Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Elisha Dushku
More bard envy. Must be a monk thing.
i may have missed it in the 40 pages since I last checked, but is crafting and/or harvesting a stretch goal?
Vanguard group harvesting was one of the best features of the game IMO. One person has a specific harvesting skill that he/she can pass on to others in the group if they don't possess it. More people harvesting = more resources gathered and better chances at rare resources.
[...]First, and honestly most important to me, please make PvE and PvP completely separate to a similar way that was done in EQ1. What I mean is, on a PvE server there should be no battlegrounds/ranked arenas, or any incentive to PvP at all outside of boredom like people did on EQ PvE servers.

In addition to that, PvP attracts certain type of people. People that are immature, unfriendly, epeen swinging douches. I'm not saying everyone that PvPs is like that, just that thats the bait that attracts those types more the PvE content. I was fond of EQ because of the community, friendliness, and general game focus on working together with people. And such people are counter to that.
yeah, no hybrid servers. one ffa pvp server though please.
on pvp: i've found it to be the opposite; granted, there's about the same amount of assholes on both sides. moreover, 'community' has more 'depth' when said person can kill you. pve'ers, i find, expect that if they work hard enough they'll get their carrot which is not the default position of a pvp server. contested carrots taste better.

hire an economist or have no trading at all.


Elisha Dushku
Vanguard group harvesting was one of the best features of the game IMO. One person has a specific harvesting skill that he/she can pass on to others in the group if they don't possess it. More people harvesting = more resources gathered and better chances at rare resources.
I'd be surprised if it isn't a stretch goal. I like VG crafting/harvesting as well, but it's not as central to an MMO as the adventuring experience and it's something that can be easily added later once they've got monthly subs. But I'd be happy to be wrong.


Brad McQuaid ?@Aradune 4m

Hi all, please follow @PantheonRotF - we are already tweeting some lore as a lead up to the Kickstarter launch. Please retweet this. Thanks!

Brad McQuaid (Aradune) on Twitter
And I see gogojira_ tweeted an inquiry based off my Oculus Rift question. Not the best answer I could hope for, but still good enough. Rift dev kit 1 is all that's out now, and there's still no release date for the consumer model. There's just not much for them to work with atm to go as strong into Rift support as I could want. Which is designed with a quality VR experience in mind, every step of the way.


And I see gogojira_ tweeted an inquiry based off my Oculus Rift question. Not the best answer I could hope for, but still good enough. Rift dev kit 1 is all that's out now, and there's still no release date for the consumer model. There's just not much for them to work with atm to go as strong into Rift support as I could want. Which is designed with a quality VR experience in mind, every step of the way.
I saw that too. I was going to post that reply into the thread too, but didn't want to steal Gogojira's thunder. Which is odd, considering I had no problem posting Brad's twitter message.


Brad on Oculus:

"Sweet tech, but still some issues. Would love to support it, but way to early to commit."

Edit: Oh well, people already saw it. And yeah, the question has been asked by countless people but I was hoping to get a response. It absolutely shouldn't be priority, but Oculus is making a big splash right now and I'd love to see Pantheon support it.

Also, don't worry about stealing any thunder Tannlin. It's all information we're wanting to know.


Elisha Dushku
/rant on

I'm coming to actually hate the Oculus Rift. It started with Butler wearing one in that EQN video and before and since then it seems like every fucking thread on a new MMO has at least ten "will it support the Rift?" posts and I'm like did Oculus VR sell like 5,000,000 rifts when I wasn't looking? And since I'm pretty sure they didn't, I just assume everyone who is asking about it doesn't have one and isn't getting one anytime soon. So can we focus on getting a game that works on everyday computers that everybody already owns?

/rant off


Potato del Grande
Yeah , I've got no problems with different types of healers, more power to them as that adds variety , just wanted to make sure they have no problems with said different types of healers just healing. Got sick of hearing Butler and Co tell me no one enjoys just healing.
Interesting. By your logic, instead of having some of the best healing classes every devised, Vanguard perhaps had no healers, then. Because none of the classes were 'just healing' and all had other things to do that added fun and dimension to the class.


Potato del Grande
11,830 well as some ideas we never got to put into VG that we hope to get into Pantheon
Inquisitor! It's in, guys, we're finally getting Inquisitors!!!

Oh, also, any experience (or anyone on the team) have experience playing Rift? Basically, long and short of it is I want a rogue tank. Thank you.


/rant on

I'm coming to actually hate the Oculus Rift. It started with Butler wearing one in that EQN video and before and since then it seems like every fucking thread on a new MMO has at least ten "will it support the Rift?" posts and I'm like did Oculus VR sell like 5,000,000 rifts when I wasn't looking? And since I'm pretty sure they didn't, I just assume everyone who is asking about it doesn't have one and isn't getting one anytime soon. So can we focus on getting a game that works on everyday computers that everybody already owns?

/rant off
It's awesome new tech that seems like a great fit for an MMO. It's not a priority, but I'd love to see it in action and the device gets universal praise. Valve is doing pretty good with making it easy to integrate, too.


Potato del Grande
It's not hate man, it's just the way it was. We're all talking about 'difficulty' and 'no flying mounts to skip content' etc etc and yet... FD made EQ encounters far less dangerous, and people were able to straight up skip content using it. It was an ill conceived ability, that had consequences nobody predicted, and enhanced gameplay for some and diminished it for others.

It was a shitty mechanic then, and it's double shitty now
The difference is tad played a monk and got addicted to feeling needed and liked (and didn't realize it was the class people liked). Tad has a problem thinking outside of his own selfish needs, sometimes. He means well, but most of us have learned to theorycraft based on the [perceived] good of the game. Tad has never learned to do that, so he theorycrafts based on reliving EQ glory, namely the things he very specifically and selfishly benefited from, even if they weren't good for EQ or any future game.

See also: the people who played wizard or druids, made a killing extorting other players for ports, and have taken it personally since PoK that in EQ and every game since they haven't been a special little snowflake everyone needed despite being anti-social retards much of the time.

FD pulling in EQ was shit. It not only changed how the game was played, but changed how ever encounter after it became the norm was balanced. When one class or mechanic in a game has the entire game hostage, it's no good and needs to be improved. But again, the few people who had everyone else by the balls LOVED it.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Inquisitor! It's in, guys, we're finally getting Inquisitors!!!

Oh, also, any experience (or anyone on the team) have experience playing Rift? Basically, long and short of it is I want a rogue tank. Thank you.
Rift the idea was amazing. Allowing you to define a role you wanted, tank/dps/healer/support/hybrid/mangina/whatever and then build a skillset within the four classes to do that. Rift the live game with over-nerfed, whipsaw-balanced, and FOTM due to dev whim didn't live up to the promise and wasn't amazing at all. There is nothing wrong and a whole lot right with the players feeling powerful. Champions Online had what I thought was a great player-power ratio and then literally the day of retail launch nerfed the absolute hell out of everyone. The beta and head-start were amazing, and then launch day lots of folks were completely up-ended with builds that were totally useless at higher levels.

Don't be those guys. Look at what Gazillion is doing with Marvel Heroes. They turned a completely lackluster game at launch, with a really skeptical community and terrible word of mouth, into an incredibly fun game. While certain characters have had balancing/nerfs, at least in the forums I go to, I get the sense the players really feel like the Devs have their best interest at heart; there is so much more positive feedback, its really a great scene.

Caveat emporer, the official forums may be a wretched hive of scum and villainy but in general it is so much more optimistic than with the games that have suffered the extreme nerf stick.


Potato del Grande
In addition to FD, Complete Heal was a pretty big O FUCK WHY WE DO DAT for EQ. How many expansions worth of content are balanced around this alone?!

Really through Kunark/Velious most of these mechanics were tolerable but over time the gap between some of the classes just got wider and wider. Until eventually as you said the other classes were simply given that mechanic or an equivalent.
Exactly. I don't recall a complete heal spell in a game since, unless I'm mistaked. Maybe one in Vanguard? I doubt it, assuming they'd learned from their mistakes. Not sure, though, as I was usually dpsing hard on my blood mage so anytime I was grouped with a cleric they usually just complained nobody ever got low enough to need a big heal. I'd tell them to dps.... which made some of the sad. Clerics. So confusing.

I also agree that Vanguard healers needed re-balanced some. I loved the hell out of my blood mage (and much later a disciple I only got into the 30s). But blood mages did too much damage. Plain and simple. Should have had lower caps on dps-caster related things like crit. Should have done less damage with a higher magnifier on tap-heals. Something. It was great for me personally because I loved the class and being OP (in many situations, not all of course and not early in the game or early levels) was fun, but not what was best for the game, that's for sure.


It's awesome new tech that seems like a great fit for an MMO. It's not a priority, but I'd love to see it in action and the device gets universal praise. Valve is doing pretty good with making it easy to integrate, too.
Agreed, there was a time we all had to run out and buy voodoo cards.