Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
Question (trying to steer the discussion to something more productive): Do you want McQuaid's project to be subscription based and why? If you answer yes; how much $$ per month/week or even hour do you think would be a fair price?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Example: trying to qualify something as 'like Everquest' is nearly impossible unless you're trying to say EQ never changed at all from launch until now.
This a good point really. Hell I even want different things from the various stages of EQ that I know back, and thats only 2000-2004, and (I know you hate the thought) I also want some things from newer games added too.

Example: Everquest had some faction rivalry themes, featured prominently in Velious culminating in the coldain war if someone did that quest to conclusion, and more small-scale in luclin where you had owlbears, sonic whatevers and a third faction vying for the same zone. I like stuff like that, and in some ways for example GW2 took it a step further (it also dropped the ball on other things, irrelevant to this point though).

Would you want things like that? They were in EQ, but do they have a room in your own vision?

There is also a list of "like EQ" things I do not want back, like hybrid/racial xp penalties (especially if they affect the group). My ideal MMO would be a mix of EQ, vanilla WoW and EVE. I wonder if that puts me in the EQ neckbeard or WoW kiddie camp.


Popsicle I gotta know, do you smoke gigantic amounts of crack? Because none of your rants even make any sense... Im going against my better judgement here to ask WTF:

Even when calling you out, I've been calling you out on your inability to post anything more than ignorant shit like 'WoW clone' and 'WoW kiddies' as if being a generalizing, hyperbolic douche makes it seem like you have a clue and are half intelligent. Fuck, even your personal attacks are vague, generalizing bullshit.
U mad about me calling it a WoW clone because you love WoW.

This game isn't for me? This game doesn't yet exist! Yet you're already a fantool acting like a fucking rape victim with a bloody vag when in reality everyone is asking you to put your panties back on and stop blubbering like some attention whoring drunk bitch.
You got problems with women.

I'm trying to troll you? You just told me a game that isn't even in production and hasn't even pitched for fucking kickstarter isn't the game for me! Whose trolling whom, muthafucka?
You tried to troll me for no reason. And its true, this game wont be for you. That's the entire point of it. If you want all your usual crap then you have to be a total fucking brain dead retard to even be sniffing around this thread. How fucking deluded are you? You really think Brad McFail is going to try yet again, to make a big budget MMO? He wont because he can't afford to. He is going to make a niche hardcore MMO for a niche hardcore audience, because that's all he can afford to do. And the simple fact is, hardcore MMO players will play anything as long as it challenges them. WoW tards like you will not play anything - they will bitch constantly about things like animations and spell effects and texture quality and all the other shit you are brainwashed in to thinking is important because you are just another Call of Dooty type idiot kid.

And that is my angle. That you're a desperate fucking weirdo already kneeling to suck a cock that doesn't yet exist. Close ya mouth, bitch, and don't confuse being on your knees with standing up for yourself.
Wait how am I sucking cock when I'm the one calling Vanguard shit? Brad has only made 2 games... I like one and I call the other one shit. Hardly fanboy behaviour. But you are just desperate to think that because you really got nothing....

No, you don't know how it goes... because in your infantile mind the world is apparently divided between fanboys and haters and can only exist in extremes.
WTF? I have never called anyone a fanboy or hater, that's what you do constantly. You can't even insult me properly?

At some point they're going to have more than the hopes and dreams of desperate little nerds and actual discussions will have to take place, and I'm afraid you're ill prepared for it.
Wtf are you talking about?

The fact you apparently remember me personally, when I have no clue who the fuck you are but some idiot who can't seem to formulate a coherent thought, is interesting.
You are the guy who used to make insane rants on FoH forum at people who wronged you and you constantly argued that EQ sucked and the modern ways are TEH ORSUM. And yet here you are, yet again, in the one thread most likely to be about a new EQ and for some reason you are still here trying to rattle some cages somehow.

I respect different opinions every day. I can't respect morons who think having a different opinion is some sort of badge of protection against having to formulate a coherent thought.
All my posts are good and coherent. You are just too stupid to read them or you want to pretend I make bad posts because again, you have nothing else. You are just a ranting little cocksucker with no cause.

Not to mention, you're the fucking idiot who apparently thinks "Vanguard sucks" yet you still play it. You'd think at some point some synapses would fire and give you a more nuanced perspective than 'the thing I'm doing with my time completely sucks' though, in your defense, it's not like you'd just stop existing, either, so why stop playing a game that sucks?
But I never said it completely sucks or anything like that, I still play it because it has some great things going for it. I like some things and I don't like others. One minute you try to convince me you are so smart that you are above the "2 extremes" arguments, and the next minute you try to tell me I can only love something or hate something and there is nothing in between. You are a stupid child and you suck at trolling.

I'm trying to come up with one last outlandish way to insult you, because really I'm mostly just fucking around, but seriously, I'm afraid you're such a self-victimizing degenerate that I'm only feeding into your severe psychosis. If you have any actual thoughts of hurting yourself (aside from continuing to play Vanguard when you apparently hate it) let me know and I'll stop. Srsly, brah.
You have mental issues kid. You don't even know if you want to attack me or not. You are just a big ball of confusion.

Confirmed shit player.
How? How is it confirmed? Either way you are clearly wrong, because you can't be a shit player in Vanguard.... the game doesn't allow it. You can beat the game by barely even being at your keyboard. So no, nothing is confirmed, except you being a stupid cunt.


Example: trying to qualify something as 'like Everquest' is nearly impossible unless you're trying to say EQ never changed at all from launch until now.
Again, you are in the wrong thread. People in this thread generally are smart enough to know that EQ fans love the original EQ, like p99 era. If they loved modern EQ they wouldn't be here because they would still be playing modern EQ... You are just too fucking retarded to understand basic things like that, and you HAVE to have something to argue about. This was a shit choice, you fucking annoying little cocksucker.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played a cleric for about 4 years, with an obscene amount of hours invested and still today I never, for a single moment in my life since then, thought how cool and fun was to play that cleric. It was a shit class for a shit gameplay, which was made extremely funny and rewarding only because I played it with friends, RL and not, on an almost daily basis and we spent 90% of the time chatting about random crap: a chat with dragons, perfect definition. From Luclin and in PoP I played also a bard, at least I had something to do.

The reality of EQ was: the puller played (a bit), the others put their thumbs up their asses and pushed their 3 or 4 buttons every pull. If your group was not gaming-impaired, aside from a slightly more intensive room break-in, which lasted usually a couple minutes, you could look forward to hours of absolute gaming boredom. Friends made EQ fun.

I can't for the love of all the gods find a single compelling reason to play again a shit class like that cleric, where for 35 levels I read in a chat box what was going on, then I spent my time clicking 1 button per fight, sometimes two if the shit hit the fan, which brings the total APM to about 0,5. Maybe the current 40 APM are a bit too much, hell knows what is appealing to people, but certainly 1 button press every minute and change is not what I consider gameplay, it's geriatric exercise.

Before rabid fanboys assault me, I'm old, I played D&D for ages and I loved EQ for the reasons listed above. I don't think for a minute that a new title could be successful the way EQ was, unless it's a very low budget title meant to be played by a few people. Maybe Brad wants to do that game, hope for you it's like that.


Question (trying to steer the discussion to something more productive): Do you want McQuaid's project to be subscription based and why? If you answer yes; how much $$ per month/week or even hour do you think would be a fair price?
I think either a reduced monthly fee (who decided it needed to be 15 a month? Give us $60-75 for a year or something) when bought in bulk, or a good f2p model. I think sub models are kind of a pain now, and hard to justify when you see what people can do with F2p funds.


Golden Squire
Question (trying to steer the discussion to something more productive): Do you want McQuaid's project to be subscription based and why? If you answer yes; how much $$ per month/week or even hour do you think would be a fair price?
I do not, but I'm very happy with buy to play. Simply because I don't like "wasting money" because I have a vacation coming up, or something.

I think I'd be more happy with a more granular subscription, like week-to-week. I understand the financial reasons why they pick monthly though, and why most of any other options aren't really feasible.

This a good point really. Hell I even want different things from the various stages of EQ that I know back, and thats only 2000-2004, and (I know you hate the thought) I also want some things from newer games added too.

Example: Everquest had some faction rivalry themes, featured prominently in Velious culminating in the coldain war if someone did that quest to conclusion, and more small-scale in luclin where you had owlbears, sonic whatevers and a third faction vying for the same zone. I like stuff like that, and in some ways for example GW2 took it a step further (it also dropped the ball on other things, irrelevant to this point though).

Would you want things like that? They were in EQ, but do they have a room in your own vision?

There is also a list of "like EQ" things I do not want back, like hybrid/racial xp penalties (especially if they affect the group). My ideal MMO would be a mix of EQ, vanilla WoW and EVE. I wonder if that puts me in the EQ neckbeard or WoW kiddie camp.
Going back through the reply to the reply that caused this - it was my first thought too. "Like EQ"is way too vague, and even within the original trilogy, several things changed. Some people like staring at a book while medding. Some people think it's good that hybrids and certain races have exp penalties / bonuses as a way to "balance" the fact that classes and races are unbalanced. I'm not sure what other "bigger" things changed off the top of my head.

I think everyone in this thread wants something "like EQ", but it means different things to all of us. I've said this a bit before, but one of the things that made EQ what it was, is that all your friends played it too. We talk about wanting niche, but we still want all our friends to play with us too. Those two don't coincide well a lot of the time, unfortunately.

We can definitely get something "like EQ" that has refinement in various areas at the same time. I don't know what that balance is though. I could go through an EQ feature list of what I do and don't want, but I don't think it'd be very productive :p

The reality of EQ was: the puller played (a bit), the others put their thumbs up their asses and pushed their 3 or 4 buttons every pull. If your group was not gaming-impaired, aside from a slightly more intensive room break-in, which lasted usually a couple minutes, you could look forward to hours of absolute gaming boredom. Friends made EQ fun.
Yeah, I was a monk, and pulling was one of the great things of EQ. EQ gave us this dangerous non-instanced world, and unless you were a puller, you didn't get to see shit.

Also, I've played several MMOs longer than I would have normally simply because friends were playing it. That goes with my point above. That makes/breaks MMOs much more than various features. By the same token, one or two nights of "all my buddies have quit playing" or even just a night or two where everyone is busy, will immediately make me no longer interested in a game. Not saying this is the same experience for everyone, but I'm also sure I'm not the only one.


I think either a reduced monthly fee (who decided it needed to be 15 a month? Give us $60-75 for a year or something) when bought in bulk, or a good f2p model. I think sub models are kind of a pain now, and hard to justify when you see what people can do with F2p funds.
I want to pay for content. Tier the game and sell smaller blocks of it piece by piece. I really like the idea of adding 'modules' and selling those. It's a simple way to make profit, but one isn't paying to play stuff they've already purchased. If I'm paying 15/mo I feel like I'm beholden to play. If I can play anytime I want, I play far more casually and far more often. I'm at the point now where I like variety, and having to spend 150+ a year to play one game that has a box fee, expansion fees, and sub really is something I don't like.


Golden Squire
I want to pay for content. Tier the game and sell smaller blocks of it piece by piece. I really like the idea of adding 'modules' and selling those. It's a simple way to make profit, but one isn't paying to play stuff they've already purchased. If I'm paying 15/mo I feel like I'm beholden to play. If I can play anytime I want, I play far more casually and far more often. I'm at the point now where I like variety, and having to spend 150+ a year to play one game that has a box fee, expansion fees, and sub really is something I don't like.
Agree completely! That's why I like LOTRO's system. It definitely has some nickel-diming from the store, but it also gives you lots of points for free and ways to get them in-game. The only money I've spent on that game is for content, which I'm happy to do, and because of that I've spent more on that game than any other MMO in the past probably 10 years except for my WoW days.

Not that I'd really want anything else from LOTRO to be in McEverQuaid (except maybe the fact that it looks good in first person and it's near-seamless world).


I played a cleric for about 4 years, with an obscene amount of hours invested and still today I never, for a single moment in my life since then, thought how cool and fun was to play that cleric. It was a shit class for a shit gameplay, which was made extremely funny and rewarding only because I played it with friends, RL and not, on an almost daily basis and we spent 90% of the time chatting about random crap: a chat with dragons, perfect definition. From Luclin and in PoP I played also a bard, at least I had something to do.

The reality of EQ was: the puller played (a bit), the others put their thumbs up their asses and pushed their 3 or 4 buttons every pull. If your group was not gaming-impaired, aside from a slightly more intensive room break-in, which lasted usually a couple minutes, you could look forward to hours of absolute gaming boredom. Friends made EQ fun.

I can't for the love of all the gods find a single compelling reason to play again a shit class like that cleric, where for 35 levels I read in a chat box what was going on, then I spent my time clicking 1 button per fight, sometimes two if the shit hit the fan, which brings the total APM to about 0,5. Maybe the current 40 APM are a bit too much, hell knows what is appealing to people, but certainly 1 button press every minute and change is not what I consider gameplay, it's geriatric exercise.

Before rabid fanboys assault me, I'm old, I played D&D for ages and I loved EQ for the reasons listed above. I don't think for a minute that a new title could be successful the way EQ was, unless it's a very low budget title meant to be played by a few people. Maybe Brad wants to do that game, hope for you it's like that.
Play a mage , learned too never play a support class. That had crappy solo ability and wasn't really wanted in groups , yet was vital for raids after luclin. Maybe it was just my server , there were only a few high level mages and most of them were in all one guild. When our guild imploded , it was entertaining too watch guilds refuse to even give me a chance at an upgrade until I "paid my dues" /gofuk. Literally they chose to wipe week after week rather than give up one item in exchange for pretty much unlimited mana. The mage epic LOL told time and time again " our guild doesn't do "old content" . My reply was neither do I, have fun losing XP in TOV this weekend. More or less spent a year puttering around making money and exploiting for AA points . Bonechip quest and afk xp at POF.
Be that as it may the same lady I met years ago playing EQ is still around . So on that point alone, no regrets here for playing EQ )

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Question (trying to steer the discussion to something more productive): Do you want McQuaid's project to be subscription based and why? If you answer yes; how much $$ per month/week or even hour do you think would be a fair price?
I want the game to be subscription based but without a box price. I believe the audience he is adressing is looking for a longer commitment to one game and a sub would mean a reliable revenue that would help the development of additional content. I would not mind a cash shop for additional out of game advantages like more character slots, although I guess the things to offer I would not mind fit on a short list. It might not be worth having then. I also would not mind a tiered subscription based on amount of characters for example, if he doesnt go with buyable char slots. This would have the advantage of allowing for a unconventionally low sub cost up front (say $5/month) for the regular account with 2 char slots, +$5/month for 5 char slots total, or +$10-20 for unlimited slots and a seperate-from-regular storage shared stash that all characters on a realm can use (EVE essentially does this by having only 3 slots per account, anyone serious about EVE runs several accounts).

Edit: the cash shop could obviously include actual content, I was just assuming paid expansions. You could equally well do a low sub and sell mini-expansions (say 2-3 zones and the dungeons located there, $20). I wouldnt want to go too small with that, paying $4 for every zone or second half of a dungeon would alienate me. I do think at least a $5 sub is needed for a small, niche project though. Would love to be proven wrong if it is viable on B2P for sure but I dont see that working longterm.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
hah was thinking that myself tbh.

I'm all for sub.. but if you donate towards the KS it should grant you free time.


Question (trying to steer the discussion to something more productive): Do you want McQuaid's project to be subscription based and why? If you answer yes; how much $$ per month/week or even hour do you think would be a fair price?
Yes, I prefer to have at least the option of subscribing. I think $12.00/month, with a discount for pre-paying; $9.00/month if you buy a year at one time. I personally think F2P is a cancer as far as MMORPG's are concerned, if just for the type of players that flood a game, and then leave once they've gotten their LOLz; not to mention the increased problem of gold spammers.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Yes, I prefer to have at least the option of subscribing. I think $12.00/month, with a discount for pre-paying; $9.00/month if you buy a year at one time. I personally think F2P is a cancer as far as MMORPG's are concerned, if just for the type of players that flood a game, and then leave once they've gotten their LOLz; not to mention the increased problem of gold spammers.
Well the "option" of subscribing doesnt stop the problems you describe. To reduce those issues you need a sub, no if and but. That's why I am in favor of starting at a lower monthly amount but without F2P. The 1999 reasons for $10 or more just dont exist anymore, bandwidth and data storage is a non-issue costwise.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I played a cleric for about 4 years, with an obscene amount of hours invested and still today I never, for a single moment in my life since then, thought how cool and fun was to play that cleric.
After playing a White Mage in FFXIV I thought about how cool and fun it would be to play an EQ cleric. In a group situation, clerics actually had a good number of abilities to use: 4 or so types of heals that mattered which you chose from an efficiency/downtime minimizing standpoint, stuns, root, divine aura, nukes I suppose. Even that little variety gave you some cool decisions when shit hit the fan. More than the White Mage has, often. When they later added more melee abilities, the class became acceptably interactive. I think that the real boredom was from the system itself. Too often your group is single pulling mobs and the tank has no trouble keeping agro. That's just not going to be interesting.


Just to add, I like the idea of a 'season pass' which includes yearly content. I'm also for a box fee. That fee is a better barrier to entry than a very small sub fee, to require an investment to play.


Well the "option" of subscribing doesnt stop the problems you describe. To reduce those issues you need a sub, no if and but. That's why I am in favor of starting at a lower monthly amount but without F2P. The 1999 reasons for $10 or more just dont exist anymore, bandwidth and data storage is a non-issue costwise.
I agree, but I just don't see the genre getting away from the F2P business model. So, yeah, ideally the game would be purely subscription based. But, if it goes F2P, I want the option to have the whole game available to me for a subscription, no nickle and dime stuff. You make a good point about bandwidth and storage being a non-issue, and I'd be happy to pay less.


<Gold Donor>
I want to pay for content. Tier the game and sell smaller blocks of it piece by piece. I really like the idea of adding 'modules' and selling those. It's a simple way to make profit, but one isn't paying to play stuff they've already purchased. If I'm paying 15/mo I feel like I'm beholden to play. If I can play anytime I want, I play far more casually and far more often. I'm at the point now where I like variety, and having to spend 150+ a year to play one game that has a box fee, expansion fees, and sub really is something I don't like.

I'd like to see either a lower monthly fee or something like Gecko suggested. I feel like MMO's should find that happy medium where players can "forget" about the fees because they're so negligible. $15/month creates too much of a price point.