Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh I feel ya bro, I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if he attempts suicide. It's even statistically probable that he does.
That's really not our fault. We can't help if he chooses to come here and read what is said. Being faced with your bad decisions sucks but we all have to do it.

If he can't realize that making games might not be for him and start looking for real work, than that falls right back on him. He's not entitled to that level of lifestyle.. Regardless of what he or Kyn thinks;-)


That's really not our fault. We can't help if he chooses to come here and read what is said. Being faced with your bad decisions sucks but we all have to do it.

If he can't realize that making games might not be for him and start looking for real work, than that falls right back on him. He's not entitled to that level of lifestyle.. Regardless of what he or Kyn thinks;-)
We still have no proof that hes even done any actual work other then just being an ideas guy (as in porting other game ideas into his own). I'd assume even for his early work on warwizard he was still a ideas guy and Steve did the programming with Miles doing the art work. What other work could he possibly get?


Its definitely not our fault. I think he'll be happy as long as he can work on games but it's inevitable pantheon will end, there's too much damage done. Even if he manages to finish the game this isn't 1999 anymore and if vanguard wasnt a success pantheon doesn't stand a chance in hell.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Don't feel bad. After essentially a decade of accumulating the background information of Everquest and it's related personalities the conclusion almost everyone has arrived at is Everquest was good despite Brad McQuaid and not because of it. As I stated previously, this is a guy who has slipped through the cracks and made a decent lifestyle essentially on accident. Most people lacking agency, ability, cleverness, or capability have to go through life digging ditches, nailing shingles, or picking blueberries for a living, some people who should be doing these sort of things accidentally float out of this caste and capitalize off of other people's efforts.

Like wtf does Brad do? He can't code or make videos or write lore or make concept art, he can't manage communities or employees or money. Go get a reflective vest, a hard hat, and dig a fucking ditch.

Just because Brad became accustom to a certain lifestyle this mistake allowed, then managed to be a complete soup sandwich clusterfuck ever since does not afford him pity, especially with the level of hubris he continues to display.


Triggered Happy
Brad outright runs away from the problems, when he does surface it's a complete load of shit he talks - Vanguard, never went into the office for a year - been meeting investors to save the game. Pantheon meeting investors/coding so not been around much will be more in the future...Not to mention whilst he lives in his million dollar house he doesn't have the courage to put anything of his own on the line for Pantheon, yet will gladly take your money and the volunteers time. Will any of them see a buck if the project works out - not on your nelly.


Don't feel bad. After essentially a decade of accumulating the background information of Everquest and it's related personalities the conclusion almost everyone has arrived at is Everquest was good despite Brad McQuaid and not because of it. As I stated previously, this is a guy who has slipped through the cracks and made a decent lifestyle essentially on accident. Most people lacking agency, ability, cleverness, or capability have to go through life digging ditches, nailing shingles, or picking blueberries for a living, some people who should be doing these sort of things accidentally float out of this caste and capitalize off of other people's efforts. Just because Brad became accustom to a certain lifestyle this mistake allowed, then managed to be a complete soup sandwich clusterfuck ever since does not afford him pity, especially with the level of hubris he continues to display.
I'd pretty much sure hes like hiring a uber guild leader to help you with ideas on making an mmo. He knows the game mechanics and how they should work but doesn't know how to program them into a game engine, write lore, do artwork or manage a team.


Got something right about marriage
I'd pretty much sure hes like hiring a uber guild leader to help you with ideas on making an mmo. He knows the game mechanics and how they should work but doesn't know how to program the into a game engine, write lore, do artwork or manage a team.
That's exactly what Blizzard did. It worked out well for them because the uber guild leaders were just idea men, not "CEO" and "President".

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Yeah but in reality he's in charge of everything (lol), not just a minor consultant. Likewise people like Furor displayed organizational, management, and critical thinking skills.

Brad is like the snookie/kim kardashian/paris hilton of the MMO world.


Triggered Happy
Brad's more like the guy who was in an uber guild, stole the strats then went to another server and got a guild server firsts.


Yeah but in reality he's in charge of everything (lol), not just a minor consultant. Likewise people like Furor displayed organizational, management, and critical thinking skills.

Brad is like the snookie/kim kardashian/paris hilton of the MMO world.
I'd like to know how good he even was in Sojourn to even think he had the awesome ideas to make great RPG games (since EQ is pretty much a straight rip of sojourn). I suppose he wasn't even at the level of uber guild leader since he couldn't even lead a team for VG. And WTH did smed even see in his ideas around 95 to use him to make his online RPG.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Brad's more like the guy who was in an uber guild, stole the strats then went to another server and got a guild server firsts.
That'd be accurate if Vanguard was a hit instead of a 9/11 level disaster.

Its more like Bad McQuaid's new server guild wipes on their first attempt at Vox, then he rages, robs the guild bank and guildremoves everyone.


That'd be accurate if Vanguard was a hit instead of a 9/11 level disaster.
Yeah it's more like he stole strats then tried to sell them to another server who didn't quite know much about him. Then just straight up disappeared when the strats didn't work because he's terrible at articulation.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
lol robs the guild bank, strips a character of a guild member that died irl, posts a badmcquaiddealwithit.gif on the guild message board then disbands everyone

p.s. dizzie thats your next assignment. ^^^


That'd be accurate if Vanguard was a hit instead of a 9/11 level disaster.

Its more like Bad McQuaid's new server guild wipes on their first attempt at Vox, then he rages, robs the guild bank and guildremoves everyone.
Vanguard had awesome ideas but they didn't quite work out when they got programmed into the game engine. Awesome ideas but can't do it yourself so you need to hire other people who might not fully get the ideas or they just don't work at all when programmed into the engine. He had good ideas but made bad calls on the technology aspect.


Trakanon Raider
If Brad cannot see where this is headed, he has much larger issues. I would just like to know his true motivation. Does he believe he's just too far into this to back out? Does he honestly believe that his reputation is salvageable only through completing this project? Maybe he honestly believes this is working out? He could be just bat-crazy and/or in denial?

I personally think he's aware of his surroundings and understands where Pantheon is heading. I fully expect in the coming months a massive white-flag letter stating how he tried and it didn't work. I think he's going to wait and see if there is truly someone out there willing to back this or if there is one final push of generosity during the holidays. Maybe he believes he can hold out and see if people will share their tax refunds. However, I also believe he's fishing for an alternative. He's attempting to find another opportunity for himself or maybe even a merger of his ideas teamed up with someone else that didn't make it off the ground. I'd say he's trying to let the crazies filter out before he makes any major moves.

Regardless this is hold on by a thread and who knows why and for how long but you can guarantee the clock is ticking before the towel is thrown in...