Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Squire
Team Speak attack-

It's unknown exactly what happened but our Team Speak server was attacked and brought down for over a whole week. We switched servers and it was brought down again immediately. This was a blatant attack, but we are unsure from whom.
Hrm. It's a mystery, alright!


Gee I wonder who Dev 1 could be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, as CEO, did Soygen agree with these business decisions? Whats their salary?


Bronze Squire
If you guys only knew... Let's see if anyone can accurately guess what's been happening with the Pantheon project. If you guess close, I will send you a PM with my personal congratulations!
Please Sparkling's God, let it have to do with Curt Shilling being involved in some way.


I have access to more areas of the forum when I am logged lout than when I am logged in on the Pantheon website. Guess they don't like me very much.

This needs un-shawed and the thread needs to be renamed to "Pantheon: The Rise of Our Savior". This shit is about to go full on real cult mode and we are stuck in the Rickshaw...


Trakanon Raider
I think I got a KickStarter message today or yesterday saying something about Full Development mode. This game has just as much chance as my pipe dream for a MMO set in the Quest for Glory world happening. I just don't see these dev's lasting the length of time to full bring this game to life. Who knows, maybe they'll prove me wrong.


I would Kickstart a Quest for Glory. Too bad the Kickstarter from the QFG creators didn't look very good and was totally unrelated to the series.


I have access to more areas of the forum when I am logged lout than when I am logged in on the Pantheon website. Guess they don't like me very much.

This needs un-shawed and the thread needs to be renamed to "Pantheon: The Rise of Our Savior". This shit is about to go full on real cult mode and we are stuck in the Rickshaw...
I saw this cult like atmosphere brewing so so early with how many were just jumping onto the project back at the onset of the kickstarter. None were asking serious questions and just following into it with blind faith that reminded me all too well of the folks who flocked to Jim Baker decades ago. Living in an adjacent town to where his PTL nut-park was, you could aways tell his lemmings from the townies.

Brad's new producer is 100% cult fodder. Knowing that she's going through and slowly but surely changing the game into her own "vision" of an mmo that is congruent to her extremist beliefs, in a way, is poetic justice against brad. Not because it will be successful, on the contrary, it will crash and burn in the fires of gaming damnation even faster now; but because this is what Brad's epitaph in the industry has become.

Laurene and Brad and lemmings in tow are meant for each other: Its just simply Darwanism in the gaming industry. In fact, I nominate this for the first ever Gaming Darwin Award.


tour de salt
Well met adventurer. Your task should you choose to accept it is to defend the unborn life of baby Billy from the uneducated abortion-mill quack doctors. Beware their numbers will be like a great multitude of locusts as time passes.


Trakanon Raider
shit, i'm more willing to put money towards the project now than when it was on kickstarter! the drama and lulz alone would easily be worth a few hundred bucks.


Musty Nester
My brother dates an ex stripper. No diseased or body disfigures. Sometimes girls just hit a rough patch, those are the ones you want to aim for, not the life long type.
If you can find a stripper that doesn't do coke or meth it's like winning the lottery.


Molten Core Raider
I think I got a KickStarter message today or yesterday saying something about Full Development mode. This game has just as much chance as my pipe dream for a MMO set in the Quest for Glory world happening. I just don't see these dev's lasting the length of time to full bring this game to life. Who knows, maybe they'll prove me wrong.
QFG5 was supposed to be online/multiplayer originally. Forget what happened but it all got scrapped and rushed out the door.



Registered Hodor
I hope this truly turns into the first fully-fledged Christian AAA MMORPG. Sparkling will ban your ass if you take the Lord's name in vain. Also, you will have to defeat Barack O'Bummer as a raid boss before he converts your whole party to Islam. We might even get quests where we have to fill in the blanks on Bible verses to get our loots.

Also, Amod, please unshaw this thread as there is still plenty of entertainment to be gleaned from it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I received a phone call from someone on the team and we discussed many aspects of the project going forward. The person on the phone seemed drunk to me. They slurred their words and had trouble putting together a coherent thought. It was quiet difficult talking to them and I rushed the call and got off. Still in that 30 min conversation I learned many things about this project and it's future.
I liked this part, was this were the wisdom you dropped on us came from?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Behold! Pantheon's producer:

Alright, I did it. I entered the ABNA contest with my 2011 #NaNoWriMo novel. It's official. Pray that the Lord's will be done.
I'm submitting a Christian book to a secular contest. What I am really praying for is that during the judging process my book will reach someone for the Lord. Thanks for the prayers!
The new cover photo I just uploaded is a computer generated render of a vision that I had last year of the sky in heaven.
This could really turn it around for ... ... ???????