a la Shadowbane.
So, you're saying in what, 2 years, without the support of a major publisher/backer, and having blown their entire budget, they still managed to produce Vanguard? Not too shabby.


<Gold Donor>
Well he should of stepped up and took at least SOME of the blame. Instead he just blamed everyone else. Microsoft, SoE, but never himself. Some of the decisions that he made cost Sigil dearly, like going for the modified engine they used. And what essentially still plagues the game till today.