Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Back to the shaw.

Looks like Britney Spears in 10 years.


Oh god....that website is so overly complicated for such a simple thing. And the mod/whatever the fuck he is apparently thinks this is a some kiddy forum....
Yeah the hardcore fanboi types are really easy to rile up. Only makes me want to join them that much because those hardcore fanbois really need someone with a realistic perspective on those forums. Paying $15/month to play "Pantheon: ForumQuest" could actually prove to be pretty entertaining.


Musty Nester
I've had more fun mocking this thread than I would ever possibly have playing a game brad "designed".



I'm Amod too!
I've had more fun mocking this thread than I would ever possibly have playing a game brad "designed".
That'll be $10 dollars please. Brad is glad that he was able to provide you with entertainment and wants you to know that he accepts PayPal.


TLDW, who are they blaming? us?
He never mentioned rerolled. He did however mention the fact that he was pulled into argument by "some girl and this other guy" so I looked at what he was referring to and found out that "the girl" was none other than Dayna Gilbert that repeatedly ripped into popsicledeath and myself. So even the uber fanboi, EQOANostaligia, agrees that Dayna was the biggest troll of them all.

P99 - Nirrtix - Dayna Gilbert 5 days ago_sl said:
@EQO develop and make are the same and you know it... to develop is to create is to make...

Of course... after all you have to defend SoE you work for them.
EQOAnostalgia 5 days ago_sl said:
Oh one more thing. I was, am and will always be in Brads corner and a supporter of his work. Proof?

Brad was even cool enough to take the time to stop by and say thanks. He is truly awesome! Oh i have more Pantheon videos that go back before the KS started too. BUT i work for SOE remember? lol good night ladies.
Good for lols. Read more here:Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen by Visionary Realms, Inc. Kickstarter


I'm Amod too!
Also please be aware that any further mockery of Pantheon will require you to sign up for the "Dirty Casual" subscription package which you can find on the official forums for only $25 per month.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.
The lore was lamented at the start, but quickly overshadowed by their blunders and incompetence.

I wasn't talking about the substance but the professional presentation or rather the lack thereof. The Suddenly Shaman Dwarves comment should have been the give away. The talent trees comment was more obscure as it harkens back to Brad's early comments about the game, particularly in this thread.
Dont forget Brad polling us about dungeon finder, agreeing, and stating the opposite in an interview like a day later. Zero direction and no design doc and/or communication breakdowns in a team of half a dozen, how would they ever make a game.

I'm with Tad here, waiting for another team to take a shot at what we're looking for is the way to go.


Dont forget Brad polling us about dungeon finder, agreeing, and stating the opposite in an interview like a day later. Zero direction and no design doc and/or communication breakdowns in a team of half a dozen, how would they ever make a game.

I'm with Tad here, waiting for another team to take a shot at what we're looking for is the way to go.
He didn't state the opposite. He said a dungeon finder would be a part of the game "if" it was deemed necessary during the alpha stage of the game. Unless the players demand en masse during alpha I actually doubt a dungeon finder would actually make into the release version of the game.

I havent' given up on the team because they have a lot of good people on their team. I actually think that if they can get sufficient funding this team could actually deliver a quality game. However they totally botched their first attempt at getting the funding so I'm skeptical at this point that they will get the funding they need. They totally dropped the ball with the kickstarter and will have to pick it back up fast if they want to convince more than a few hundred loyal fanbois to give them money. Ben and Brad certainly seem pretty optimistic that they'll be getting those Angel Investors that they need so I'll be waiting to see how it goes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So have they put a counter on their site yet? Their own crazy fanboys are going to do as much harm as anything to this, since it sounds like those people are the ones sitting at these round tables and giving developer ideas. So what does eventually get released is probably not even close to what most people want.


So have they put a counter on their site yet? Their own crazy fanboys are going to do as much harm as anything to this, since it sounds like those people are the ones sitting at these round tables and giving developer ideas. So what does eventually get released is probably not even close to what most people want.
There are at least a few good posters such as PhoneticHalo that have become Gold members. I'll probably also join at some point to once they start accepting payments through someone other than paypal. I want this game to be made and actually be good and the thing the team needs least right now are a bunch of fawning fanbois that they can do no wrong. They need people that can be critical thinkers that will hold their feet to the fire and let them know when they are screwing up.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
He didn't state the opposite. He said a dungeon finder would be a part of the game "if" it was deemed necessary during the alpha stage of the game. Unless the players demand en masse during alpha I actually doubt a dungeon finder would actually make into the release version of the game.
Fine then call it keeping all doors open for future ?s?p?i?n? design choices, which leads to not having a concrete plan on how the game should play, design by committee, yada yada. Opening yourself up to forum noise influencing your design is bull.

What I expected is a group of industry professionals putting in hard work with a definite plan for the game they want to build, presenting that plan and letting people decide whether that is something they want. If enough people vote with their dollars they get the kickstart (get it? nudge nudge) into producing said game. Call me when that plan exists AND their hard work is providing tangible proof of that.