Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Buzzfeed Editor
Ok, I'll concede that there was an awesomeness to a "layered" feel of difficulty. (Your xcom example was what got me, I am a huge fan.)

That said however, I don't particularly think of them as a difficulty because they were by and large avoided with things like invis lanterns and corpse hopping, or SOS rogues.

Someone else mentioned it and I'll touch on it, and that's the idea that doing everything right yourself could still lead to an abysmal showing - trains, actual organized attempts to dismantle etc. Corpse running because of that? Fucking annoying.

Also I didn't mean to suggest that eq was only better than other mmos because of lack of choice. It was a better game and THATs where the lack of choice comes from. Why play a game when you could wreck shit in eq's world?
That's all fair. Like I said, I don't think CR's in and of themselves were a great mechanic--I think they had a lot of benefits AS a layered consequence that most people glossed over. If we really examine why CR's, in some cases, were good; it's possible to see why sometimes punishing the player in an "intrinsic" way in regards to his risk? Feels "fairer" to the player than simply having an arbitrary "SIT IN THE CORNER!" feel. Now, EQ's death penalties had both, which is why I said CRs are still a bad mechanic.

BUT some of the mechanics of the CR? Certainly did have an intrinsic feel to them. You set your camp up in a bad area, your punishment got harder--you wanted to farm in a place that had higher rewards because no one went there? Your risk grew. These are all some small, and in my opinion, kind of cool "adaptable" punishments--they directly correlate to the players risk. And I think that's really missing in the modern MMO where the player doesn't get a choice about his risk; it's all binary. If I run naked up to Garrosh and spit on him--despite being in the "scariest" place in that expansion? My punishment for not even preparing with gear or a team of players, is the EXACT same as someone in a noobie dungeon.

Garrosh is no more "risky" to face down than the Defias bortherhood was almost a decade ago. Does that feel like it has some fidelity to the world? Meh. There's something to be said about making consequence feel genuinely different as you get into the more rewarding parts of the game. It feels real, it "feels" like it follows the aesthetic of living in a world with rational rules. Now, don't get me wrong, Garrosh is much harder than the low level dungeon--but that's the thing; the only way WoW developers have to distinguish Garrosh from Defias Noob 01 is by increasing the APM repetitions needed to kill him. And yeah, I bet he's hard, LK heroic was hard for us...BUT this single "curve" for difficulty is why modern fights are getting SO complex in WoW that they are essentially forcing even decent players into the "derp switch" crowd--because the developers literally don't have another lever to pull, the only way they can distinguish the new baddie and his "ultimate bad assness" from the lower level baddies is by making him do a lot more stuff in the encounter.

However, if you played Xcom, then you got a feel for what it's like when a developer has more than one lever to pull. The next encounter doesn't have to be exponentially more difficult to make it "harder"--it can just carry more risk, or carry more strategic risk in the larger game. For the beginning, you might be able to lose your best guy and be OKAY--toward the middle, now losing your best guy is a crippling hit to your strategy. The mission difficulty might be the same, but the acceptable "loss" for your strategy? Is no longer acceptable, so the mission got harder WITHOUT actually getting harder and without even you losing (You still can recover, but it's more taxing..You'll need to adapt and get better because you can't do this recovery every time)....that's the power of risk/punishment that's not binary

But yeah, I don't think CR's are a good mechanic. I also think WoW is harder on a tactical level. But there is something to be said of a game that gives you choices and then provides consequence. EQ stumbled a little onto that--they didn't do it well, but it was there, buried under the crappy balance and mechanics. WoW, I feel, kind of lost it--but I wish someone would go back, and iterate on those concepts and make a game about choice, consequence and strategy that could fit into a modern game without the bad aspects EQ had in it.


Garrosh is no more "risky" to face down than the Defias bortherhood was almost a decade ago. Does that feel like it has some fidelity to the world? Meh. There's something to be said about making consequence feel genuinely different as you get into the more rewarding parts of the game. It feels real, it "feels" like it follows the aesthetic of living in a world with rational rules.
This doesn't make sense. Are we talking the LFR Garrosh? LFR is the tourist area where tourists go to get a vague idea of what real raiding is like.


Buzzfeed Editor
This doesn't make sense. Are we talking the LFR Garrosh? LFR is the tourist area where tourists go to get a vague idea of what real raiding is like.
Read the post :p it's not about Garrosh's difficulty, it's about the TYPE of difficulty WoW uses exclusively. The post was stating the only difficulty meter WoW has is increasing the APM repetition; and yes, that makes Garroshharder, but it's also causing problems becauseeverydifficulty design has to go into making itmoredifficult for players to recreate patterns to solve the problem. (I went over why this is a problem in previous posts)

In a game whereconsequenceand risk are factors in difficulty; you canadddifficulty by making the fight punishing inother ways, outside of adding more APM's or observational avoidance. In other words, platformers and RPG's/strategy historically had different methods of producing difficulty curves. Modern MMO's seem to draw almost exclusively from the platformer/twitch pool and not from the strategy/RPG school.

Edit: And this is why I was highlighting Garrosh. The "brutal" hellscream (Or lets say LK, as he was the last big heroic I raid lead for) is as risky to me as the defias brotherhood. There is no more tension in his room than in any other, the only consequence to failure is the annoying 3 minutes it took to reprep. Sure, he's harder to kill, but that's literally the only thing that separates attacking him and attacking An Orc 01. If you look at strategy games? Good ones tend to increase consequence over time,as wellas difficulty. The final fight might not be actually harder than the one before it; the difference is, you have more to lose. So planning becomes required. These kinds of choices are absent in modern MMO's and I think it hurts the game. (Now, yes, they wouldn't translate 1:1, of course, but I'm talking about design concepts.)


2 Minutes Hate
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Trump's Staff
Hey guys, unfortunately you'll have to become a premium junkie to see this forum starting Friday, Feb 14th. Please see the donation button at the top of the page to process your payment. Current costs are $20 for the year.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
$20 bucks a year is a deal compared to Pantheon: Rise of the Forums at $15.00/month!


He's saying there is no punishment for walking in and attacking and dying to garrosh. You'll Rez outside the dungeon, no money, items or gear lost, just small durability decrease.

Whereas had it been eq, you'd have made it there, died and then had a corpse run at the end of the dungeon. Likely by yourself, and only after paying money to a cleric for a Rez.

And that's a good point, because while the fight itself is hard, there's nothing stopping you from doing a risky thing. You should encouraging exploring, but it IS a dungeon. If it were dnd you'd be detecting traps and doors and making listen and spot checks every 5 feet. This is, to an extent, what eq required. Proactiveness and a bit of paying attention.

It takes away a bit of the epicness if there is nothing to punish you for doing such a foolhardy thing.


Awesome ,holy shit, I finally get to sit down and get caught up , from about midnite last night till just now. This is pure entertainment.

I cannot wait ,cannot wait , to go read the KS thread now to see what today's expectations are from the devout.

Before I go check , had Brad in any way shape or form actually shown up on the Kickstarter site and started supporting it or are we about to start week two of abandonment by him ?


<Gold Donor>
There would be no Jenkins in EQ. Because no one would risk going down there and retrieving the idiots corpse.


Awesome ,holy shit, I finally get to sit down and get caught up , from about midnite last night till just now. This is pure entertainment.

I cannot wait ,cannot wait , to go read the KS thread now to see what today's expectations are from the devout.

Before I go check , had Brad in any way shape or form actually shown up on the Kickstarter site and started supporting it or are we about to start week two of abandonment by him ?
Far as I know its all quiet on the western front. But then again, I don't bother to check the KS site comments page more then once a day. Its to much to stomach.


Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 16 minutes ago
Thanks for the early subscribes on that site, but please keep in mind that it's just testing right now. The subscription feature hasn't been fleshed out yet. It will be there when we launch the site, but it will have a lot more to it. Right now it's just a basic description of what we're planning with it.


Just a quick browse of the KS forums got me a few of

"Hey we are at the halfway point we can do this" <-----------------seriously ,I think some of these people actually think this really is going to fund and aren't cheerleading only , which is sadder

And I notice some dissent even amongst some of the true believers , there's a section who are pissed they will be locked out of the super secret forums without paying 15/month , even if they donate 300 bucks to a tier pledge , this will be interesting to see how they handle this

My favorite though of today are the multiple lines of this

"They have already stated several times that this game is being made, KS or not" <------------- Ok ,that so ? True they have said they have other plans. Well fuck it why should anyone donate a dime and not just wait and buy the game at launch ? This seems to be not the best approach to take to get crowd funding , but I'm not a "Kickstarter Expert".


Just a quick browse of the KS forums got me a few of

"Hey we are at the halfway point we can do this" <-----------------seriously ,I think some of these people actually think this really is going to fund and aren't cheerleading only , which is sadder

And I notice some dissent even amongst some of the true believers , there's a section who are pissed they will be locked out of the super secret forums without paying 15/month , even if they donate 300 bucks to a tier pledge , this will be interesting to see how they handle this

My favorite though of today are the multiple lines of this

"They have already stated several times that this game is being made, KS or not" <------------- Ok ,that so ? True they have said they have other plans. Well fuck it why should anyone donate a dime and not just wait and buy the game at launch ? This seems to be not the best approach to take to get crowd funding , but I'm not a "Kickstarter Expert".
This one is great!
Deadfolk about 2 hours ago

Okay, just upped my pledge. We're either going to do this, or go out fighting!