Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


FPS noob
I wonder if his ama will be on /r/iama (the "big" ama subreddit with 4m+ users) or the pantheon subreddit, which has like... 80 users lol. There are very specific rules to the big ama sub, which I am pretty sure he will not follow and get his ama removed.

I do hope someone asks about how many hookers he banged and how much money he spent on coke. for some amazing recent AMAs check out
IamArnold. AMA 2.0. : IAmA
Mark Hamill here. In an AMA far, far away... : IAmA
I am the guy with two penises. AMA. : IAmA


So I've been thinking about this for a while. I think right now all the backers for Pantheon are pretty familiar with Brad and his past work and are hopeful for what Pantheon could be. The problem is, people who AREN'T familiar with Brad and the vision, don't see why they should back Pantheon. Which is why so many of us said they should have made the kickstarter for like 200k just to fund a demo or something concrete. And then use THAT to rope in more backers.
My little brother is way too young to be familiar with Brad and EQ, but he played VG and GW2 and is always looking for another good MMO. He's keeping an eye on TESO and I sent him something about EQN and he said "Oh that looks cool!".
But if I send him to the Pantheon KS, he's not going to "get it". He's going to want to know WHY I'm excited about this and why he should be too. And I don't know if I could even explain it to him.
To anyone not familiar with Brad, the KS is just another idea for another MMO and not enough to convince someone like him to throw some money towards. Even though I KNOW he'd really enjoy the game if and when it is created.
Whereas if there was an actual demo of a game, then someone like him might get excited enough to want to contribute...
But it is what it is at this point.
Well said & Booze is a padder.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I wonder if his ama will be on /r/iama (the "big" ama subreddit with 4m+ users) or the pantheon subreddit, which has like... 80 users lol. There are very specific rules to the big ama sub, which I am pretty sure he will not follow and get his ama removed.

I do hope someone asks about how many hookers he banged and how much money he spent on coke. for some amazing recent AMAs check out
IamArnold. AMA 2.0. : IAmA
Mark Hamill here. In an AMA far, far away... : IAmA
I am the guy with two penises. AMA. : IAmA
lol at all of this.

i bet brad didnt know what reddit was two weeks ago.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
So how did Vu's thing go? How long was it, is it uploaded yet?
apparently it was a glitchy slideshow.

200 viewers

he was fucking around, not actually working on content

he stated 'unity is good for mmos, i think, i dont know'

while discussing the 'reavnent' race thats being revealed tomorrow, a team member had no idea what it was

so, not optimal.


New $25 tier just added, will see how it goes
that is great news! it's what Faggins was suggesting earlier (and I'm sure someone else probably said it too), and it's Pantheon's best shot at hitting the goal. Looks like someone is hearing the worthy suggestions through all of the noise (both positive and negative)

However, I am so turned off by the convoluted pledge tiers... so many different options, and lots of INCLUDES EVERYTHING PREVIOUS, wherin some of the previous tiers contradict the higher ones...

They need a flow chart at this point, cause it's damn hard to tell what gets what and includes which but excludes others


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
well is fucking horrible and I have no idea why they get to stream anything with such sub-par performance.

TheRobAndDanShow - Pantheon Developer Series Part 1 - TwitchStarts about 30 minutes in

I like what was shown, problem is almost nobody watched it and they still haven't added the curse & that other interview to the KS. Q&A 6 is also missing from updates for some reason
Q&A6 is also not on their youtube channel, so what are you talking about?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
that is fucking hilarious, it says "6 videos" for the uploader right on that site, with 5 being Q&A and 1 being the initial KS video.

Video still not listed in "videos" for user.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I disagree that any small tier is likely to significantly increase the goal. This KS and other ones like CU are funded largely based on a relatively small number of donors but large avg backer amount. Although improving the sub $100 tiers will help. Right now the 100-600 tiers are well done but above and below are a joke without the 45 tier.

CU got 500k from 1k+ donationsdone right Brad could have got 150-250k or so from these, but the current 1k+ options are a joke. It's a testament to how much many people really want this that the avg backer is so high with such shitty large tiers.

I do hope they open up another 400-500 of the $45 I have not backed yet, but plan to in the next two weeks. I don't want to spend $100 simply because it currently makes little sense to buy any tier cept the 45 or 100.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Short of an extremly successful boogie interview i dont think its going to make it. The problem is that they simply have nothing to show so that average joe could back it (not enough art, no real ingame-screenshots, no rough but playable alpha). That and the release date of 2017 is holding the KS back more than everything else.

Let this KS run its course, release what info you can. Put up a good show. If it fails thank everybody that pledged/showed interest and promise to continue to work on the game. Build your own website with all the info from the KS with a nice, professional layout. Do pledges on your own site & work on the alpha with a small bare-bones team. Do a new KS in 9-12 month with a playable alpha & fleshed out info.