Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm effectively out. I'm not going to pull my pledge right now, to be nice. But near the end I'll remove it, as I don't have faith that they can actually deliver anything.
This makes no sense. If nobody pulled their pledges because they were unhappy until the last minute, how would they have any idea that people were unhappy with the kickstarter? Pull your pledge now if you don't like the project.


Yeah, fuck it. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm out.

Just one thing after another leads me to believe that these guys are not sincere about this project and are just making shit up as they go along without any proper vision other than "EQ mechanics" and "grouping." Both of those appeal to me, but everything else about this seems so poorly thought out and haphazard that I can't support it in good faith at the moment. Don't mean to be a drama queen or anything, but I can't wave the banner for these guys anymore.

I'll check back in a few days before this project ends and see if they've managed to get their shit together.
Oh really? Cool, thanks for letting us know.


Keiji has baggage. All designers have baggage. Brad isn't anything special in that regard. And all those other things apply to Pantheon. It's the details of the Kickstarters that are different.
He is a video game legend with a huge, successful resume. Yeah, I frequently forget his name over the years, but when I remember, respect is immediately restored. Without digging into the past, Brad's track record isn't even remotely comparable. It's suggestions to the contrary that bring out the ugly reminders.


I'm effectively out. I'm not going to pull my pledge right now, to be nice. But near the end I'll remove it, as I don't have faith that they can actually deliver anything. $100 at the end won't make/break the KS, but at least it won't show it dropping for my miniscule drop in the bucket today.

Unless something amazing happens in the next 20-whatever days that is.
I'm in the same place pretty much. My pledge is good up to the last day, when I'll decide to pull it or not. If tomorrow was the last day, and they had it funded, I'd be out for sure.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I'm effectively out. I'm not going to pull my pledge right now, to be nice. But near the end I'll remove it, as I don't have faith that they can actually deliver anything. $100 at the end won't make/break the KS, but at least it won't show it dropping for my miniscule drop in the bucket today.

Unless something amazing happens in the next 20-whatever days that is.
So, if they get really close, they'll fall short because of people like you. Good idea.


Golden Squire
This makes no sense. If nobody pulled their pledges because they were unhappy until the last minute, how would they have any idea that people were unhappy with the kickstarter? Pull your pledge now if you don't like the project.
I'm trying to be nice to other MMO buddies that still want to see this get funded. They're still willing to put more blind faith into the team than I am. It doesn't make a lot of sense, no, but that's my reasoning.

As to how they would know? Because they read this thread (and others). I've asked them directly to try to put some fears to rest, but just responded with "Well, this just starts things, we'll get publisher / VC funding for the other $7.2 million". Did not inspire hope.


Yeah, fuck it. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm out.

Just one thing after another leads me to believe that these guys are not sincere about this project and are just making shit up as they go along without any proper vision other than "EQ mechanics" and "grouping." Both of those appeal to me, but everything else about this seems so poorly thought out and haphazard that I can't support it in good faith at the moment. Don't mean to be a drama queen or anything, but I can't wave the banner for these guys anymore.

I'll check back in a few days before this project ends and see if they've managed to get their shit together.
Im feeling the same. I have days where im all over this and I have hope, then I hear the team speak and I feel like I have put more effort and thought and research into "their" game and kick-starter than they have. It honestly feels like they just turned up thinking the money would flood in. I get it. they are game devs but to come to kick-starter with no plan? its just painful to watch.


You seem to be taking this project really personally. I know I shouldn't be responding to you because you're just looking for a fight, but take it easy, man.
No it's funny just watching people like yourself bitch to an endless degree, and realize if a hardcore mmo did come out I wouldn't really want you and your care-bear mentality there anyways.

Nothing personal.


Trakanon Raider
Apparently MySpace Tom is promoting now. I'm still waiting to see what Boogie says.... I can't believe these guys are taking the risk by attaching their name to this game. No offense to Brad, it may be the greatest game ever made but in any business you take caution in reputational risk. I guess the risk is pretty low given the size and scope of this game. I do also see how people may justify "owing" Brad a little something for Everquest. That's how I justified my donation at least.


<Gold Donor>
No it's funny just watching people like yourself bitch to an endless degree, and realize if a hardcore mmo did come out I wouldn't really want you and your care-bear mentality there anyways.

Nothing personal.
Well, if you'd been following this thread, you'd see I was actually championing it quite a bit. It's just been the last couple of days of blunders and finally this undead race nonsense that doesn't even fit in their lore that, oddly enough, was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for me.

And are you really going to play the badass with this "hardcore mmo" and "care-bear" shit?

Just because a game requires grouping and is dangerous doesn't necessarily make it "hardcore." You can still play something like Project99, for example, without poopsocking for 16 hours a day. Those are the truly "hardcore" folks. If you want to be associated with them, then by all means, go for it.


Potato del Grande
No it's funny just watching people like yourself bitch to an endless degree, and realize if a hardcore mmo did come out I wouldn't really want you and your care-bear mentality there anyways.

Nothing personal.
Sir. You seem really tough, so I just wanted to let you know I'll be your friend so you don't have to beat me up, okay? Please!


<Gold Donor>
No it's funny just watching people like yourself bitch to an endless degree, and realize if a hardcore mmo did come out I wouldn't really want you and your care-bear mentality there anyways.

Nothing personal.
Awww SHIT! Badass hardcore alert!


Potato del Grande
Apparently MySpace Tom is promoting now. I'm still waiting to see what Boogie says.... I can't believe these guys are taking the risk by attaching their name to this game. No offense to Brad, it may be the greatest game ever made but in any business you take caution in reputational risk. I guess the risk is pretty low given the size and scope of this game. I do also see how people may justify "owing" Brad a little something for Everquest. That's how I justified my donation at least.
This is another reason a KS team should focus on their message, not necessarily just their product. Projects can get funded based on a good presentation and right message. Then if the project fails backers and supporters have a way to save face: man, their presentation was so good but I guess it was all just lies!

Right now, you can't say that about Pantheon. Your only way to save face is saying you're an idiot and fooled yourself.