Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


<Gold Donor>
I don't think you're going to get that. That's another thing that's ultimately going to be an issue, the lore. People identify with Everquest partly due to the lore/races/classes. The further you move away from that, the further the link. I had brought up that this game may be based on EQ mechanics, but it won't have the EQ feel due to a number of factors, lore being one of them.
Yeah. I'm all for another take on lore than just another fairly by the numbers medieval fantasy setting, but I feel their ripping off Rift was a terrible idea. Rift lore fucking sucks.


I don't think you're going to get that. That's another thing that's ultimately going to be an issue, the lore. People identify with Everquest partly due to the lore/races/classes. The further you move away from that, the further the link. I had brought up that this game may be based on EQ mechanics, but it won't have the EQ feel due to a number of factors, lore being one of them.
Yes but thats the thing. This isn't EQ, its Pantheon. So the lore is going to be different. VG's lore was also different but it still had that EQ feel in the way it played. To me atleast, anyway.


I will say this, looking at the KS. Ogres homeland is Icehammer Steppes, Revenant homeland is The Dead Ridges. So thats 2 different starter zones!


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, fuck it. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm out.

Just one thing after another leads me to believe that these guys are not sincere about this project and are just making shit up as they go along without any proper vision other than "EQ mechanics" and "grouping." Both of those appeal to me, but everything else about this seems so poorly thought out and haphazard that I can't support it in good faith at the moment. Don't mean to be a drama queen or anything, but I can't wave the banner for these guys anymore.

I'll check back in a few days before this project ends and see if they've managed to get their shit together.
again its hard to compare a kickstarter like Kingdom Come to Pantheon. Because Kingdom Come is 3/4 done with the game. Pantheon did not even begin. Youre taking about a project which probably cost upwards of $1 million dollars to make so far VS 10 dudes in their basement and a dell working on something in their spare time.
The Mighty No. 9only had concept art, and not very much of it, and it raised over 4 million. There was no working alpha or demos or anything like that. Just a few pieces of art and some ideas. And it was going after a bunhc of old school gamers. It succeeded so well because it had a great presentation and great tiers. If you want to compare Pantheon to something, compare it to that.


Potato del Grande
Funny.. Come back to this thread, and it's the same people that constantly repeat themselves of the doom and gloom of this KS, how it's not going to succeed, etc. Extremely negative people. Instead of bitching and wining, get out there and fucking promote it.
Promote it? I don't feel they have something worth promoting yet.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Promote it? I don't feel they have something worth promoting yet.
We need a picture of Brad like this:

Fund Pantheon, cause MMO Pollution.


Potato del Grande
It's not that that flavor isn't cool, but I'd rather select one of the existing races and then have stuff like skeleton/lich form depending on class.
I was hoping an undead race would be undead forms of existing races. You're a resurrected hero that didn't resurrect properly.


The Mighty No. 9only had concept art, and not very much of it, and it raised over 4 million. There was no working alpha or demos or anything like that. Just a few pieces of art and some ideas. And it was going after a bunhc of old school gamers. It succeeded so well because it had a great presentation and great tiers. If you want to compare Pantheon to something, compare it to that.
- Gigantic audience
- Incredible amount of good will
- No baggage
- Achievable goal


Elisha Dushku
I enjoyed a lot of quests in 2007. I say 2007, because later they all became stupidly easy; not that they were ever hard. Off the top of my head, I remember:

- the arena
- xennu shard quests
- panther clicky
- skeleton clicky
- swamp armor
- hegnerian's cloak
- rhaz/zull weapon/crown quests
I did most of those except panther/skeleton and swamp armor - between crafted and that weird near swamp level armor from the camp to the nw of the swamp area never felt the need. Other memorable quests: original PotA, the scientology line, original Tsang (required you to go to north thestra to finish) and original Rajin line.


I think it's stupid as hell and makes absolutely no sense within the lore they've laid out thus far.

All player characters are resurrected heroes. The Revenant are a bunch of atheists who had nowhere to go when they died... so some god decided to resurrect them and make them serve in his "army of the damned" (cheese alert). Then... since they are player characters, they somehow died (despite being undead) and have now been resurrected again or something? It makes no damned sense, and that's ignoring the fact that having an undead race at all completely cheapens the idea of death in the world.

Oh well.
I dunno. Their "lore" is hasty and doesn't make a lot of sense.
I was thinking that too but then when I went back and read about Nexus, it says "Finding new worlds and civilizations, Nexus plucked life from other worlds so that Terminus could be reborn.". Plucking life makes it sounds like she grabbed up some dudes and dumped them on Terminus. But then in another section of lore, it says "Along with this came the reemergence of Nexus and the appearance of fallen heroes once thought lost in the first planar collisions".

So who knows. Maybe the fallen heroes she resurrected aren't considered undead. Maybe they're reborn...

lol sorry had vision of infant heroes "work your way through childhood to build the skills needed to become a powerful hero".
"Hey I'm still an infant. Have you hit toddler yet??"
"Uh yea, I'm a tween now."
(It's the new leveling system)


<Gold Donor>
The Mighty No. 9only had concept art, and not very much of it, and it raised over 4 million. There was no working alpha or demos or anything like that. Just a few pieces of art and some ideas. And it was going after a bunhc of old school gamers. It succeeded so well because it had a great presentation and great tiers. If you want to compare Pantheon to something, compare it to that.
Thats more like it, but still apples and oranges. while EQ and Brad were famous to us mmo dudes from the late 90s, early 200s, its hard to compare that to something like mega-man franchise which was around since the 80's and had probably tens of millions of players play their games across a vast amount of consoles.


<Gold Donor>
I dunno. Their "lore" is hasty and doesn't make a lot of sense. I was thinking that too but then when I went back and read about Nexus, it says "Finding new worlds and civilizations, Nexus plucked life from other worlds so that Terminus could be reborn.". Plucking life makes it sounds like she grabbed up some dudes and dumped them on Terminus. But then in another section of lore, it says "Along with this came the reemergence of Nexus and the appearance of fallen heroes once thought lost in the first planar collisions".
So who knows. Maybe the fallen heroes she resurrected aren't considered undead. Maybe they're reborn...
lol sorry had vision of infant heroes "work your way through childhood to build the skills needed to become a powerful hero".
"Hey I'm still an infant. Have you hit toddler yet??"
"Uh yea, I'm a tween now."
(It's the new leveling system)
Yeah, the whole thing just seems thrown together with no care for the overall picture. They probably went with this bullshit lore so they could have an excuse to have all sorts of crazy environments. Other than the fact that it seems poorly thought out, the whole planar collisions and resurrected heroes nonsense just does not gel with me at all. I'd much prefer a more grounded world at least to begin with.


Golden Squire
Yeah, fuck it. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm out.

Just one thing after another leads me to believe that these guys are not sincere about this project and are just making shit up as they go along without any proper vision other than "EQ mechanics" and "grouping." Both of those appeal to me, but everything else about this seems so poorly thought out and haphazard that I can't support it in good faith at the moment. Don't mean to be a drama queen or anything, but I can't wave the banner for these guys anymore.

I'll check back in a few days before this project ends and see if they've managed to get their shit together.
I'm effectively out. I'm not going to pull my pledge right now, to be nice. But near the end I'll remove it, as I don't have faith that they can actually deliver anything. $100 at the end won't make/break the KS, but at least it won't show it dropping for my miniscule drop in the bucket today.

Unless something amazing happens in the next 20-whatever days that is.


Molten Core Raider
I enjoyed a lot of quests in 2007. I say 2007, because later they all became stupidly easy; not that they were ever hard. Off the top of my head, I remember:

- the arena
- xennu shard quests
- panther clicky
- skeleton clicky
- swamp armor
- hegnerian's cloak
- rhaz/zull weapon/crown quests
I need to see that Zennu place with the squid heads before its gone forever, i never went in there to this day other than the entrance..


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I think it's kind of crazy how many people are into beta and alpha access. You'll know everything about the game before you start. You'll know you don't have to make the Qeynos to FP trip on foot -- you could just port. Not knowing shit is part of what made EQ more fun than other MMOs, for me.