Parent Thread


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Most kids are good eaters, you just need to be persistent and not let a little bit of whining stop you from feeding whatever they are eating for that meal. As they get used to their whining having the desired effect, they will do it more.

Same thing with crying and picking them up. Pick them up sometimes, sure. But sometimes they need to be left on the ground and glared at, they can't get the idea that crying = get what I want. Pick them up if they are hurt or need to go somewhere or YOU want to cuddle with them, not because they cried out.

My sister in laws kids are so fucking spoiled now, you can't feed them without an ipad playing videos, or put the little one down for more than 5 minutes. They carry them too much and have entertained them too much, the kids are reliant on it now and it would be difficult to break them of it. While her kids are screaming and need 3 people to manage them, my kid is sitting alone in the feeding chair and eats fine.


Life's a Dream
I'm headed over to the Baltimore Aquarium on July 2nd. I have an appointment at Johns Hopkins University for my Rheumatoid Arthritis, so we're making a day of it and going to the aquarium at the same time.

I ended up buying a 1 year membership for $125. Buying a single ticket is $34.95 for an adult. If my wife and I go twice and bring our daughter (under 2), it already pays for itself. So I plan on scheduling all of my JHU trips around when she doesn't work so we can spend the day at the aquarium.

Good times.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The power of frozen blueberries (rinsed a couple seconds) on teething babes cannot be overstated. Or so my sample size of one says.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Busted out the frozen melon last night that we had in the freezer saved for smoothies. Cut into baby size pieces for our 14 month old that seems to be getting an entire mouth of teeth at the same time. Dinner has been transformed once again to a fun activity!!

All he wants is bread and cereal. He'll eat purees too but in terms of actual food just bread and cereal. We're having to almost force fruits these days.

I'm blaming teething.
We wound up not going to the aquarium - kiddo was WAY too fussy that day and my husband decided dropping 70 bucks on tix for him and I = nice idea but nah.

I've been to the Balt aquarium 3 times prior though - its REALLY nice. The shark walk down ramp thingy freaks me out.


Buzzfeed Editor
My girls LOVE the small mammal house at the National Zoo. We have been to the zoo 5 times or so, I think. The plan is to go again here in a couple of weeks, assuming it isn't a million degrees. It is a lot of walking but they always have a good time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After two days in the car, our saving grace was the animal sounds/pictures app on the iPad. Our daughter loved it and even learned how to swipe the damn thing herself. If it was an animal she liked, she would giggle at it, but if it was something she didn't like, she swiped it away really fast. Now I have to try and wean her off being over-stimulated by technology probably and she's not even a year old.

ANYWAYS, a zoo trip is definitely in order this summer. She fucking loved that app.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the tip on animal sounds/pictures! Will check it out tonight. Will be making a cross country move, so anything to keep the babies occupied.

Question, now that it's summer time everywhere...

Anyone have any kind of hose hook up water features in their back yard that they have good experiences with? We have an in ground pool (live in AZ, so it's a must) but was thinking more of things along the lines of the splash pads we have around town.

Sometimes I'd love to be able to hook up the hose, and let him get wet and play, since he loves water, but without having to go "swimming".


Molten Core Raider
Anyone use a noggle? I was thinking about buying one since it is so damn hot where I live.

Also has anyone tried baby led weaning? My wife wants to try it, sounds like real hippie shit to me.

We did a combination of baby led weaning and purees. Honestly the win condition is your kid eating. I think people who get wrapped up in what philosophy to follow when feeding their kid need to calm the fuck down. Feed your kid. The end.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
We did a combination of baby led weaning and purees. Honestly the win condition is your kid eating. I think people who get wrapped up in what philosophy to follow when feeding their kid need to calm the fuck down. Feed your kid. The end.
There are philosophies? I just put shit in his mouth, and he eats it. Sometimes he doesn't like it, and I try other shit. Then, we go play.

Basically I agree with you. +1


2 Minutes Hate
My wife weened our daughter, and it was incredibly easy. Really rough on my wife, but it seemed like my kid did not give a fuck after a day or two. We went from 3 times a day to morning and sometimes in the middle of the day, to just mornings to nothing. My wife does an awesome job feeding my kid all sorts of different foods. 14 months old and she's chowing down quishe and steamed broccoli or cucumber, tomato and cottage cheese.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
We did a combination of baby led weaning and purees. Honestly the win condition is your kid eating. I think people who get wrapped up in what philosophy to follow when feeding their kid need to calm the fuck down. Feed your kid. The end.
Agreed. This thread got me all rustled recently because I was like shit, my baby isn't eating hardly any of the stuff these other babies are! He was like addicted to mac and cheese, and we'd try all sorts of veggies and fruits, and he wouldn't eat it. I was kind of worried. Then I chilled out and realized that he actually does get a variety, and is far from starving, so all is well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We tried to give our daughter cottage cheese the other day... first time I've seen her gag on food since we first introduced food beyond purees.