Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


It's awesome new tech that seems like a great fit for an MMO. It's not a priority, but I'd love to see it in action and the device gets universal praise. Valve is doing pretty good with making it easy to integrate, too.
I got the dev kit and, to be completely honest, it's a little wonky for "WASD" games. Some people take to it like a duck to water, but for me there was definitely some wobbly head syndrome and inner ear stuff going on. The immersion factor is a given, but I think it'll take a while before it's something that you want to wear for play session lasting even a few hours...

I would say wait until the consumer version is released, and maybe check back then. There's still a lot of research being done on how to minimize eye strain, and include proper calibration tools for eye separation, etc.


I got the dev kit and, to be completely honest, it's a little wonky for "WASD" games. Some people take to it like a duck to water, but for me there was definitely some wobbly head syndrome and inner ear stuff going on. The immersion factor is a given, but I think it'll take a while before it's something that you want to wear for play session lasting even a few hours...

I would say wait until the consumer version is released, and maybe check back then. There's still a lot of research being done on how to minimize eye strain, and include proper calibration tools for eye separation, etc.
Yeah, I hear a lot of people getting sick wearing them for long periods of time. I'm sure they'll figure out how to address it, but it's not ready for an MMO.

I do get a LOT of people asking me about it, however, so when it's time to work with it and see how well it works with Pantheon we will seriously give it a shot and due attention.


The idea of getting totally absorbed in a world has huge potential, particularly for an MMO. The product isn't ready for consumers yet so I understand it's early, but I'm still incredibly interested in it. I'd never put it as a priority, more of an extremely nice luxury at some point in the future.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Bah. Just grow some balls and put someone on ignore without broadcasting it like a little bitch crying for attention.

Sorry. Pet peeve.

No need. I figured out how to ignore him. Problem solved.
You too!


Elisha Dushku
The difference is tad played a monk and got addicted to feeling needed and liked (and didn't realize it was the class people liked).
Lol. You are confusing me with someone else. I never raided in EQ (well, almost never) I just liked hanging out in a groups with people I knew and when I had time to play: pulling was fun until I wanted to relax and chat, so I'd switch jobs with the SK or Bard or wtf.

So much monkophobia on this thread #monkbridge #monkprivilege ;-)


Considering the suggested potentiol 3 year dev time for Pantheon, and the fact that it's now looking closer to being 1 year away for the consumer Rift. Yea, I agree it doesn't need to be a priority atm. But I'm a full believer in VR, and do think it needs to be done well by the time Pantheon comes out.

EQ like MMOs = immersive.
Oculus Rift = immersive.

The 2 should definitely go together!


Elisha Dushku
Rift the idea was amazing. Allowing you to define a role you wanted,.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the "be all you can be mentality" of Rift (and apparently current WoW). People on this thread have an identity with their EQ (and VG) classes that they didn't have with WoW. I played a WoW priest for about a year - latter half as a shadowpriest. For all intents and purposes I basically switched from a Cleric to a Necro and didn't feel attached to either so it was very easy to say goodbye.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Considering the suggested potentiol 3 year dev time for Pantheon, and the fact that it's now looking closer to being 1 year away for the consumer Rift. Yea, I agree it doesn't need to be a priority atm. But I'm a full believer in VR, and do think it needs to be done well by the time Pantheon comes out.

EQ like MMOs = emersive.
Oculus Rift = emersive.

The 2 should definitely go together!
Please generally just shut up (your face).



Elisha Dushku
Considering the suggested potentiol 3 year dev time for Pantheon, and the fact that it's now looking closer to being 1 year away for the consumer Rift. Yea, I agree it doesn't need to be a priority atm. But I'm a full believer in VR, and do think it needs to be done well by the time Pantheon comes out.

EQ like MMOs = emersive.
Oculus Rift = emersive.

The 2 should definitely go together!
Well if VRI raises 36 million like Star Citizen everything's on the table. I just don't see it happening, their fans are crazy.


Also lol @popsicle, fine form tonight sir, fine form. I take it you've finished your first fifth already


Elisha Dushku
Yeah, I hear a lot of people getting sick wearing them for long periods of time. I'm sure they'll figure out how to address it, but it's not ready for an MMO.

I do get a LOT of people asking me about it, however, so when it's time to work with it and see how well it works with Pantheon we will seriously give it a shot and due attention.
Meh I'd rather see Druid ravenform, or Rogues with a Safe Climb ability (watching Prince of Persia the movie right now) or punk Red Pandad race. Save the flashy stuff for later.

As an aside - it does seem if the kickstarter doesn't hit its stretch goals you could do exactly what someone else suggested earlier and break out stretch goals for your website.

Instead of raising 1 million for X stretch goals. Break them out to 100,000 for Monk Class. Or 150,000 for Troll race. This scenario would require multiple goals running simultaneously on your site, so perhaps it would be a bit unwieldy.
I'd be surprised if it isn't a stretch goal. I like VG crafting/harvesting as well, but it's not as central to an MMO as the adventuring experience and it's something that can be easily added later once they've got monthly subs. But I'd be happy to be wrong.
True. Adventuring is primary, but anything to reinforce fun/productive interdependence in an MMO is a good thing. I'd gladly invest more for it to be a stretch goal along with various sandbox elements, but great group-centric adventuring in interesting settings is what *has* to be done right for the rest to matter.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How about... you can measure it in days, but not weeks.
Good, i hope we will see the KS next week! The best way to spread the word and generate interest is the KS itself, and all the stuff surrounding it like interviews on big gaming sites, reddit AMA, etc...
At the moment you can only generate limited interest and hype, because its like "we cant tell you the details right now.. wait for the KS", that may be enough for this forum, but really not for the wider audience that is needed to make this a big success.


wow i dont read this thread for a few days and brad is already posting replies! nice to see you back at it brad, i'm really excited to hear more about pantheon. also glad to see ceythos working with you on this project. cob had its share of annoying bugs but it was fun testing stuff he worked on in vg.


I hope Brad looks into different sub models for this game. The reason I ask, and I think there are more like me out there, is that I would be willing to pay more than the usual sub fee if this game had the features I was looking for. I would be willing to pay $20/mo, or even up to $30-40 depending on if it's a true MMORPG done right.

If there was that much of an interest from a core group of people, you certainly wouldn't need as many subs for a successful game as the normal WoW drivel out there. And it would keep the tiny timmys and soccer mom sallys away - so a real community would have the foundation to create itself, not be eternally lost swimming about in a massive sea of casual retardation.

And F2P is bad, very bad. Very very bad. Please don't even consider that route.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Neckbeards have been parachuting into every MMO thread for ages with this sucks and that sucks.
That gave me a good early morning chuckle, thanks!

All you have said is that its stupid because you think so. You haven't articulated any reason why monks should be emasculated as a class so enchanters can feel even better about themselves.
I'm not against FD at all but I guess the notion is that it really is some guy playing dead - there's nothing implying any jedi type background going on with the ability. As such it's kinda unbelievable. Who knows, maybe they can design FD or whatever their pulling tools are better this time around. Maybe the monk equivalent is more mystic this time, because EQ monks were fairly down to earth compared to most classes.

In a way you could see FD as a special CC ability that extremely strong vs powerful mobs (and ofc raids) and less so vs run-of-the-mill frogs (because it's more time intensive then just running into the room and throwing some mezzes).


hm as far as the f2p model is concerned, i don't think its necessarily that bad. if you keep the cash items to non-progression, cosmetic type of items, i wouldn't be against it.


This has been attached to the bottom ofBrad's site:

"The new company will launch a Kickstarter site in January 2014 which will reveal all sorts of details about both the company and the game, including videos, concept art, and even actual in-game screenshots and short clips of the game itself. Brad has assumed the role of Chief Creative Officer and one of the Producers of Pantheon"

There's a bit extra, too. Nothing too noteworthy or unexpected but it looks like we have a nice amount of content to look forward to.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cosmetic shit doesn't sell. If you want to rake in money from a cash shop, you have to sell stuff that gives an advantage. In a pure PVE game, that's not even that problematic.