Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Tyen is that you?

Salty Kickstarter

on the other hand, Unity has a browser-plugin


FoH nuclear response team
How the fuck can McQuaid even command fucking anybody's attention these days? Holy shitballs.

This shit is gonna be Vanguard 2.0 and you will all be trying to explain away 300-500 dollars of your money from the joint bank account you share with your spouse and when the game goes belly up she's going to look you in the eye and go, "Fuck, why couldn't you just be an alcoholic and HIT me, because at least THAT would make sense."


Molten Core Raider
I could have sworn that I had read that Unity was kind of bad for MMOs. Oh well.

What was that other MMO using unity? It was being made from some of the programmers of Asheron's Call I believe.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Brad has made some serious mistakes on this Kickstarter and I hope he's open to constructive criticism. First, as I've mentioned before, there's no unlimited pledge level other than the $10 level which GETS YOU NOTHING, not even forum access. That needs to change fast.
I agree, this could have been done better. I also agree with this comment made on the KS:

It appears your lowest "get the game" tier is at $45. I'm not a game developer, but I've backed over 600 crowd-funded games and consulted on a handful of successful crowd-funded campaigns. That experience leads me to fear that such a high price point for getting the game will hobble the success of the campaign. It is significantly higher than the entry point of most game projects and does not seem like much of a discount over the price it would be at launch. I dont' see a $15 discount on the final game to be much of a reward, when paid three or four years before launch.
One may see every copy of a game released at a discount as a loss, but more copies at a lower price is better than fewer at a higher price. Especially in crowd-funding, where excitement over the title and the number of fellow backers and pledged support builds on itself. For every person willing to chip in at least $45, there are probably several who would jump at it for $20 or $25.
I think one could strategically lower the entry-point for the game, generating more support and interest, while compensating for the perceived disparity by making up for it with clever additional tiers in-between certain points that offer rewards of very little expense (in time, production, or cost) to you.
Made by Seumas Froemke, is that anyone from here by any chance?

If he would offer the game (without alpha access but with beta access) for like 30-35 dollars, lots of people would feel they get the game for cheap and beta as a bonus. I know I went for these tiers with both Star Citizen Online and Shroud of the Avatar (from Garriott), both 30-35 buck tiers that include the game and some early bird perks like beta (and a ship with lifetime in the case of SCO).


Silver Knight of the Realm
If he would offer the game (without alpha access but with beta access) for like 30-35 dollars, lots of people would feel they get the game for cheap and beta as a bonus. I know I went for these tiers with both Star Citizen Online and Shroud of the Avatar (from Garriott), both 30-35 buck tiers that include the game and some early bird perks like beta (and a ship with lifetime in the case of SCO).
That's not me, but I suggested essentially the same ideas several pages ago, when the kickstarter first went up. I have only backed a few kickstarters, but everything that guy pointed out jumped out at me as well. Besides the forum access tier, I suggested adding a tier for just the final game, and also a limited tier for the final copy $5 cheaper. ie. $25 with a limit of 500 copies, after those are gone the price is $30.


I had a question for Brad in hopes he could explain this zoning more. Basically when I think of zones, i think of EQ where you had to go to a certian point in one zone to get to the next. You couldn't just for example zone into Kithicor from anywhere in WC. You had to find a small path to find the zone line, the rest was zone walls you couldnt cross over. VG while touted as "seemless" to me seemed more zoned with its chunks. You hit a chunk wall and had to load into the next chunk. But the positive there is you could cross this chunk line anywhere, not only at a specific point. To me VG seemed more like a Hybrid of zoning/seemless.

So my question is how will this zoning work in Pantheon? Will you be able to see anypoint in the world and travel to it crossing into a new zone if needed? or will you have zone walls and only be able to move from one zone to the next at specific points like EQ?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You hit a chunk wall and had to load into the next chunk. But the positive there is you could cross this chunk line anywhere, not only at a specific point.
Are you talking about the zone connection between North Qeynos and Qeynos Hills?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I even see Requiem getting in on the KS action.. At least the FoH people showed up in numbers for this. The irony of it.. lol

So I'm guessing they have a ton of information that hasn't been released yet.. I don't follow a lot of KS but how often should they be dropping shit like classes, races, etc? I'd like for them to drop at least a class/race every few days and maybe even more info if they aren't seeing the numbers they want..


Are you talking about the zone connection between North Qeynos and Qeynos Hills?
East/west commons also used to have these zone lines. There were a mix of both types in EQ. The ones he is talking about (small area) is if there was a tunnel or path through a mountain, or something. I didn't have an issues with both types in EQ. The maps were different.


<Gold Donor>
Are you talking about the zone connection between North Qeynos and Qeynos Hills?
No hes taking about Vanguard and their "chunking" system, which basically sucked but made the world seamless. So in essence in Vanguard you hit this invisible wall of the next chunk, and then you "zoned" into it. It was supposed to be seamless but it ended up being a mess since shit did not load correctly and on the fly, it basically started to stutter because you were loading all the assets from the new chunk upon entering it. Still to this day the shit does not work correctly from what I hear.

Also, I dont mind zones. If it makes it easyer for them to accomplish their goal of making a great game, than Im all for it.


This is a really shitty kickstarter and will not get funded, regardless of how many fat black guys are telling me it will be an epic experience of epic proportions and how low they set the initial goals.

Also "Rise of the Fallen" that doesn't even make sense. Since they are rising from a previously fallen state does that put them back on a level plane? I couldn't come up with a more generic subtitle if I tried. They're really putting no effort into this are they. Do people really expect some retard who copy/pasted a MUD 18 years ago to make a good MMO in 2014 for $800,000?


FoH nuclear response team
if nothing else, this has pumped a lot of new blood into rerolled.

more "fucking 14'ers" may not be a good thing. However, we can use them for cannon fodder during world boss encounters and tranny bait.


Man, in retrospect Camelot Unchained for $25 seems like a steal. Wish I had backed that now.

Comparing the two campaigns CU seems light-years ahead.
Man, in retrospect Camelot Unchained for $25 seems like a steal. Wish I had backed that now.

Comparing the two campaigns CU seems light-years ahead.
Brad should have opened up the rough draft Kickstarter page for the community to view. That's getting more and more common now, and it makes Kickstarters a lot better IMO.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is a really shitty kickstarter and will not get funded, regardless of how many fat black guys are telling me it will be an epic experience of epic proportions and how low they set the initial goals.

Also "Rise of the Fallen" that doesn't even make sense. Since they are rising from a previously fallen state does that put them back on a level plane? I couldn't come up with a more generic subtitle if I tried. They're really putting no effort into this are they. Do people really expect some retard who copy/pasted a MUD 18 years ago to make a good MMO in 2014 for $800,000?
So you're in on the $500.00 tier?


This is a really shitty kickstarter and will not get funded, regardless of how many fat black guys are telling me it will be an epic experience of epic proportions and how low they set the initial goals.
I have participated in a lot of successful KS, mostly on the board game side of things and I hate to say it, but I agree. The thing that hurts is that I really want this project to succeed. When I see the videos, poorly planned pledge tiers, and cringe worthy screenshots, I die a little inside. Its like no research or consulting was done into what makes a successful KS and if you're asking for this much, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Plus looking at the total right now makes me less than excited. I have seen miniature games from relative nobodies do 200k in a single day. I know this is a video game, so some things do not translate, but having a KS that looks like its run by a kid in the basement and not a professional company will hurt funding and make people less likely to pledge.

You really need to follow some of the great advice you are getting on here and KS about how to alter this campaign because as it goes now, I doubt it will be funded and that sucks. And yes I know we are on day 2, but the reality is that most huge KS make most of their funding in the first 3 days or so and in the last 2 days after the 48 hour notices come out. Pledged at $45 for now...I would do $100, but this KS campaign makes me think I am just tossing my money into a pit....which is an odd conflict since I am a fanboy for what I think you are offering....My advice, bite the bullet like some other KS have done. Take down the KS page and get things reworked. Then relaunch a week from now.