Parent Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
You crammed an alien parasite into her stomach with your concentrated evil stick, she will always have a reason to hate you.


Molten Core Raider
Sounds like my so. At 1 month minus the rolling part, although he can roll onto his side already. Dude is loud as fuck too.

Of course I'm dealing with a crying mom today because she Googled some breast feeding info and has determined she's doing it all wrong, so she changes it up and he's In screaming fits. Even though he gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks, she felt the need to alter her feeding method.

I am so glad I'm going back to work tomorrow. If I come home and the house isn't on fire it will be a miracle.
Women so crazy.

I agree it's all the internet's fault. I was at one point also considering just turning off the wifi on the router.


Buzzfeed Editor
As far as camping goes - we did hardcore camping with kids still in diapers. Went with one still in diapers canoe-camping (use a canoe to get from site to site every day, went for 9 days). Had to carry everything. We actually used cloth diapers to great effect, and it all was quite a lot of fun. If you're going to a place you can drive to and has bathrooms around the corner, no big deal, and a lots of fun. Beach, hikes, playgrounds, sleeping in a fun tent with your parents, and roasted marshmallows.

I recommend family camping. Yup. It's work. It's more fun work than just hanging out at home, though.
Yeah I am really excited. Fishing, hiking, shit I haven't done since I was a kid. I'm taking my time to plan it really well and buy all the gear I will need, since if this goes well that will lead to future trips. The only thing I foresee being a pain in the ass is having to cart my youngest to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Potty training is still new to her so hopefully by labor day that will be calmed down a bit.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yeah I am really excited. Fishing, hiking, shit I haven't done since I was a kid. I'm taking my time to plan it really well and buy all the gear I will need, since if this goes well that will lead to future trips. The only thing I foresee being a pain in the ass is having to cart my youngest to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Potty training is still new to her so hopefully by labor day that will be calmed down a bit.
Good luck. Camping with kids is awesomesauce.


Karazhan Raider
Just had the 10 week ultrasound, still rocking 4 little dudes in there. This is going to be an adventure...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Good luck. Camping with kids is awesomesauce.
Can't wait to start camping with mine. 9 months, and 2 years old. The curiosity of my 2 year old, and the fearlessness that goes with it, it freakin' awesome. Already go hiking with him a few different times, and he's a trooper...

... until he gets tired, and lays on the ground and won't move... lol


A Mod Real Quick
Wife went to the lactation specialist finally. Kid gained another 8 ounces between Friday and Monday. Kid is a fucken beast on the tit

He's latching funny, and doing some weird shit she had never seen before, but said to stick with it and avoid supplementing as he's gaining crazy weight. His cluster feeding is a little outrageous now too. Kid is almost 9 pounds, left the hospital 3.5 weeks ago at just under 6 pounds.


A Mod Real Quick
Kid is still a major pain in the ass. If he's not eating and he's awake, he's screaming his head off. He's much more alert now though, so it's nice to see the dude looking around and trying to figure everything out. He loves the fuck out of the ceiling fans. His first non-bowel related smile was definitely watching the fan move. One day we couldn't soothe him at all, noticed the fan was off, turned it on and the guy fell asleep looking at it.

Yesterday was good though. We woke up and I started playing like I was stealing his nose. He started doing these huge smiles and little tiny laughs/coughs. It was pretty damn awesome to see, I have to say. Made me realize that even though he's got something crazy going on making him cry all day, there's a person in there that is starting to see happiness.

One thing the doctor is concerned about is a small bit of Strawberry Hemangioma on the top of his head. She actually said she had never seen it present itself there (right on the soft spot). They're going to look at it next week again, but they might need to do an ultrasound to make sure it's not growing downwards into his head, since it's right on the soft spot. Kind of scary. Also if you have a baby don't google strawberry hemangioma.. I can't even imagine if my little dude looked like that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We started potty training yesterday. The worst part is that my daughter will pee and have an accident but then when we put her on the toilet, she doesn't know what to do.

well that was yesterday and today other than a couple little accidents (and one big one) she had either run to my wife or run to the toilet everytime she has to go. 5 pees and 1 poop in the toilet so far.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So my son is a little over 2, and my wife decided to have him checked for speech delay, and the first appointment was today. This was just an eval, and it was determined that he should go see another doctor regarding speech delay? Some kind of admittance into the "kids not talking" club?

Wasn't all that for it, until my wife said something that my son gets frustrated that he can't talk. Makes sense, I've heard many times where kids get mad because they don't know how to communicate what they are feeling? I don't really care if my kid talks are not, as I figure he'll talk when he wants too, but if he's not talking, but really wants too, then I suppose that's cool, and we can help him a long a little.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Seems like I know more and more people bringing in their sons for speech delay lately.
We haven't heard back yet, but were supposed to make appointments with a speech therapist. I guess I just look at it like some kids pick up on speaking very easily, and others not so much? who knows.


Buzzfeed Editor
My two youngest daughters both had speech delays. My middle girl wasn't that bad, she got evaluated, ending up being a hearing problem, she got tubes in her ears and her speech took off. My youngest though, pretty bad speech problem. She was trying to talk but then she would get pissed off and act out because she got frustrated when people couldn't understand her, or she would just stay quiet and not talk because it embarrassed her. I think the things that helped were moving her to a better pre-school, speech therapy for sure, and taking extra time with her to A: force her to talk, none of this pointing shit and B: understanding her. B is the hard part. She is still receiving speech therapy for her intelligibility, but she is on par with her age group for speech and language now so it really did make a difference.

In both cases, this sounds stupid even typing it but it was true, it was kind of an ego hit for me. I was always the smart kid, always top of the class, always prided myself in that. I just expected my kids to automagically be the same, and hearing the words "concerns" and "developmental delays" and stuff like that, it was hard at first.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Anyone else spend a lot of time thinking about the impact you can have on your child? Growing up we all knew families who raised kids with dramatically different results. Some kids grew up to be useless, others grew up to be successful. Some grew up with relationship problems, others grew up to be really well adjusted socially. I feel like there is this massive dependency on nurture vs nature and I don't even know how it works.


A Mod Real Quick
I've been sort of reflecting on how my parents raised us, because obviously I want the best for my son. My parents wanted the same thing I'm sure. They raised us to be independent thinkers, hard workers, and realists. I grew up playing video games or playing outside all day long, with my parents not really coddling us or spoiling us. We worked hard for an allowance and have had jobs since we were 16. Me and my brother are both pretty successful now after being freeloading shit bags for like 8 years living at my mothers after high school. We turned out ok. Trying to dissect how I was raised just leaves me with more questions than answers.

I think the best thing you can do is be there for your kids when they need it and allow them to grow on their own when they want it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've been thinking often about the same subjects, noodle. I have a 3yr old daughter and a 1yr old son. The biggest thing I've noticed that is different these days is how limiting and fearful parents are of any physical harm. No more kids on bigwheels, no older kids walking or riding bikes in packs, and certainly no swarms of cops n robbers circling with cap guns. Boxing and Karate now have no contact to the head, 'light contact to the body' until 14, hours of explaining to kids how to wear their fucking football helmets and so on. Certainly no kids going fishing or simply exploring on their own. I tend to be lenient with my own kids and the ton of older nieces and nephews I've babysat for from time to time, the one thing I won't budge on is if they are assholes to each other, or being spoiled. As far as adventure is concerned I will let them do whatever I think they can handle, and holy shit does it make neighbors or family panic.